prof. dr. sc. Anamarija Musa
prof. dr. sc.
Anamarija Musa


Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

The Basics of Public Management

Brčić, Ruža ; Begičević, Ređep, Nina ; Dulčić, Želimir ; Đulabić, Vedran ; Džinić, Jasmina ; Hunjak, Tihomir ; Jerković, Emina ; Malbašić, Ivan ; Manojlović Toman, Romea ; Marčetić, Gordana ; Musa, Anamarija ; Peić, Renata ; Pihir, Igor ; Setnikar Cankar, Stanka ; Sumpor, Marijana ; Tomičić Furjan, Martina ; Tomičić-Pupek, Katarina

The characteristics and effects of public participation in Croatian e-consultations in fiscal matters

Đurman, Petra ; Musa, Anamarija ; Rogić Lugarić, Tereza
Public sector economics

Open Budgets: Open Data a a Tool for Fiscal and Tax Transparency

Rogić Lugarić, Tereza ; Musa, Anamarija ; Đurman, Petra ; Klemenčić Irena
International Conference on Open Data

Quality of legislation as a factor strengthening the rule of law: the progress and weak points of the Croatian system

Musa, Anamarija
Radionica 'Vladavina prava', Pravosudna akademija i Hans Seidel Stiftung

The Role of Independent Institutions in Promoting the Rule of Law by Strengthening Integrity and Accountability

Musa, Anamarija
30 godina zaštite ljudskih prava u Republici Hrvatskoj: prošlost, sadašnjost i budućnost, Pučki pravobranitelj Reppublike Hrvatske i Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

Privacy and data protection challenges to open data

Katulić, Tihomir ; Lončar, Darja ; Musa, Anamarija
International Conference on Open Data 'Open Data Challenges in Times of Crisis and Growth'

Open legislation: comparison of legal portals in three countries

Musa, Anamarija ; Katulić, Tihomir ; Habazin, Margareta
International Conference on Open Data ICOD2022

Participatory law-making in the digital age: The case of the e-public consultation platform in Croatia

Đurman, Petra ; Musa, Anamarija ; Koprić, Ivan

ICT supported participatory governance at the local level in Croatia

Musa, Anamarija ; Koprić, Ivan ; Dobrić Jambrović, Dana ; Đurman, Petra

The European Higher Education Policy and Legal Education

Musa, Anamarija
Znanstveni skup: Pravno obrazovanje na Pravnom fakultetu: stanje i perspektive. Dan Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

Reflections on Public Administration and Governance in the Time of Pandemic

Anamarija Musa
Rule of Law, Governance, and Society in the Time of Pandemic, 2nd Online International Scientific Conference on Social and Legal Sciences (OISCSLS 2020)

When plenty is not enough: Fiscal open data in Croatia

Rogić Lugarić, Tereza ; Musa, Anamarija ; Klemenčić, Irena
The 29th NISPAcee Annual Conference: Citizens' Engagement and Empowerment - The Era of Collaborative Innovation in Governance

Better Regulation and Good Law Making: Instruments and Challenges in CEE Countries

Musa, Anamarija ; Zelenika, Boris ; Đurman, Petra
The 29th NISPAcee Annual Conference: Citizens' Engagement and Empowerment - The Era of Collaborative Innovation in Governance

QUALITY OF LEGISLATIVE PROCESS. Building a conceptual model and developing indicators

European Commission Directorate-General for Structural Reforms Support / Mackie, Iain ; Musa, Anamarija Musa ; Nemec, Juraj ; Reinholde, Iveta ; Trifonova, Tihomira ; Virtanen, Turo ; Wolfs, Wouter

Public Administration Education in Croatia

Koprić, Ivan ; Musa, Anamarija

Ulrich Karpen and Helen Xanthaki (Eds.): Legislation in Europe: A Country by County Guide

Musa, Anamarija
Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava

Open data availability in Croatian local government: Improving the quality of life

Zdjelar, Robertina ; Musa, Anamarija ; Žajdela Hrustek, Nikolina
The Smart Cities and Regional Development Journal (SCRD)

