Roman Private Law
  1. Roman private law course will normally take place in the Winter semester 2021/2022.
  2. The date of the first meeting of the students attending the class in Roman private law, in order to give you general information about the class, literature, etc., will be announced here and in the Merlin (e-learning platform) as soon as the list of students participating in the course is received by the Department from the Erasmus office.
  3. Regularly, the classes will be held Thursdays from 16h (4PM), in hallroom 1, building in Ćirilometodska 4. 
  4. The colleagues who are considering or have already chosen to attend the lectures in Roman private law in the winter semester 2021/2022, if you have any questions concerning the class, are invited to send an e-mail to Assoc. Prof. Tomislav Karlovic at
  5. Reading materials will be provided in the class and sent by e-mail. Also, all the info will be given in Merlin (as will be agreed in the class).
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