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Legal Position of Foreign Citizens in Croatian and Comparative Laws
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Legal Position of Foreign Citizens in Croatian and Comparative Laws
Study: Public Law and Public Administration - 1., 2., 3. semester
Code: 166988
ECTS: 3.0
Course coordinators: prof. Jasna Omejec
prof. dr. sc. Marko Šikić
Lecturers: prof. dr. sc. Lana Ofak - Lectures
prof. dr. sc. Frane Staničić - Lectures
Basic data
Legal Position of Foreign Citizens in Croatian and Comparative Laws Public Law and Public Administration - 1., 2., 3. semester
3.0 166988
Lecturer in charge Consultations Location
prof. Jasna Omejec

Tuesday from 18:30 to 20:00

Ćirilometodska 4, room 10 / prizemno
prof. dr. sc. Marko Šikić

Wdenesdays from 4PM-5:30PM

Ćirilometodska 4, room 25, I. kat
Lecturer Consultations Location
prof. dr. sc. Lana Ofak (Lectures)

Mondays from 9:30 - 11:00 PAM

Ćirilometodska 4, room 3/prizemno
prof. dr. sc. Frane Staničić (Lectures)

Tuesdays from 10.15 AM - 11.45 AM

Ćirilometodska 4, room 11/prizemno
REQUIRED: Staničić, F.; Policijsko upravno pravo; Narodne novine (2015), str
REQUIRED: Lalić Novak, G.; Sustav azila u Republici Hrvatskoj: dosadašnji razvoj i moguće perspektive, u: Župarić-Iljić, D. (ur.) Prvih deset godina razvoja sustava azila u Hrvatskoj (s osvrtom na sustave azila u regiji; Institut za migracije i narodnosti; Centar za mirovne studije, Kuća ljudskih prava (2013), str. 14-32
REQUIRED: Lalić Novak, G.; Europeizacija hrvatskoga sustava azila: mehanizmi i instrumenti utjecaja Europske unije na javne politike i institucije; Društvena istraživanja (2013), str. 237-255
REQUIRED: Šprajc, I.; Pravni položaj stranaca u Republici Hrvatskoj - javnopravni aspekt; (1999), str
REQUIRED: Didier B., Elspeth G. (eds.); Controlling frontiers: free movement into and within Europe; Asghate (2007), str
REQUIRED: Van der Mei, A. P; Free Movement of Persons within the European Community (Cross-Border Access to Public Benefits); Oxford-Portland (2003), str
REQUIRED: Anderson, M - Apap, J; Police and Justice Co-operation and the New European Borders; The Hague-London-New York (2002), str
REQUIRED: Gutzwiller, Baumgartner; Schweizerisches Auslaenderrecht (2.Aufl.); (1997), str
RECOMMENDED: Anderson, M - Apap, J; Police and Justice Co-operation and the New European Borders; The Hague-London-New York (2002), str
RECOMMENDED: Aviani, D.; Upravni aspekti pravnog statusa stranaca u Republici Hrvatskoj, Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu, 30(1993), 1.; (1993), str
RECOMMENDED: Boehning, W; Studies in International Labour Migration; (1984), str
RECOMMENDED: Cohen, R (ed); The Cambridge survey of world migration; (1995), str
RECOMMENDED: Cesarani, D - Fulbrook, M (eds); Citizenship, Nationality and Migration in Europe; (1996), str
RECOMMENDED: Dunne, M - Bonazzi, T (eds); Citizenship and Rights in Multicultural Societies; (1995), str
RECOMMENDED: Goodwin-Gill, G.S; International Law and the Movement of Persons between States; Oxford (1978), str
RECOMMENDED: Končar, P; Mednarodno delovno pravo; (1993), str
RECOMMENDED: Kritz, M.M - Lim, L.L. - Zlotnik, H; International Migration Systems (A Global Approach); Oxford (1992), str
RECOMMENDED: Mesić, M; Međunarodne migracije (tokovi i teorije); (2002), str
RECOMMENDED: Pellonpaa, M; Expulison in International Law; (1984), str
RECOMMENDED: Butterworts handbook on immigration law; (2001), str
RECOMMENDED: Shell, Debie et al.; US Immigration and Citizenship; (2003), str
RECOMMENDED: Aleinikoff T.A.; Immigration process and policy; St.Paul, Minnesota, više izdanja, str
RECOMMENDED: ed. R.Plender; Basic documents on international migration law; Hague, Boston, London (1997), str
RECOMMENDED: Council of Europe achievements in the field of law - Nationality; (1997), str
RECOMMENDED: Frowein J.A.-Wolf J. (Hrsg); Auslanderrech im internationalen vergleich; Heidelberg (1985), str
RECOMMENDED: Gulbrenkian P.-Badoux T. ed.; Immigration law nad business in Europe; London, NY, Brisbane, Toronto, Singapure (1993), str
RECOMMENDED: Jadoul-Mignon (dir.); Le droit des etrangers; (1993), str
RECOMMENDED: Lilich R. B.; The human rights of aliens in contemporary international law; Manchester, str
RECOMMENDED: Nguyen van Yen, C; Droit de l' immigration; Paris (1986), str
RECOMMENDED: Weissbrodt, D.; Immigration law and procedure; , str
Exam dates