Open data of public administration and local self- government

Musa, Anamarija ; Đurman, Petra ; Hadaš, Petra

Administrative Science: Public Administration in Contemporary European Context

Koprić, Ivan ; Marčetić, Gordana ; Musa, Anamarija ; Đulabić, Vedran ; Lalić Novak, Goranka

Top Officials and Accountability: Conflict of Interest Regulation and Practice in Croatia

Musa, Anamarija
EGPA & NISPAcee Trans-European Dialogue TED2020 Conference 'Politics of Bureaucracy: Roles of Top Public Officials in Turbulent Times'

Crisis and freedom of information: the public value of government open data in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

Musa, Anamarija
25th Annual International Conference on Information Technology and Journalism: “Internet in the Era of Disinformation”

Open data in Croatia: Keeping a safe distance?

Musa, Anamarija
Open Data Life Cycle Workshop

Current issues in regulation of agencies in the context of European regulation

Musa, Anamarija

Administrative Silence in Croatia: Between Fiction and Reality

Šikić, Marko ; Musa, Anamarija ; Britvić Vetma, Bosiljka

The right of access to public information and personal data protection

Musa, Anamarija ; Katulić, Tihomir

Transparency in the age of crisis: the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the right of access to information with the focus on regulation and budgetary information

Musa, Anamarija ; Rogić Lugarić, Tereza
Hrvatsko-francuski upravno pravni dani 2020. "Djelovanje javnopravnopravnih tijela i upravnih sudova u vrijeme pandemije COVID-19"

Transparency and tax secret: legal framework and practice in Croatia

Musa, Anamarija ; Rogić Lugarić, Tereza
XXVII. dnevi slovenske javne uprave 'Delovanje javnega sektorja po epidemiji COVID-19'

Disciplinary research on open data – Law, Public Administration, Policy & Governance: National Open Data Portal Analysis

Musa, Anamarija ; Đurman, Petra ; Katulić, Tihomir ; Rogić Lugarić, Tereza ; Jurić, Marko ; Habazin, Margareta
Horizon2020 TODO Summer School on Open Data

Regulatory Management: A Reader 2020.

Musa, Anamarija ; Banić, Slavica ; Džinić, Jasmina ; Đurman, Petra ; Giljević, Teo ; Koprić, Ivan ; Lalić Novak, Goranka ; Lopižić, Iva ; Zelenika, Boris

Croatia: The Transparency Landscape

Musa, Anamarija

Public consultations in Croatian regulatory agencies

Musa, Anamarija ; Fulir, Marija
Zbornik radova Veleučilišta u Šibeniku

Control of public administration in the context of Europeanisation: the independent control bodies in Croatia as the guardians of integrity

Musa, Anamarija
Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu

The challenges of governing public goods


For the Glory of the Rule of Law: Institutional and Procedural Guarantees of Access to Public Information in Seven CEE/SEE Countries

Musa, Anamarija ; Kovač, Polonca
27th NISPAcee Annual Conference

Under the Radar? Mapping Local Agencies in Croatia

Musa, Anamarija ; Dobrić Jambrović, Dana
27th NISPAcee Annual Conference

Open data and reuse of public sector information: What does the Directive on Open Data bring to citizens and public sector?

Musa, Anamarija
Informator : instruktivno-informativni list za ekonomska i pravna pitanja

Agencies and Small and Medium Enterprises Policy

Suknaić, Filip ; Musa, Anamarija
Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava

Blurred transparency: Access to Information in the EU Agencies

Musa, Anamarija
2019 EGPA & ASPA Transatlantic Dialogue (TAD 2019)

Local democracy in Croatia: Do we need a change?


Legal framework and comparative case studies of participatory practices

Đurman, Petra ; Musa, Anamarija ; Koprić, Ivan

Regulatory Impact Assessment and Sub-national Governments

Marcou, Gérard ; Musa, Anamarija

Participation at the local level as a standard of the Council of Europe: The role of the Charter of Local Self-Government and the Protocol on the right to participate in local affairs

Musa, Anamarija ; Dobrić Jambrović, Dana

The Challenges of Governance: Decentralisation and Deconcentration of Public Tasks. Public Administration Forum


Performance management in public administration. Forum for public administration.


