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International civil procedural law
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International civil procedural law
Study: Public international law and private international law - 3. semester
Code: 166906
ECTS: 5.0
Course coordinators: prof. dr. sc. Hrvoje Sikirić
prof. dr. sc. Vilim Bouček
prof. dr. sc. Davor Adrian Babić
Basic data
International civil procedural law Public international law and private international law - 3. semester
5.0 166906
Lecturer in charge Consultations Location
prof. dr. sc. Hrvoje Sikirić

Tuesdays, 16-17.30 h.

Ćirilometodska 4, room 5
prof. dr. sc. Vilim Bouček

Tuesdays, 15.45-17.15 h.

Ćirilometodska 4, room 4
prof. dr. sc. Davor Adrian Babić

Tuesdays, 10-11.30.

Ćirilometodska 4, room 21
REQUIRED: Vuković, Đ./ Kunštek, E.; Međunarodno građansko postupovno pravo; (2005), str
REQUIRED: Sajko, K.; Uredba Europskog vijeća br. 44/2001. o sudskoj nadležnosti, priznanju i ovrsi odluka u građanskim i trgovačkim predmetima iz 2000.; Zbornik PFZ, br. 3-4, 2003. (2003), str. 653 - 670
REQUIRED: Sikirić, H.; Uredba Europskog Vijeća br. 2201/2003 od 27. studenoga 2003. o nadležnosti i priznanju i ovrsi odluka u bračnim predmetima i predmetima roditeljske odgovornosti i o ukidanju Uredbe (EZ) br. 1347/2000, u: "Europski sudski prostor"; (2005), str
REQUIRED: Kropholler, J./Hein, J.; Europaeisches Zivilprozessrecht, 10. Aufl.; (2017), str
REQUIRED: Briggs, A./Rees, P.; Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments, London, 5. ed.; (2009), str
REQUIRED: Report by Mr. P. Jenard and Mr. G. Moeller on the Convention on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters done at Lugano on 16 September 1988, OJ C 189 p. 57 1990/7/28; , str
RECOMMENDED: Schlosser, P./Hess, B.; EU-Zivilprozessrecht, 4. Aufl.; (2015), str
RECOMMENDED: Geimer, R.; Internationales Zivilprozessrecht, 7. Aufl.; (2014), str
RECOMMENDED: Jayme, E. (Hrsg.); Ein internationales Zivilverfahrensrecht fuer Gesamteuropa; (1992), str
RECOMMENDED: Czernich, D./ Tiefenthaler, S./ Kodek, G. E.; Kurzkommentar - Europaeisches Gerichtsstandsund Vollstreckungsrecht, 4. Aufl.; (2015), str
RECOMMENDED: Gaudemet Tallon, H.; Competence et execution des jugements en Europe, 5. ed.; (2015), str
RECOMMENDED: Babić, D.; Posebna nadležnost za ugovorne sporove prema članku 5. stavak 1. Uredbe (EZ) 44/2001, u: "Europski sudski prostor"; (2005), str
RECOMMENDED: Tepeš, N.; Određivanje nadležnosti u potrošačkim sporovima u elektroničkoj trgovini - europska i hrvatska pravna rješenja; Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu (2005), str. 29-78
RECOMMENDED: A. S. Bell; Forum Shopping and Venue in Transnational Litigation; (2003), str
RECOMMENDED: Schlosser, P.; Jurisdiction and International Judicial and Administrative Co-operation; Recueil des Cours de l'Academie de droit international, 2000., t. 284, (2000), str. 218 ff
RECOMMENDED: Volken, P.; Internationale Rechtshilfe in Zivilsachen; Schweizerisches Jahrbuch fuer internationales Recht, Vol. 37, 1981. (1981), str. p. 109
RECOMMENDED: Volken, P.; Die internationale Rechtshilfe in Zivilsachen; Schulthess Polygraphischer Verlag (1996), str. p. 228
RECOMMENDED: Report by Mr. P. Jenard on the Convention of 27 September 1968 on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters, OJ C 59 p. 1 1979/5/3,; , str
RECOMMENDED: Report by Professor Dr Peter Schlosser on the Convention of 9 October 1978 on the Association of the Kingdom opf Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Convention on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters an to the Protocol on its interpretation by the Court of Justice OJ C 59 p. 71 1979/5/3,; , str
Exam dates