prof. dr. sc. Aleksandra Maganić
prof. dr. sc.
Aleksandra Maganić

Dr Aleksandra Maganić was born on 3 January 1967 in Zagreb. She completed her primary and secondary education in Osijek.

In 1985 she enrolled in the Faculty of Law, University of Osijek and obtained her Law Degree in 1989. As a student she was awarded the Rector's Prize for exceptional study results twice in 1987 and in 1988. Her grade point average was 4.86 (excellent).

In 1990 she was elected to the position of assistant at the Chair in Administrative Sciences at the Faculty of Law, University of Osijek. She commenced her postgraduate study programme in Business Law and Business Transactions at the Faculty of Law, University of Osijek and passed all exams. From 1990 to 1994 she worked as an assistant at the Chair in Administrative Sciences.

In 1995 she commenced her traineeship at the County Court in Osijek and in 1997 she passed the bar exam.

In July 1998 she resumed working at the Faculty of Law, University of Osijek and was elected to the position of junior researcher- assistant at the Chair in Civil Law and in February 2002 at the Chair in Civil Procedural Law.

After successful completion of her postgraduate study in civil law sciences with grade point average 4.8 (excellent) at the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb on 19 January 2005 she defended her master thesis The Rechtspfleger-Institute in German Law and Introduction of the Corresponding Office in the Republic of Croatia completed under the mentorship of Prof. Mihajlo Dika.

In September 2005 she was awarded a three-month grant by Max Planck Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht for the period from 1 May 2006 until 31 July 2006. Although she was awarded a two-month grant by the same institution for the period from 1 January 2007 until 28 February 2007, she stayed at the Institute until 27 March 2007.

She received her doctorate from the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb on 10 July 2008.

On 29 October 2008 she was elected to the position of senior assistant at the Chair in Civil Procedural Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Osijek.

She was elected to the position of assistant professor at the Chair in Civil Procedural Law of the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb on 1 January 2010 and to the position of associate professor on 2 December 2015.

She teaches the courses (lectures, seminars, exercises, holds consultations and exams) in Civil Procedural Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb. In addition, she co-teaches the courses of the civil law module i.e. Non-contentious Law and Law of Distraint and Notarial Law as well as the courses of the commercial law module i.e. Insolvency Law and an elective course in Organisation of the Judiciary.

Her teaching activities expand to the postgraduate study programme in civil law and family law sciences at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb and postgraduate study programme in company law and commercial law.

She has a teaching position at the postgraduate specialist study programme of Medical law at the Faculty of Law, University of Split.

She was a member of the Ministry of Justice Committee that drafted the Law on Amendments of the Civil Procedure Act of 2013 (Official Gazette 25/13), the member of the Ministry of Social Policy and Youth Committee on drafting Family Law in 2014 (Official Gazette 75/14) and the member of the Committee of the Ministry of Justice in drafting the Law on Non-contentious Proceeding.

Her professional activities also include cooperation with Max-Planck Institute in Hamburg, German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation (IRZ), the European Union of Rechtspfleger as well as with the Judicial Academy of the Republic of Croatia.

She has taken part both in national and international scientific and professional projects, conferences, seminars and workshops, lectured at a number of national and international scientific and professional meetings and organized and co-organized three international scientific conferences.

She is on the List of Arbitrators in Proceedings without an International Element and on the List of Arbitrators in Proceedings with an International Element before the Permanent Arbitration Court at the Croatian Chamber of Economy. She has been an arbitrator in a number of arbitration proceedings.

Since October 2013 she has been a member of the international editorial board of the journal „Societas et iurisprudentia“ published by the Faculty of Law, University of Trnava and is a member of the European Law Institute.

She has an active command of the German and English languages.


Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

Enforcement of real estate after Amendment to the Enforcement Act from 2020

Maganić, Aleksandra ; Ljubić, Boris
Informator : instruktivno-informativni list za ekonomska i pravna pitanja

Significant imbalance in the rights and obligations of the parties in consumer contracts

Maganić, Aleksandra
Informator : instruktivno-informativni list za ekonomska i pravna pitanja

Civil justice during the COVID-19 disease pandemic

Maganić, Aleksandra
Okrugli stol Primjena prava za vrijeme pandemije COVID-19

Jurisdiction - civil or administrative way?

Maganić, Aleksandra

Application of electronic technology in civil proceedings

Maganić, Aleksandra

Legal consequences of conversion

Maganić, Aleksandra
35. tradicionalno savjetovanje - Aktualnosti hrvatskog zakonodavstva i pravne prakse

Legal opinion of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Croatia about validity of a conversion contract

Maganić, Aleksandra
Pravo i porezi

The impact of the COVID-19 disease epidemic on court proceedings

Maganić, Aleksandra
Informator : instruktivno-informativni list za ekonomska i pravna pitanja

Jurisdiction - civil or administrative way?

Maganić, Aleksandra
Novosti u upravnom pravu i upravnosudskoj praksi

Legal consequences of conversion

Maganić, Aleksandra
36. tradicionalno savjetovanje Aktualnosti hrvatskog zakonodavstva i pravne prakse

The effectiveness of collective redress in Croatia: what we learned from the Franc case?

Maganić, Aleksandra
Lokalne tradicije i globalni razvoj: pravni, institucionalni i povijesni aspekti

Moratorium in enforcement - what's next?

Maganić, Aleksandra
Aktualnosti građanskog procesnog prava – nacionalna i usporedna pravnoteorijska i praktična dostignuća

Model proceedings or procedure for solving contested legal issues

Maganić, Aleksandra
Revija Kopaoničke škole prirodnog prava

Arbitration in Administrative Matters

Maganić, Aleksandra
Croatian arbitration yearbook

Resolving commercial disputes - litigation or arbitration?

Maganić, Aleksandra
Godišnjak Pravnog fakulteta u Sarajevu

Experiences of legal regulation of foundations in Austria and Germany

Maganić, Aleksandra

Advance directives in the Croatian legal system

Maganić, Aleksandra

Can the Enforcement Act be a social measure?

Maganić, Aleksandra
Informator : instruktivno-informativni list za ekonomska i pravna pitanja

Boundaries of arbitrability in administrative dispute resolution

Maganić, Aleksandra

Binding effect of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights

Maganić, Aleksandra

Model proceedings or procedure for solving contested legal issues

Maganić, Aleksandra
32. susret Kopaoničke škole prirodnoga prava "Pravo i snaga umnosti"

Application of electronic technology in civil proceedings

Maganić, Aleksandra
Novine u parničnom procesnom pravu

Public and private foundations - German, Austrian and Liechtenstein legal regulation

Maganić, Aleksandra
Zadužbine i fondacije u Crnoj Gori

New Enforcement Act - a step forward and two steps back

Maganić, Aleksandra
Upravaljanje potraživanjima

Dejudicialisation of the enforcement procedure in Croatia and some neighbouring countries

Maganić, Aleksandra
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

Legal regulation of advance directives in Croatian and Austrian legislation

Maganić, Aleksandra

Administrative dispute and litigation - differences and similarities

Maganić, Aleksandra

Does Croatia need a reform of the legal regulation of co-owners?

Maganić, Aleksandra

Possibility of resolving administrative matters by arbitration

Maganić, Aleksandra ; Dika, Mihajlo

Neverending Story about Swiss Franc

Maganić, Aleksandra
Law and Transition

Model proceeding between unique application of law and collective redress

Maganić, Aleksandra
Reforma parničnog postupka između brzine i kvalitete

Porcedural aspects of civil protection of environment

Maganić, Aleksandra
Građanskopravna zaštita okoliša

Arbitrability in German, Serbian and Croatian Law

Maganić, Aleksandra

Advance directive in German Law - de lege ferenda proposal for Croatia?