Accessibility of the information from the archives

Musa, Anamarija ; Ivanović, Jozo ; Poljičak, Ivica
Tribina Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i Kluba pravnika Grada Zagreba

Political Advisors between Politics and Administration: A Conceptual Analysis

Musa, Anamarija
Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava

Handbook on the reuse of information for public bodies: Open data for all

Musa, Anamarija ; Bevandić, Dubravka ; Herak, Daniel ; Jadrijević, Lucija ; Kovačić, Marko ; Luša, Zoran ; Vrček, Neven

The right to information: a guide for the media and civil society organizations

Musa, Anamarija ; Bevandić, Dubravka ; Dvorski, Tanja ; Jadrijević, Lucija

Europeanization of Croatian Local Self- Government: Standards of the European Charter of Local Self-Government and Croatian Local and Regional Self-Government

Musa, Anamarija ; Dobrić Jambrović, Dana
Godišnji znanstveno-stručni skup Instituta za javnu upravu „Europeizacija hrvatske lokalne samouprave: standardi Europske povelje o lokalnoj samoupravi i hrvatska lokalna i regionalna samouprava“

Public administration education: law, public administration and the role of qualifications framework

Musa, Anamarija ; Lalić Novak, Goranka ; Džinić, Jasmina

Quality assurance of higher education institutions in the context of establishing a Croatian qualification framework

Grubišić, Ksenija

Information for citizens: transparent and open public administration for better governance and trust

Musa, Anamarija

Public agencies: developing trust of citizens and private sector as a prerequisite of effective regulation

Popović, Nikola ; Musa, Anamarija

E-government in Croatia: the challenges of the transformation of public administration in the digital society

Vrček Neven ; Musa, Anamarija
Uprava u digitalno doba: Transformacijski potencijal e-uprave za veću učinkovitost i odgovornost

The right of access to information - the key to open government

Musa, Anamarija
Informator : instruktivno-informativni list za ekonomska i pravna pitanja

What kind of agency reform in Croatia?

Musa, Anamarija
Javne agencije - u potrazi za reformom

Public agencies - in search of a reform


Access to information and data protection in Croatia: An example of two separate supervisory bodies

Musa, Anamarija
Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit - Widerspruch oder Ergänzung? Internationales Symposium Informationsfreiheit und Datenschutz

Legal and institutional aspects of the right of access to information and transparency in the Republic of Croatia

Musa, Anamarija

Transparency of judiciary in the function of the efficient law application and effective public administration: the publication of the decisions of administrative courts

Musa, Anamarija
Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava

The FOIA from the European perspective: ahead or behind?

Musa, Anamarija
5. The Villanova Law Review Annual Norman J. Shachoy Symposium ‘Fifty years under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

Access to information and commercial secret in Croatia: Who wins?

Musa, Anamarija
5th International Conference Petar Šarčević 'Information and Data: The Road Ahead'

Health information: from protection to publicity and open data

Musa, Anamarija ; Bevandić, Dubravka
Okrugli stol u organizaciji Akademije medicinskih znanosti Hrvatske, Akademije pravnih znanosti Hrvatske i Medicinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu - Škola narodnog zdravlja "Andrija Štampar" E-zdravlje: zaštita pojedinca s obzirom na obradu osobnih podataka - učinak i utjecaj EU Uredbe 2016/679

From transparency to openness: public consultations in local government in Croatia

Musa, Anamarija
World Bank - Austria Urban Partnership Program Regional Conference

Green information in the practice of Information Commissioner

Musa, Anamarija
Dijalogom do transparentnog upravljanja prirodnim resursima, Eko-Pan, Žmergo i Zelena akcija

Electronic government as a development perspective for the society and private sector

Musa, Anamarija ; Vrček, Neven ; Jurić, Marko

Citizens, public administration and local self- government: trust, cooperation and support


