Prof. Dr. Tamara Ćapeta earned her Ph.D. degree from the University of Zagreb Faculty of Law, Croatia in 2001, and her LL.M. degree from the College of Europe, Bruges in 1993. She was Fulbright visiting scholar at University of Michigan Law School in 2006. She is author/co-author of 7 books and a number of Articles. Tamara Ćapeta is professor of European public law at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Law, Zagreb, and holder of Jean Monnet Chair. Before, she was teaching at the Faculty of Economics (1997 – 2002), was research fellow at the Institute for International Relations (1994 – 1997), and was working in the Ministry for External Affairs (1992 – 1994). As of the entry of Croatia in the European Union til summer 2014 she worked in the Court of Justice of the European Union as a Head of Unit for translation into Croatian language. After the establishment of the Unit, she has return to the University of Zagreb, where she heads the department for EU public law. Her current reserach interests are constitutional aspects of European integration and legimitmacy of judges.
[Publikacations] [CV 2012 - EN]
Prof. dr. sc. Tamara Ćapeta doktorirala je na Pravnom fakultetu u Zagrebu 2001. godine, a magisterij je stekla na College of Europe u Bruggeu 1993.U 2006. boravila je kao Fulbright stipendistica na Sveučilištu Michigan, Ann Arbor. Autorica je ili koautor sedam knjiga i više znanstvenih članaka. Profesorica je na katedri za europsko javno pravo Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu te nositeljica Jean Monnet katedre . Prije toga, predavala je na Ekonomskom fakultetu u Zagrebu (1997 – 2002), bila znanstveni novak na Programu europskih integracija u Institutu za međunarodne odnose (1994 – 1997), te radila u Ministarstvu vanjskih poslova RH (1992 – 1994). Od ulaska Hrvatske u članstvo Europske unije do ljeta 2014. radila je na Sudu EU kao Voditelj odjela za prevođenje na hrvatsi jezik. Po uspostavi odjela, vratila se na Sveučilište u Zagrebu, gdje je trenutno predstojnica Katedre za europsko javno pravo. Njen trenutni istraživački interes uključuje ustavne aspekte europske integracije te legitimitet sudova.
[Popis radova] [CV 2012 - HR]