Maganić, Aleksandra
Aktualnosti građanskog procesnog prava - nacionalna i usporedna pravnoteorijska i praktična dostignuća

Competence for determine and conduct enforcement

Maganić, Aleksandra

Legal remedies in enforcement proceedings

Maganić, Aleksandra

Procedural aspects of civil environmental protection

Maganić, Aleksandra

Environmental protection - administrative and civil way of protection

Maganić, Aleksandra

The Never ending story of the swiss franc

Maganić, Aleksandra

Some Aspects of Maritime Arbitration in Croatian, English and German Law

Aras Kramar, Slađana ; Maganić, Aleksandra
2. Međunarodna konferencija transportnog prava i prava osiguranja – INTRANSLAW 2017 Zagreb: Transportno pravo ususret budućnosti

Modification of the Claim in Disputes on Compensation of Damage – Some Problems

Aras Kramar, Slađana ; Maganić, Aleksandra
Hrvatski dani osiguranja 2017

Is it permitted collective legal protection against providers of public services?

Maganić, Aleksandra

The practice of the European Court of Human Rights and the right to respect for home

Maganić, Aleksandra

Model procedure according to the 2016 Amandments of civil procedure law

Maganić, Aleksandra
Aktualnosti građanskog procesnog prava - nacionalna i usporedna pravnoteorijska i praktična dostignuća

Fast-Track Arbitration in the Zagreb Rules 2015

Maganić, Aleksandra

The practice of the European Court of Human Rights and the right to respect for home

Maganić, Aleksandra
Pravo na dom

Fast Track Arbitration - Inovation in Zagreb Rules

Maganić, Aleksandra
Preobrazba građanskog pravosuđa u Hrvatskoj i susjednim zemljama In memoriam Srećko Zuglia (1988.-1969.)

New Arbitration Rules

Maganić, Aleksandra
54. susret pravnika u Opatiji, Aktualnosti zakonodavstva i prakse

Model procedure according to the 2016 Amandments of civil procedure law

Maganić, Aleksandra
Aktualnosti građanskog procesnog prava - nacionalna i usporedna pravnoteorijska i praktična dostignuća

Zagreb Rules 2015 - News

Maganić, Aleksandra
Dvadesetčetvrti Hrvatski arbitražni dani

Fast-Track Arbitration in the Zagreb Rules 2015

Maganić, Aleksandra
Liber amicorum Gašo Knežević

Application of the rules of civil procedure in an administrative dispute

Maganić, Aleksandra ; Dika, Mihajlo

Application of the rules of civil procedure in an administrative dispute

Maganić, Aleksandra ; Dika, Mihajlo
Novosti u upravnom pravu i upravnosudskoj praksi

The legal nature of settlement before bankruptcy

Maganić, Aleksandra ; Damjanac, Bruno
Informator : instruktivno-informativni list za ekonomska i pravna pitanja

Non-contentious law with commentary, examples of forms for practical use, jurisprudence, notes and a collection of regulations + CD

Maganić, Aleksandra ; Šago, Dinka ; Jurić, Ana ; Vrljić, Darko

Time Limits for Decision Making in Arbitral Proceedings

Maganić, Aleksandra ; Ljubenko, Mićo
Croatian arbitration yearbook

New Regulation of Non-contentious Law in the Republic of Croatia

Maganić, Aleksandra
Informator : instruktivno-informativni list za ekonomska i pravna pitanja

New Directions in Non-contentious Law Reform in the Republic of Croatia

Maganić, Aleksandra

Legal Remedies against the Pre-Bankruptcy Settlement

Maganić, Aleksandra
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

Non-contentious Proceedings under the Law of Property (de lege lata, de lege ferenda)

Maganić, Aleksandra

Addressing construction disputes within the agreed deadline

Maganić, Aleksandra ; Mićo, Ljubenko

Elektronička komunikacija na građanskim sudovima: hrvatska i komparativna perspektiva

Maganić, Aleksandra
European Civil Justice as E-justice - Current Developments Regarding the Use of IT in the Civil Justice Systems of Croatia and Selected European Countries

Is it permitted collective legal protection against providers of public services?