Common Assessment Framework (CAF) in local government and public administration

Musa, Anamarija

Integrity and Access to Information: The Croatian Experience

Musa, Anamarija
The The Professionalisation of Civil Service between Politics and Administration

European regulation of the reuse of information

Musa, Anamarija
Sveske za javno pravo

The Main Problems, Results, and Prospects of Public Administration Reform in Croatia

Musa, Anamarija
The 24th NISPAcee Annual Conference Spreading Standards, Building Capacities: European Administrative Space in Progress

Good Local Governance: Applicaton of European Standards for Local Public Services in France and Croatia


Good Local Governance in Europe: Influences and Standards

Musa, Anamarija

10th public administration forum: The professional public administration: the state and the perspective of public administration education


Digital government II: Communication of policy and public communication in public administration


Digital government: The transformative potential of e-government for greater effectiveness and accountability.


Introduction : Good local Governance and European Standards for Local Public Services

Lhomme, Didier ; Musa, Anamarija ; De La Rosa, Stephane

Handbook for the public consultations procedure for the local and regional self-government units

Musa, Anamarija ; Vidačak, Igor ; Volmut, Ina ; Pernar, Sandra

Exercise your right to information: A Guide for the users of the Law on the right of access to information

Musa, Anamarija ; Volmut, Ina ; Jadrijević, Lucija ; Bevandić, Dubravka

The implementation of the Law on the right of access to information: the Handbook for the information officers in public bodies

Bevandić, Dubravka ; Musa, Anamarija

Open Data: The Cornerstone of Open Government

Musa, Anamarija
EGPA & NISPAcee 9th Trans-European Dialogue (TED) ‘Openness, Transparency, and Ethics in Public Administration'

Legal framework for the reuse of public sector information and open data

Musa, Anamarija
European Language Research Coordination Training Workshop

Open Data in the Public Administration

Musa, Anamarija
2. hrvatski forum o upravljanju internetom

Europeanisation of Civil Service Law: Adjusting Croatian Legislation to the European Standards

Marčetić, Gordana ; Musa, Anamarija

The right of access to information and intellectual property rights

Musa, Anamarija ; Jurić, Marko
XVIII. godišnje savjetovanje o autorskom pravu i srodnim pravima

Digital Local Government: Promoting Transparency, Participation and Efficient Local Public Services

Musa, Anamarija ; Đurman, Petra

Local Government and Local Public Services in Croatia

Koprić, Ivan ; Musa, Anamarija ; Đulabić, Vedran

Adjustments of the process of law-making to the European integration: novelties and challenges

Musa, Anamarija
Godišnjak Akademije pravnih znanosti Hrvatske = Yearbook Croatian Academy of Legal Sciences

Coordination for Policy in Transition Countries: Case of Croatia

Musa, Anamarija ; Petak, Zdravko
Mednarodna revija za javno upravo

Access to information and the reuse of public sector information – trends in legislation and practice with special refrence to libraries

Musa, Anamarija ; Bevandić, Dubravka
Slobodan pristup informacijama, 15. okrugli stol o slobodnom pristupu informacijama

From Access to the Reuse of Public Sector Information: The New Perspectives in the Context of Europeanization

Musa, Anamarija
Pravo na pristup informacijama i zaštita osobnih podataka

The perception of e-democracy and e-participation at the individual level - a Croatian example

Žajdela, Hrustek, Nikolina ; Musa, Anamarija ; Mekovec, Renata
International Conference on Electronic Governance and Open Society: Challenges in Eurasia

8th public administration forum: Public Administration in digital age: open data


Citizens and lawmaking in participatory governance

Musa, Anamarija
2. International seminar ‘Public involvement in the procedure of the drafting and enactment of laws' European Centre for Parliamentary Research and Documentation (ECPRD) and Croatian Parliament (Hrvatski sabor)

Review of Institutional Models Supporting the Access to Information Laws

Musa, Anamarija
4th Global Conference on Transparency Research

Transparency of independent regulatory authorities in Croatia

Musa, Anamarija
Regulatory Bodies and Transparency, Belgrade Institute for Public Policy & Transparency International Macedonia

