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Local Self-Government and Decentralisation
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Local Self-Government and Decentralisation
Study: Public Law and Public Administration - 2. semester
Code: 166964
ECTS: 3.0
Course coordinators: prof. dr. sc. Ivan Koprić
prof. dr. sc. Gordana Marčetić
Lecturers: izv. prof. dr. sc. Jasmina Džinić - Lectures
prof. dr. sc. Vedran Đulabić - Lectures
prof. dr. sc. Anamarija Musa - Lectures
izv. prof. dr. sc. Mihovil Škarica - Lectures
Basic data
Local Self-Government and Decentralisation Public Law and Public Administration - 2. semester
3.0 166964
Lecturer in charge Consultations Location
prof. dr. sc. Ivan Koprić Trg Republike Hrvatske 3, room Trg Republike Hrvatske 3, Dekanat /Dean's Office
prof. dr. sc. Gordana Marčetić

Thursdays at 13:30-15:00h

Ćirilometodska 4, room 26
Lecturer Consultations Location
izv. prof. dr. sc. Jasmina Džinić (Lectures) Gundulićeva 10, room Gundulićeva 10, soba 3a
prof. dr. sc. Vedran Đulabić (Lectures)

Fridays at 13:00-14:30h

Ćirilometodska 4, room 29
prof. dr. sc. Anamarija Musa (Lectures)

Thursday u 11.30 online or room 32 (ĆM4), please sign up by e-mail 

Ćirilometodska 4, room 32
izv. prof. dr. sc. Mihovil Škarica (Lectures)

Tuesdays at 15:30-17:00h

Ćirilometodska 4, room 42
REQUIRED: I. Koprić i drugi; Upravna znanost - javna uprava u suvremenom europskom kontekstu.; Pravni fakultet (2014), str
REQUIRED: Dvadeset godina lokalne i područne (regionalne) samouprave u Hrvatskoj: razvoj, stanje i perspektive. U: V. Đulabić (ur.) Lokalna samouprava i lokalni izbori.; Institut za javnu upravu (2013), str. 3-56
REQUIRED: I. Koprić; Zašto i kakva reforma lokalne i regionalne samouprave, Perspektive br. 4., god. 5/2015; Isti tekst u: HKJU-CCPA 15(4/2015): 993-998.; (2015), str. 40-45
REQUIRED: I. Koprić; Teritorijalna organizacija Hrvatske: prema novom uređenju. U: Nova upravno-teritorijalna organizacija Hrvatske (zbornik skupa, ur. J. Barbić); HAZU (2015), str. 21-44
REQUIRED: Ustav (čl. 4 te odredbe o mjesnoj, lokalnoj i područnoj/regionalnoj samoupravi); , str
REQUIRED: Zakon o lokalnoj i područnoj (regionalnoj) samoupravi; , str
REQUIRED: Zakon o lokalnim izborima; , str
REQUIRED: Zakon o Gradu Zagrebu; , str
RECOMMENDED: Gargan, John J. (ed.); Handbook of Local Government Administration; Marcel Dekker Inc. (1997), str
RECOMMENDED: Caulfield, Janice, Helge O. Larsen (eds.); Local Government at the Millenium; Opladen: Leske Budrich (2002), str
RECOMMENDED: Baldersheim, Harald, Michal Illner, Hellmut Wollmann (eds.); Local Democracy in Post-Communist Europe; Opladen: Leske Budrich (2003), str
RECOMMENDED: Norton, Alan; International Handbook of Local and Regional Government; A Comparative Analysis of Advanced Democracies.; Edward Elgar (1994), str
RECOMMENDED: Gidlund, Jan-Erik, Magnus Jerneck (eds.); Local and Regional Governance in Europe: Evidence from Nordic Regions; Edward Elgar (2000), str
RECOMMENDED: Horvath, Tamas M. (ed.); Decentralization: Experiments and Reforms; Budapest: LGI (2000), str
RECOMMENDED: Kandeva, Emilia (ed.); Stabilization of Local Governments; Budapest: LGI (2001), str
RECOMMENDED: Peteri, Gabor (ed.); Mastering Decentralization and Public Administration Reforms in Central and Eastern Europe; Budapest: LGI (2002), str
RECOMMENDED: Marcou, Gerard (ed.); Regionalization for Development and Accession to the European Union; Budapest: LGI (2002), str
RECOMMENDED: Swianiewicz, Pawel (ed); Consolidation or Fragmentation? The Size of Local Governments in Central and Eastern Europe; Budapest: LGI (2002), str
RECOMMENDED: Pratchett, Lawrence, David Wilson (eds.); Local Democracy and Local Government. Houndmills and London: MacMillan Press. Pratchett, Lawrence (ed.) (2000) Renewing Local Democracy?; London, Portland: Frank Cass, str
RECOMMENDED: Zimmerman, Joseph F.; State-Local Relations. Westport and London: Praeger. Gal, Kinga (ed.) (2002) Minority Governance in Europe; Budapest: LGI (1995), str
RECOMMENDED: Peteri, Gabor, Tamas M. Horvath (eds.); Navigation to the Market. Regulation and Competition in Local Utilities in Central and Eastern Europe; Budapest: LGI (2003), str
RECOMMENDED: Pavić, Željko; Od antičkog do globalnog grada; Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu (2001), str
RECOMMENDED: Ivanišević, Stjepan; Izvršni sloj u lokalnoj upravi; Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu (1987), str
RECOMMENDED: Ramljak, Milan; Centralna i lokalna uprava u razvoju; Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu (1982), str
RECOMMENDED: Petak, Zdravko, Mirjana Kasapović, Dražen Lalić; Lokalna politika u Hrvatskoj; Fakultet političkih znanosti (2004), str
RECOMMENDED: Pusić, Eugen; Upravljanje u suvremenoj državi; Društveno veleučilište (2002), str. 66-97
Exam dates