Maganić, Aleksandra
Zaštita potrošača

Non-contentious Proceedings under the Law of Property (de lege lata, de lege ferenda)

Maganić, Aleksandra
Nekretnine 2015

Experiences of Law Faculty in Education Public Notaries and Public Bailiffs in the Croatia

Maganić, Aleksandra
Modeli edukacije javnih bilježnika i sudskih ovršitelja u jugoistočnoj Europi

New Directions in Non-contentious Law Reform in the Republic of Croatia

Maganić, Aleksandra
Aktualnosti građanskog procesnog prava - nacionalna i usporedna pravnoteorijska i praktična dostignuća

Addressing construction disputes within the agreed deadline

Maganić, Aleksandra ; Ljubenko, Mićo
Hrvatski graditeljski forum 2015

Swiss Franc Case as a Test of Effectiveness of Collective Legal Protection in the Croatia

Maganić, Aleksandra
Usklađivanje zakonodavstva s ACQUIS-em

Measures for protection of personal rights and welfare of the children in Austrian law

Maganić, Aleksandra

Collective redress in Croatian law

Maganić, Aleksandra

Basic features of collective redress

Maganić Aleksandra
Informator : instruktivno-informativni list za ekonomska i pravna pitanja

Basic features of collective redress II

Maganić, Aleksandra
Informator : instruktivno-informativni list za ekonomska i pravna pitanja

Protection of collective ineterest and consumer rights

Maganić, Aleksandra
52. susret pravnika u Opatiji 2014.

Videoconference in national law and EU Regulation

Maganić, Aleksandra
International scientific conference "Dimensions of evidence in European civil procedure"

The Current State of Use of Modern Technologies in Croatian Civil Litigation

Maganić, Aleksandra
Elektronička komunikacija i moderne tehnologije u parničnom postupku: dostava, dokazivanje, zapisivanje

New regulation of family non-contentious proceedings

Maganić, Aleksandra
Novo uređenje obiteljskih sudskih postupaka

Protection of collective ineterest and consumer rights

Maganić, Aleksandra
52. susret pravnika u Opatiji 2014.

New regulation of family non-contentious proceedings

Maganić, Aleksandra

Collective redress - National report of Croatia

Josipović, Tatjana ; Maganić, Aleksandra
Workshop: Collective Redress in South East Europe/Kolektivni mehanizmi zaštite prava u Jugoistočnoj Evropi

Notaries in electronic legal transactions

Maganić Aleksandra
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagr

Videoconferencing in german law of civil procedure

Maganić Aleksandra

The Role of Courts in Arbitral Proceedings

Maganić, Aleksandra
Croatian arbitration yearbook

Delivery of the Law on Amendments to the Law on Civil Procedure of the 2013

Maganić, Aleksandra

Various forms of unloading of the Croatian judiciary whether Croatia needs Rechtspflegers?

Maganić, Aleksandra ; Hraste Lara
Pravnik : časopis za pravna i društvena pitanja

Delivery - new requirement of electronic communication in civil litigation

Maganić Aleksandra
Nova organizacija parničnog sudovanja

The collective legal protection for consumers - a comparative analysis of solutions in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia

Maganić, Aleksandra
Harmonius School of Law, Pravna reforma u procesu pristupanja EU

Collective redress in Croatian law

Maganić, Aleksandra
Internationale wissenschaftliche Konferenz XI.Dies Luby Iurisprudentiae "Rechtsschutz des schwächeren Subjekts im Privatrecht"

Delivery - new requirement of electronic communication in civil litigation

Maganić, Aleksandra
Nova organizacija parničnog sudovanja - novi rokovi postupanja i obveze odvjetnika, pravnika u gospodarstvu i sudaca

Delivery of the Law on Amendments to the Law on Civil Procedure of the 2013

Maganić, Aleksandra
Novela Zakona o parničnom postupku i novi Zakon o sudovima

Effective Legal Protection in Fair Proceedings. The Challenges of Judicial Transformations. Liber amicorum Mihajlo Dika