Education for public administration at law and vocational studies: the role of the Croatian qualification framework

Musa, Anamarija ; Lalić Novak, Goranka ; Džinić, Jasmina
Konferencija Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu Primjena kvalifikacijskog okvira u području prava i socijalnih djelatnosti

Transparency and participation in making decisions as the instruments fighting corruption: from prevention to enforcement

Musa, Anamarija ; Džinić, Jasmina ; Đurman, Petra
International conference Fighting Corruption: From Good Governance and Prevention Measures to Law Enforcement and International Cooperation

Transparency and Openness in Local Governance: A Case of Croatian Cities

Musa, Anamarija ; Bebić, Domagoj ; Đurman, Petra
Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava = Croatian and comparative public administration

Reforming the EU agency governance: more control, greater accountability

Musa, Anamarija
Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava = Croatian and comparative public administration

Administrative Law and Public Administration

Musa, Anamarija

The agency model of public administration

Musa, Anamarija

Europeanization and new administrative models: Agencies in Croatia

Musa, Anamarija

6th public administration forum: Public servants: the status and number of employees in Croatian public sector


7th public administration forum: From public to private? The privatisation and outsourcing of public services


The economy and the state in crisis


The agency model of public administration

Musa, Anamarija
Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu

Problem of coordination in public administration : back to hierarchy?

Đurman, Petra ; Musa, Anamarija
Anali hrvatskog politološkog društva

Administrative Science - Public Administration in Contemporary European Context

Koprić, Ivan ; Marčetić, Gordana ; Musa, Anamarija ; Đulabić, Vedran ; Lalić Novak Goranka

Provision of Public/Social Services in Croatia

Koprić, Ivan ; Musa, Anamarija ; Đulabić, Vedran ; Jurlina-Alibegović Dubravka
COST WG1 meeting

Administrative science-public administration in contemporary european context

Koprić, Ivan ; Marčetić, Gordana ; Musa, Anamarija ; Đulabić, Vedran ; Lalić Novak, Goranka
Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu

Good governance in Croatian independent regulatory authorities: towards a legal framework?

Musa, Anamarija

Agencies in Croatia: Something Old or Something New?

Musa, Anamarija
Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava

Institutional and legal framework for good governance in Croatian agencies

Musa, Anamarija

Good governance in Croatian regulatory agencies : towards a legal framework

Musa, Anamarija
Jesu li Hrvatskoj potrebne agencije?

Transparency - why and how?

Musa, Anamarija
5. forum za javnu upravu

2nd public administration forum: Croatian absorption capacity for the EU funds: needs and possibilities


3rd public administration forum: Ethics and integrity in public administration


4th public administration forum: Policy and strategy in public administration: how to deterimine and accomplish the goals?


5th public administration forum: Transparency in Public Governance


Europeanization of civil service law: adjusting croatian legislation to the european standards

Marčetić, Gordana ; Musa, Anamarija
Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu

Agencies in Croatia: Regulation and privatisation of public services at the state, local and regional level


Public administration

Musa, Anamarija
Hrvatski pravni sustav, Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti

The impact of the EU accession process on the public administration reform in Croatia: opportunities and obstacles

Musa, Anamarija
EU and Icelandic Public Administration: The Impact of the EEA Agreement and the EU Accession Process on the Public Administration Reform in Iceland

Public Administration

Musa, Anamarija
Hrvatski pravni sustav

Agencification as the new and additional centralisation - can Croatia ever be decentralised?

Musa, Anamarija
Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava

Pierre, Jon & Ingraham, Patricia W. (eds.), Comparative Administrative Change and Reform: Lessons Learned, McGill-Queen’s University Press: Montreal & Kingston, London, Ithaca, 2010., 349 p.

