Katedra za financijsko pravo i financijsku znanost

Katedra za financijsko pravo i financijsku znanost ima čast ugostiti profesora Joachim Englisch-a kao gostujućeg predavača.

Profesor će održati sljedeća predavanja:

"The new Commission approach in applying the State aid provision to tax rulings" 18. siječnja 2016. godine u 9 sati, dvorana 7, Ćirilometodska ulica 4


"The new system of taxing B2C digital supplies" 19. siječnja 2016. godine u 9 sati, dvorana 4, Ćirilometodska ulica 4





Dr Joachim Englisch has studied law at the universities of Saarbruecken, Salamanca, and Cologne. After obtaining his PhD from Cologne University in 2004, he was awarded the ius docendi in tax law, public law, and European law in 2007. In the same year, Dr Englisch obtained a professorship for tax law and public law at the University of Augsburg. In 2010, he became the managing director of the institute for tax law at Muenster University. Besides, Dr Englisch serves as a visiting professor for LL.M. courses on international and European tax law at several European universities. He regularly supervises PhD candidates and he is also a member of several international doctoral committees. His main research interests are European tax law covering both, direct and indirect taxation, and constitutional aspects of tax law. Dr Englisch has published and lectured extensively on a broad range of topics related to European taxation, including on the State aid provisions of the European Treaties and on the harmonized system of VAT. He serves as appointed member of expert groups with the OECD and with the EU Commission, and advises national governments.

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