Expert Determination

Maganić Aleksandra
Pravo u gospodarstvu

Judicial protection of right to parental care in the German legal system

Maganić, Aleksandra

Expert Determination

Maganić, Aleksandra
Croatian arbitration yearbook

The Role of Courts in Arbitral Proceedings

Maganić, Aleksandra
20. Hrvatski dani arbitraže i mirenja

Measures for protection of personal rights and welfare of the children in Austrian law

Maganić, Aleksandra
Represivne mjere za zaštitu osobnih prava i dobrobiti djeteta

Main Features of the Commisions Proposal for a New Brussel Regulation

Maganić, Aleksandra
XVIII Savjetovanje pravnika "Petar Simmoneti (vlasništvo-obveze-postupak)"

Legal Aid in Civil Matters between the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Macedonia

Maganić Aleksandra
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

New trends in non-contentious law (in the Voluntary Jurisdiction) in Austria and Germany and their impact on non-contentious law in the Republic of Croatia

Maganić Aleksandra

Reception of the Rechtspfleger in Eastern Europe: Prospects and Difficulties

Maganić, Aleksandra

Electronic civil proceeding

Maganić, Aleksandra

Electronic delivery, electronic recording, electronic case file

Maganić, Aleksandra
Novela Zakona o parničnom postupku od 13. svibnja 2011.

Electronic delivery

Maganić, Aleksandra
XVII međunarodno savjetovanje Vlasništvo-obveze-postupak

Sound record as evidence in civil proceeding

Maganić, Aleksandra
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija Contemporary Issues of Private International Law and European Private Law

Main Features of the Commisions Proposal for a New Brussel Regulation

Maganić, Aleksandra
International scientific conference "Acces to civil justice - cross-border civil proceedings in the EU"

European public document

Maganić, Aleksandra
Ljubljansko-zagrebški kolokvij "Evropeizacija civilnega procesnega prava"

Electronic delivery, electronic recording, electronic case file

Maganić, Aleksandra
Novela Zakona o parničnom postupku od 13. svibnja 2011.

Electronic civil proceeding

Maganić, Aleksandra
Savjetovanje Novosti u parničnom postupku - izmjene i dopune Zakona o parničnom postupku 2011.

Judicial protection of right to parental care and Judicial protection of parental rights and the role of Jugendamt (Centre for Social Welfare)in the German legal system

Maganić, Aleksandra
III.znanstveno-stručni interdisciplinarni skup "Pravna zaštita prava na (zajedničku)roditeljsku skrb"

Expedited Arbitration Proceedings

Dika, Mihajlo ; Maganić, Aleksandra
Pravo u gospodarstvu

Expedited Arbitration Proceedings - About Some Croatian Experiences

Dika, Mihajlo ; Maganić, Aleksandra
Croatian arbitration yearbook

Expert Determination

Dika, Mihajlo ; Maganić, Aleksandra
19. Hrvatski dani arbitraže i mirenja

Parcelling and Dissolution of the Joint Ownership of Agricultural Land

Maganić Aleksandra
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci

Introducing Rechtspfleger in Croatian law de lege ferenda

Maganić, Aleksandra
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija o institutu Rechtspfleger u njemačkom i austrijskom pravu

Reception of the Rechtspfleger in Eastern Europe: Prospects and Difficulties

Maganić, Aleksandra
Course and Conference Public and Private Justice

Legal Aid in Civil Matters between the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Macedonia

Maganić, Aleksandra
Zagrebačko-skopski kolokvij

Parcelling and Dissolution of the Joint Ownership of Agricultural Land

Maganić, Aleksandra
XVI. međunarodno savjetovanje Vlasništvo-obveze-postupak

Subjective and Objective Limits of Finality in Non-contentious Procedure in the Area of Proprietary Rights

Dika, Mihajlo ; Maganić, Aleksandra
Sodno varstvo pravic v civilnih zadevah- Nepravdni postopki v stvarnopravnih in stanovanjskih zadevah/Sudska zaštita prava u građanskim sporovima – Izvanparnični postupci u stvarnopravnim i stanarskim sporovima

Fast Track Arbitration

Dika, Mihajlo ; Maganić, Aleksandra
18. Hrvatski dani arbitraže i mirenja

Legal Means Against the Inefficient Judge

Maganić Aleksandra
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci

Legal Assistance of the Courts of Justice to Arbitration Tribunals

Maganić Aleksandra
Croatian arbitration yearbook

Protection of Personality Rights

Maganić Aleksandra

Procedural consumer protection in the Republic of Croatia

Maganić Aleksandra

Reform of Property Rights in the Croatian Family Law

Maganić Aleksandra

Civil forced hospitalisation

Maganić, Aleksandra
Znanstveni skup Aktualnosti zdravstvenog zakonodavstva i pravne prakse

Reform of Property Rights in the Croatian Family Law

Maganić, Aleksandra
X.Dies Luby -Iurisprudentiae, Die Reform des Privatrechts in Mittel und Osteuropa

Procedural consumer protection in the Republic of Croatia

Maganić, Aleksandra
Znanstveni skup Od caveat emptor do caveat venditor

Legal Means Against the Inefficient Judge

Maganić, Aleksandra
XV. Savjetovanje pravnika Vlasništvo-obveze-postupak

Rechtspfleger in Croatian Bankruptcy Law de lege ferenda

Maganić, Aleksandra
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija o hrvatskom, njemačkom i američkom stečajnom pravu - Aktualna pitanja

Dissolution of the joint ownership association

Maganić Aleksandra
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci

Arbitrability in Non-contentious Matters

Maganić Aleksandra
Croatian arbitration yearbook

Temporary Stay of Conduct of Out-of-court Proceedings

Maganić Aleksandra
Pravni život

Legal Assistance of the Courts of Justice to Arbitration Tribunals

Maganić Aleksandra
Pravo u gospodarstvu

General Institutions of Non-contentious Procedural Law ( A Comparative Analysis of Croatian, Austrian and German Non-contentious Procedural Law )

Maganić Aleksandra

Protection of Personality Rights

Maganić, Aleksandra
Trideset godina Zakona o obveznim odnosima - de lege lata i de lege ferenda

Dissolution of the joint ownership association

Maganić, Aleksandra
XIV. Savjetovanje pravnika "Vlasništvo-obveze-postupak"

Temporary Stay of Conduct of Out-of-court Proceedings

Maganić, Aleksandra
21.godina Kopaoničke škole prirodnoga prava - Pravo i međunarodne integracije

Legal Assistance of the Courts of Justice to Arbitration Tribunals

Maganić, Aleksandra
16. Hrvatski dani arbitraže i mirenja

Procedural aspects of relationship among flat owners

Maganić Aleksandra
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci

Source of non-contentious procedural law

Maganić Aleksandra
Kieler Ostrechts-Notizen

Arbitrability in non-contentious matters

Maganić Aleksandra
Pravo u gospodarstvu

Procedural aspects of relationship among flat owners

Maganić, Aleksandra
XIII. Savjetovanje pravnika "Vlasništvo-obveze-postupak"

Necessity of reform of the Croatian Non-Contentious Law

Maganić, Aleksandra
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Rijeci

Arbitrability in Non-contentious Matters

Maganić, Aleksandra
14.Hrvatski dani arbitraže i mirenja

Necessity of reform of the Croatian Non-Contentious Law

Maganić, Aleksandra
XII. Savjetovanje pravnika "Vlasništvo-obveze-postupak"

Land Register Officers According to Law on Revision of the Law on Land Register

Maganić, Aleksandra
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci

Land Register Officers According to Law on Revision of the Law on Land Register

Maganić, Aleksandra
XI. Savjetovanje pravnika "Vlasništvo-obveze-postupak"

Introducing Rechtspfleger in Croatia

Maganić, Aleksandra
Institucija "Rechtspfleger"