Sociology of Croatian Society
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Sociology of Croatian Society
Study: Civil Law - 9. semester
Commercial Law - 9. semester
Constitutional-Administrative - 9. semester
Criminal Law - 9. semester
International Law - 9. semester
The European Union Law - 9. semester
Code: 61361
ECTS: 4.0
Course coordinators: prof. dr. sc. Siniša Zrinščak
doc. dr. sc. Stjepka Popović
Lecturers: dr. sc. Mateja Čehulić - Lectures
Exam dates:
  • 08. 07. 2024.
  • 26. 08. 2024.
  • 09. 09. 2024.
Exam registration: Studomat
Basic data
Sociology of Croatian Society Civil Law - 9. semester
Commercial Law - 9. semester
Constitutional-Administrative - 9. semester
Criminal Law - 9. semester
International Law - 9. semester
The European Union Law - 9. semester
4.0 61361
Lecturer in charge Consultations Location
prof. dr. sc. Siniša Zrinščak

Tuesdays 11-12 pm

Trg Republike Hrvatske 3, room 16
doc. dr. sc. Stjepka Popović Trg Republike Hrvatske 3, room 305/III
Lecturer Consultations Location
dr. sc. Mateja Čehulić (Lectures) Trg Republike Hrvatske 3, room 305/III
RECOMMENDED: Ilišin, Vlasta; Bouillet, Dejana; Gvozdanović, Anja; Potočnik, Dunja; Mladi u vremenu krize = Youth in Time of Crisis; Institut za društvena istraživanja; Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (2013), str. 358
RECOMMENDED: Josip Županov; Od komunističkog pakla do divljeg kapitalizma; Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada (2002), str. 301
RECOMMENDED: Inga Tomić Koludrović; Pomak prema modernosti. Žene u Hrvatskoj u razdoblju zrele tranzicije; Naklada Jesenki i Turk / Hrvatsko sociološko društvo (2015), str. 325
Subject Sociology of the Croatian society, students acquire basic knowledge about the development of modern Croatian society and key areas that outline the Croatian society today.
The course will deal with issues of political and civic transition and the influence of globalization on Croatian opportunities, as a context that influenced and shaped the social image of Croatia. The course deals with topics of value and national identity, religiosity, social stratification, gender issues and youth policy, education and the role of the media.
Exam dates
08. 07. 2024.
26. 08. 2024.
09. 09. 2024.