
Institutes are organisational units which consist of several Chairs and have the status of Faculty branches. The Institutes organise and conduct scientific research and highly professional work in the sphere of legal sciences which comprise scientific disciplines within the Institutes.

Institute of International and Comparative Law

Address: Ćirilometodska 4, Zagreb 10000, CROATIA

Institute of Administrative and Political Sciences

Address: Ćirilometodska 4, Zagreb 10000, CROATIA

Institute of Criminal Law Sciences, Criminology and Victimology

Address: Trg Republike Hrvatske, Zagreb 10000, CROATIA

Institute of Commercial Law and the Law of International Trade, Economics and Finance

Address: Trg Republike Hrvatske 14, Zagreb 10000, CROATIA

Institute of Civil Law Sciences and Family Law

Address: Trg Republike Hrvatske 3, Zagreb 10000, CROATIA

Institute of the History of Law and State.

Address: Ćirilometodska 4, Zagreb 10000, CROATIA

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