Musa, Anamarija

European regulation of professions and professional associations in Croatia: the development of administrative profession and other professions in public administration

Musa, Anamarija ; Džinić, Jasmina

European Administrative Space

Koprić, Ivan ; Musa, Anamarija ; Lalić Novak, Goranka

Agencies between expertise, politics and law: the cases of three transition countries in South Eastern Europe

Koprić, Ivan ; Kovač, Polona ; Musa, Anamarija
The Fifth Trans-European Dialogue in Public Administration

Agencies in Three South Eastern European Countries: Politics, Expertise and Law

Koprić, Ivan ; Kovač, Polonca ; Musa, Anamarija
The NISPAcee journal of public administration and policy

Risk regulation as a factor of crisi management: administrative and legal aspects

Musa, Anamarija
Druga Konferencije Hrvatske platforme za smanjenje rizika od katastrofa

Local self-government in the context of European integration: trends and challenges

Musa, Anamarija

The adjustments of the process of law drafting: trends and challenges

Musa, Anamarija
Peti hrvatsko-francuski upravnopravni dani: Upravno sudstvo pred europskim izazovima

In quest for coordination: formulation and implementation of policy in Croatia

Musa, Anamarija ; Petak, Zdravko
IPSA RC32 Conference 2011: Developing policy in different cultural contexts: learning from study, learning from experience

Agencification as new and additional centralization: is it possible to decentralize Croatia?

Musa, Anamarija
Savjetovanje Instituta za javnu upravu: Lokalna i regionalna uprava između krize i članstva u EU

Verhoest, Koen ; Paul G.Roness, Bram Verschurre, Kristin Rubecksen, Muiris MacCarthaigh: Autonomy and Control of State Agencies: Comparing States and Agencies

Musa, Anamarija

Croatian Public Administration On The Road To The European Union: What To Expect While Expecting?

Musa, Anamarija
Études européennes

European perspective on public administration quality: rules, goals and instruments

Musa, Anamarija ; Džinić, Jasmina
European administrative space - Balkan realities

Transparency and data protection in the context of e-government: two case studies

Musa, Anamarija ; Jurić, Marko ; Mataija, Mislav
10th International Conference on PSRC Forum 'Information Society and Globalization: Transformation of Politics'

What is good administration in European terms? Legal and institutional adjustments as a ticket to European administrative space

Koprić, Ivan ; Lalić-Novak, Goranka ; Musa, Anamarija
European Administrative Space – Balkan Realities


Koprić, Ivan ; Musa, Anamarija

Good Administration as a Ticket to the European Administrative Space

Koprić, Ivan ; Musa, Anamarija ; Lalić Novak, Goranka
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

What kind of agencification in Croatia: trends and future directions

Musa, Anamarija ; Koprić, Ivan
Transylvanian review of administrative sciences


Kregar, Josip ; Đulabić, Vedran ; Gardašević, Đorđe ; Musa, Anamarija ; Ravlić, Slaven ; Rogić Lugarić, Tereza

Geert Bouckaert i John Halligan: Managing performance: International comparisons. Oxon i New York: Routledge, 2008. (book review)

Musa, Anamarija
Hrvatska javna uprava : časopis za teoriju i praksu javne uprave


Musa, Anamarija
Hrvatska javna uprava : časopis za teoriju i praksu javne uprave

EU Information Society: adaptations and challenges of e-government

Musa, Anamarija
III. zagrebačko-skopski kolokvij

Agencies in Croatia: Something Old or Something New?

Musa, Anamarija
European Group for Public Administration Annual Conference

Agencies - new model of public administration

Musa, Anamarija
Tribina prvostupnika javne uprave Instituta javne uprave

On the road to the European Union: European standards and the reform of the public administration in Croatia

Musa, Anamarija
Public Administration Reform

Regulation of the Professions in the EU and Institutional Changes in Croatia: Self-regulation via Chambers?

