izv. prof. dr. sc. Ana Tokić Milaković
izv. prof. dr. sc.
Ana Tokić Milaković

Ana Tokić Milaković has graduated in psychology and obtained her PhD at the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb. She has been employed at the Social Work Study Centre of the Faculty of Law since 2007, where, within the Chair of Psychology, she teaches the courses Introduction to Psychology, Introduction to Psychology - Seminar, Social Psychology and Social Psychology – Seminar. She has been a mentor to many students during the preparation of their graduation theses.

As a research team member, she participated in several scientific research projects: Construction, development and standardization of psychological instruments (2006), Children, youth, families and social development in Croatia (2007), Characteristics of the family in Croatia and attitudes towards upbringing and use of repressive methods (2009), Educational paths and work careers of young people who have grown in poverty (2015). Since 2021, she has been the local supervisor of the international ERC project entitled Better safe than sorry? Identifying causes of overprotective parenting in a changing social world, which she carries out in collaboration with the University Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) (leader: S. van Petegem).

She has authored many papers in scientific journals (9 of which are cited in the WoS database) and a scientific monograph entitled Parents and children on the threshold of adolescence: a view from three angles, challenges and support. Her dominant research interests include developmental psychology, parenting and close relationships in the family. In accordance with being employed at the Social Work Study Centre, in the last few years her interest has been particularly focused on children and youth of vulnerable groups (young adults in poverty, children with developmental disabilities) and their families, as well as the area of evaluation of intervention support programs.

She has reviewed for prominent international scientific journals (Journal of Adolescence, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, Journal of Research on Adolescence, Journal of Family Social Work, Društvena istraživanja and Ljetopis socijalnog rada). Since 2021, she has been a member of the Review editorial board in the journal Personality and Social Psychology (Frontiers in Psychology).

She has participated in numerous international scientific conferences, as well as in various scientific and professional educations, seminars and gatherings. She actively participated in the summer school, organized by European and world associations of researchers on adolescence, entitled "2010. Summer School of EARA (European Association for Research on Adolescence) and SRA (Society for Research on Adolescence)". During 2015, she successfully completed two methodological summer schools at the University of Utrecht (Netherlands) entitled: Introduction to Structural Equation Modelling using Mplus and Advanced course on using Mplus. She has also been trained in the field of evaluation of parenting support intervention programs, attending the summer school organized by the European family support network EuroFamNet entitled "How do we generate evidence in family/parenting support?" (Tenerife, Spain, 2022). In order to improve her teaching competencies, she successfully completed the seminar Active learning and critical thinking in higher education (Zagreb, Forum for Educational Freedom, 2022).

She is a member of the Croatian Psychological Association and the international Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA). For her scientific achievement in 2011, she obtained the Annual Award for Young Scientists and Artists, which was awarded to her by the Society of University Teachers and Other Scientists in Zagreb.


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Graduation year: 2006

PhD graduation year: 2014

Employed since: 2007


Public phone number:
4895 828
Nazorova 51, soba 2A

by appointment via e-mail

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

Subjective well-being of young adults who grew up in poverty

Tokić Milaković, Ana
23. Dani psihologije u Zadru

Supporting Involved Fathering of Young Children in Croatia: Evaluation of the "Growing Up Together Fathers' Club"

Pećnik, Ninoslava ; Modić Stanke, Koraljka ; Tokić Milaković, Ana
Društvena istraživanja : časopis za opća društvena pitanja

Stereotypical Behaviour in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: The Efficacy of Behavioural Interventions

Tokić Milaković, Ana
Hrvatska revija za rehabilitacijska istraživanja

Life satisfaction of youth raised in poverty

Tokić Milaković, Ana
Druga znanstvena/naučna konferenciju "Društvena kriza i socijalni rad": Održivi razvoj i suvremeni izazovi socijalne uključenosti

Growing up with a brother diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder: the siblings’ perspective

Hinek, Silvija ; Tokić Milaković, Ana
Hrvatska revija za rehabilitacijska istraživanja

Who has a chance to overcome poverty? Predictors of educational achievement of youth living in poverty

Ružojčić, Mitja ; Opačić, Ana ; Tokić Milaković, Ana
Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies

How do parents facilitate or inhibit adolescent disclosure? The role of adolescents’ psychological needs satisfaction

Tokić Milaković, Ana ; Glatz, Terese ; Pećnik, Ninoslava
Journal of social and personal relationships

Growing up with Brother Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Adult Siblings’ Perspective

Tokić Milaković, Ana ; Hinek, Silvija
The 9th International Conference of the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences University of Zagreb

Educational Outcomes and Work Careers of Young Growing Up in Poverty. Research Findings.

Ogresta, Jelena ; Ružojčić, Mitja ; Miljenović, Ana ; Tokić Milaković, Ana ; Vučković Juroš, Tanja

Predictors of academic motivation and high-school achievement in adolescents who grew up in poverty

Tokić Milaković, Ana ; Ružojčić, Mitja
ECPP 2016 - 8th European Conference on Positive Psychology

Cyberbullying among children and its comparison to traditional forms of peer violence

Strabić, Nives ; Tokić Milaković, Ana
Kriminologija & socijalna integracija

Is There a Way out? Cultural Capital and Educational Outcomes of Young People Who Grew up in Poverty

Vučković Juroš, Tanja ; Tokić Milaković, Ana
The Futures We Want: Global Sociology and the Struggles for a Better World

Fulfillment of the Child’s Participation Rights in the Family and the Child’s Psychosocial Adjustment: Children’s and Parents’ Views

Pećnik, Ninoslava ; Matić, Jelena ; Tokić Milaković, Ana
Revija za socijalnu politiku

Who can break the cycle of poverty? Predictors of perceived employability among young unemployed people who grew up in poverty

Ružojčić, Mitja ; Ogresta, Jelena ; Tokić Milaković, Ana
37th Annual Conference of STAR - Stress and Anxiety in a Changing Society

The Relationship between Blood Pressure Variability and Left Ventricular Mass Index in Children with Primary Hypertension

Herceg-Čavrak, Vesna ; Tokić Pivac, Višnja ; Vukšić, Iva ; Tokić Milaković, Ana ; Čavrak, Hrvoje
49th Annual Meeting of the Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology, AEPC with joint sessions with the Japanese Society of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, Asia-Pacific Pediatric Cardiology Society, European Association for Cardio- Thoracic Surgery and Canadian Pediatric Cardiology Association

The role of adolescents' characteristics and parental behaviour in predicting self-disclosure to parents

Tokić Milaković, Ana ; Pećnik, Ninoslava
22. Dani Ramira i Zorana Bujasa

The role of adolescents' characteristics and parental behaviour in predicting self-disclosure to parents

Tokić Milaković, Ana

Parental Behaviors in the Context of Adolescent Disclosure (PBAD): Instrument Development

Tokić Milaković, Ana ; Pećnik, Ninoslava
Društvena istraživanja

Parental Behaviors Related to Adolescents' Self-Disclosure : Adolescents' Views

Tokić, Ana ; Pećnik, Ninoslava
Journal of social and personal relationships

Citizens’ beliefs about desirable parental behavior towards young children

Pećnik, Ninoslava ; Radočaj, Tanja ; Tokić, Ana
Društvena istraživanja

Parents and children on the threshold of adolescence: view from three angles, challenges and support

Pećnik, Ninoslava ; Tokić, Ana

Children's views on (the legal ban of) corporal punishment

Pećnik, Ninoslava ; Tokić, Ana
12th ISPCAN European Regional Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect

Adolescent’s personality and disclosure to parents

Tokić, Ana ; Pećnik, Ninoslava
SRCD 2011 Biennial Meeting

Parental Behaviors in the Context of Adolescent Disclosure (PBAD): Instrument Development and Validation

Tokić, Ana ; Pećnik, Ninoslava
SRCD 2011 Biennial Meeting

Adolescents' Strategic Disclosure to Parents: Anticipating Reactions

Tokic, Ana
13th SRA (Society for Research on Adolescence) Biennial Meeting

Open up or close down : How do parental reactions affect youth information management?

Tilton-Weaver, Lauree ; Kerr, Margaret ; Pakalniskeine, Vilmante ; Tokić, Ana ; Salihović, Selma ; Stattin, Hakan
Journal of adolescence

Convention Review - II. Croatian congress of applied psychology: "Protecting the health of children and young people"

Tokić, Ana ; Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda

Beliefs about proper parental practices toward young children

Pećnik, Ninoslava ; Tokić, Ana
19. Dani Ramira i Zorana Bujasa

Validation of the Scale of Perceived Parental Behavior in Context of Adolescents' Self-Disclosure

Tokić, Ana ; Pećnik, Ninoslava
II.hrvatski kongres primjenjene psihologije

Parental behaviours related to adolescents' self-disclosure: adolescents' views

Tokić, Ana
11th International Institute on Developmental Science, IIDS

Contemporary knowledge in research on parenting and adolescent adjustment

Tokić, Ana
Društvena istraživanja

Self-disclosure to parents: Adolescents' views

Pećnik, Ninoslava ; Tokić, Ana
4th European Conference on Positive Psychology

Objective Assessment of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education: Do We Ignore the Issue?

Ljubotina, Damir ; Tokić, Ana
ECER Conference

Positive illusion in romantic relationships and its correlation with relationship satisfaction, quality and stability

Tokić, Ana
18. Dani Ramira i Zorana Bujasa

Positive illusion in romantic relationships and its correlation with relationship satisfaction, quality and stability

Tokić, Ana