Musa, Anamarija ; Džinić, Jasmina
Međunarodna konferencija, Hrvatska i Europska unija: integracijske strategije i kreiranje javnih politika

Transparency and data protection in the context of e-government: the Croatian case

Musa, Anamarija ; Jurić, Marko ; Mataija, Mislav
Information society and globalization: transformation of politics

The Capital Cities in Europe: Zagreb

Musa, Anamarija ; Rogić-Lugarić, Tereza
Observatory of Local Autonomy (OLA) Conference Local Authorities and Their Different Stauses

The Capital Cities in Europe: Zagreb

Musa, Anamarija ; Rogić Lugarić, Tereza
Observatory on Local Autonomy (OLA) Conference Local Authoritiesand Their Different Statuses

Europeanization and Agency Model of Public Administration

Musa, Anamarija

Croatia and the European Administrative Space: Towards European Quality of Public Administration

Musa, Anamarija
Hrvatska država i uprava - stanje i perspektive, Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti

Regulation and independent regulatory bodies in modern society

Musa, Anamarija


Musa, Anamarija
Hrvatska javna uprava

Croatia and European administrative space: Towards European quality of public administration?

Musa, Anamarija

European Standards in the Regulation of Services of General Interest : (Quasi)Independent Regulatory Bodies in Building of Modern Capitalism

Koprić, Ivan ; Musa, Anamarija ; Đulabić, Vedran
Hrvatska javna uprava

Financing Capital Governments in Transition Countries: Case Study - The City of Zagreb

Koprić, Ivan ; Rogić Lugarić, Tereza ; Musa, Anamarija ; Vukojičić, Tijana

State and Administration: Collected Papers dedicated to Academician Eugen Pusić on the Occasion of his 90th Birthday

Kregar, Josip ; Prpić, Ivan ; Koprić, Ivan ; Pavić, Željko ; Musa, Anamarija ; Đulabić, Vedran ; Marčetić, Gordana ; Pičuljan, Zoran ; Posavec, Zvonko ; Šimonović, Ivan.

Morten Egeberg (ed.) Multilevel Union Administration. The Transformation of Executive Politics in Europe. Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.

Musa, Anamarija

The City of Zagreb ; Position and Development in the Croatian Governance and Public Finance System

Koprić, Ivan ; Rogić Lugarić, Tereza ; Musa, Anamarija ; Vukojičić Tijana
Financing Metropolitan Governance in Transitional Countries

The City of Zagreb ; Position and Development in the Croatian Governance and Public Finance System

Koprić, Ivan ; Rogić Lugarić, Tereza ; Musa, Anamarija ; Vukojičić Tijana
Financing Metropolitan Governments in Transitional Countries

Public Administration Education: An Overview of the Master Programmes in the West European Countries

Musa, Anamarija ; Đulabić, Vedran ; Vukojičić, Tijana ; Škarica, Mihovil ;
Hrvatska javna uprava

Public Administration Education: An Overview of the Master Programmes in Transition Countries

Musa, Anamarija ; Đulabić, Vedran ; Vukojičić, Tijana ; Škarica, Mihovil ;
Hrvatska javna uprava

European Standards with Regard to Civil Servants' Law and the Ctoratian Law on the State Civil Servants of 2005

Musa, Anamarija
Hrvatska javna uprava : Časopis za teoriju i praksu javne uprave

European Administrative Space: Convergence of National Administrations

Musa, Anamarija
Hrvatska javna uprava : Časopis za teoriju i praksu javne uprave

Was There a Silent Revolution? A Comparative Analysis of Party Manifestos in Ten European Countries

Musa, Anamarija
Politička misao : Croatian Political Science Review

Digital divide: e-government and the access issue

Musa, Anamarija
Informatopolis 2006: Otvoreni dan suvremene javne uprave

Governing the commons: The evolution of institutions of collective action

Grbeša, Marijana ; Musa, Anamarija

Public Administration : Teaching Materials

Pusić, Eugen ; Ivanišević, Stjepan ; Pavić, Željko ; Ramljak, Milan ; Koprić, Ivan ; Marčetić, Gordana ; Musa, Anamarija ; Đulabić, Vedran

Public Administration - Teaching Materials

Pusić, Eugen ; Ivanišević, Stjepan ; Pavić, Željko ; Ramljak, Milan ; Koprić, Ivan ; Marčetić, Gordana ; Musa, Anamarija ; Đulabić, Vedran

Public administration: a collection of laws


The Role of the Ombudsman in the Protection of the Rights of Citizens from the Local and Regional Self-Government Bodies (Comparative Presentation)

Musa, Anamarija
Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava