izv. prof. dr. sc. Antonija Petričušić
izv. prof. dr. sc.
Antonija Petričušić

Antonija Petričušić is an Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, Croatia. She is a Visiting Professor and a member of the International Academic Council of the European Regional Master's Programme in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe.

In academic year 2022/23 she received the Fulbright Scholar grant for advanced research on consequences of conservative legal mobilization on women’s rights in Croatia and the United States and for university lecturing at the University of Minnesota Law School. From 2018 to 2022 she served as an expert in the Council of Europe's Advisory Committee Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities in respect of Croatia and as a member in the Croatian Ombudswoman’s Human Rights Council.

She received her Ph.D. from the Faculty of Law at the University of Graz, Austria. She received her M.A. in Sociology and Social Anthropology at the Central European University in Budapest, Hungary and M.A. in Human Rights and Democratization from the University of Sarajevo and the University of Bologna. She graduated in Law and Journalism at the University of Zagreb. 

Antonija Petričušić was an initiator and a co-founder of the student-staff alliance ZA-Pravo, a gay-straight alliance that is bringing together students and staff at the University of Zagreb. She was coordinating the project Gender Mainstreaming at Universities (UNIGEM) at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb in AY 2021/22 and was member of the Faculty of Law Working Group tasked with drafting the Faculty's first gender-based discrimination and sexual harassment rules and regulations. For her significant contribution to gender equality and social justice in Croatia in 2020 she was awarded the Fierce Women Award. For her teaching excellence, she was awarded the Best E-Course Award of Faculty of Law in Zagreb in the academic year 2020/21. As one of four initiators of the advocacy initative “Every Child's Right to a School Meal”, that resulted in the introduction of free school meals for elementary school children in Croatia, she was awarded the 2022 Krunoslav Sukić Recognition for the Promotion of Peacemaking, Nonviolence and Human Rights; the Special Recognition of the Croatian Association of Social Workers, the 2023 Croatian Women of Influence Award in the category Innovation and Leadership, the Award of the City of Zagreb, the Faculty of Law Award for the Best Social Innovation in the academic year 22/23, and he Award for the Promotion of Children's Rights in 2023.

Her main scientific interests include rights of national minorities, ethno-religious nationalism, diversity management, gender equality, women's rights and women empowerment.



Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

Reproductive Rights as Human Rights

Petričušić, Antonija
Informator (Zagreb)

Women's Rights as Human Rights: Where Have We Arrived?

Petričušić, Antonija
2nd International Congress of Economics and Administrative Sciences

Equality Data Collection Practices in Croatia.

Petričušić, Antonija ; Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Willis, Craig
4. međunarodni znanstveni skup u ciklusu Sociolingvistički pristupi u slavenskim jezicima

Unacceptability of artificial separation of social guarantees from the general concept of human rights

Kuzelj, Valentino ; Petričušić, Antonija
Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu

Equality Data Collection Practices in Croatia

Petričušić, Antonija ; Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Willis, Craig

Use of the language and script of national minorities at the territory of the local self- government units after the published results of the Census population

Petričušić, Antonija
Informator (Zagreb)

Financing the cultural autonomy of national minorities in Croatia and its clientist dysfunctions

Petričušić, Antonija

Advocacy initiatives as initiators of changes in social policy and social work

Kletečki Radović, Marijana ; Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Dobrotić, Ivana ; Petričušić, Antonija
XI. Konferencija socijalnih radnika Socijalni rad na prekretnici: identitet, moć i promjena

Symbols that Unite the Ones are Symbols that Divide the Others

Petričušić, Antonija

Council of Europe approach and activities to end homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity

Petričušić, Antonija ; Željko, Darija ; Radović, Branimir

Development and Protection of LGBTIQA+ Rights


National Minority Women’s Political Participation in Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia

Petričušić, Antonija ; Lendák-Kabók, Karolina ; Riman, Barbara
European Conference on Politics and Gender

Dilemmas of political representation of persons belonging to national minorities in representative and executive bodies at the local level

Petričušić, Antonija
Konferencija Sloboda i društvo u 21. stoljeću, u povodu 70. rođendana prof. dr. sc. Slavena Ravlića

Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities as a Guarantee of the Right to Education in Minority Languages ​​and Scripts

Petričušić, Antonija
Interkulturalnost i obrazovanje na manjinskim jezicima i pismima

Activities on cpreventing sexual harassment and other forms of gender discrimination at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb following #nisamtražilamo movement

Horvat Vuković, Ana ; Munivrana, Maja ; Petričušić, Antonija ; Željko, Darija
Uprkos strahu i tišini: univerziteti protiv nasilja / Beyond Fear and Silence: Universities against Violence

Constitutional protection of national minorities: countermajoritarian argument as protector of democratic values

Kuzelj, Valentino ; Kvartuč, Domeniko ; Petričušić, Antonija
Političke perspektive

The right of persons belonging to national minorities to access the media in the digital age: is the Advisory Committee's monitoring work catching up on the digitally transformed reality?

Petričušić, Antonija
Multi-platform and Connecting Communities: Contemporary Challenges for Minority Language Media

Implementation of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities in the Republic of Croatia

Petričušić, Antonija
Informator : instruktivno-informativni list za ekonomska i pravna pitanja

The right to representation of persons belonging to national minorities in national parliaments

Petričušić, Antonija ; Dolenec, Marko
Pravnik : časopis za pravna i društvena pitanja

How to achieve a balance between business and private life in conditions of structural inequality between women and men?

Petričušić, Antonija

Elections for Councils and Representatives of National Minorities

Petričušić, Antonija
Zagrebačka pravna revija

Represenation of Persons Belonging to National Minorities in the Representative bodies of Self-Government Units

Petričušić, Antonija ; Mikić, Ljubomir
Informator : instruktivno-informativni list za ekonomska i pravna pitanja

Josip Kregar (1953. – 2020.)

Petričušić, Antonija

Analysis of the Croatian minority policy: could it and should it be better?

Petričušić, Antonija
Nacionalne manjine, migracije i sigurnost


Kregar, Josip ; Petričušić, , Antonija

Sociology with the Introduction to the Sociology of Law

Zrinščak, Siniša ; Kregar, Josip ; Sekulić, Duško ; Ravlić, Slaven ; Grubišić, Ksenija ; Čepo, Dario ; Petričušić, Antonija ; Čehulić, Mateja

The Rejection of Reconciliation: Ivo Josipovic and the Challenges of Dealing with the Past in Post-Conflict Croatia

Petričušić, Antonija
Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) Summer Convention

Slow Consolidation of European Values: Endangered Minority Rights after the Croatian Accession to the EU

Petričušić, Antonija
Europske vrijednosti u novoj državi članici: Hrvatska u prvih pet godina članstva u EU

Regulation of the election of councils and representatives of national minorities

Petričušić, Antonija
Manjinska samouprava i kulturna autonomija

Taking control over higher education and research in Hungary: a case study of hijacking the academic freedom and autonomy in an illiberal democracy

Petričušić, Antonija
Neliberalne demokracije

In Search of Multicultural Elements of the Croatian Minority Policy: Threatening Assimilation and Cultural Segregation

Petričušić, Antonija ; Tatalović, Siniša

OSCE Graz Recommendations on Access to Justice and National Minorities and Compatibility of the Croatian Legislation with the New Instrument of International Law on the Rights of National Minorities

Petričušić, Antonija
Nacionalne manjine, migracije i sigurnost

Political culture and national minorities in Croatia

Petričušić, Antonija
The Western Balkan’s Diversity of Identities: Political Culture, Minorities and Gender

Yet Again, the Nationalists and the Church Are Playing Hand in Hand in Croatia, This Time against ‘Gender Ideology’

Petričušić, Antonija
Political trends & dynamics in Southeast Europe

Media Pluralism Monitor 2017 - Croatia

Bilić, Paško ; Petričušić, Antonija ; Eterović, Ružica

Media Pluralism Monitor 2016 - Croatia

Bilić, Paško ; Petričušić, Antonija ; Balabanić, Ivan ; Vučković, Valentina

Ivo Josipović’s Role in Post-Conflict Reconciliation: Former President’s Historical Consciousness that Lacked Legitimacy and Support in the Wider Society

Petričušić, Antonija
2017 Annual International Conference on Ethnic and Religious Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding

( Quarter Century of the Croatian Minority Policy: Development, State of the Art, and Suggestions for Improvements

Petričušić, Antonija

Contentious Politics in Transitional Societies: The Rise and (Partial) Success of the Conservative Religious-political Movement in Croatia

Petričušić, Antonija ; Čehulić, Mateja ; Čepo, Dario
13th ESA Conference "(Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities"

Gaining Political Power by Utilizing Opportunity Structures: An Analysis of the Conservative Religious-Political Movement in Croatia

Petričušić, Antonija ; Čehulić, Mateja ; Čepo, Dario
Politička misao

The Impact of European Legislation in the Field fo Migration and its Upcoming Revision

Petričušić, Antonija
The Refugee Crisis in the EU - Voices from the Balkans

Media Pluralism in Croatia: A Test Implementation of the Media Pluralism Monitor 2015

Bilić, Paško ; Petričušić, Antonija ; Balabanić, Ivan

Europeanisation of minority policy in Croatia: Limited outcomes of the second generation minority conditionality

Petričušić, Antonija
8th Central and Eastern European Forum for Young Legal, Political and Social Theorists

Quarter Century of the Croatian Minority Policy: Development, State of the Art, and Suggestions for Improvements

Petričušić, Antonija
Dvadeset pet godina hrvatske neovisnosti – kako dalje?

Legal Protection Against Discrimination in Croatia

Bodiroga-Vukobrat, Nada ; Vinković, Mario ; Petričušić, Antonija

Institutions in charge of and practice of equality data collection in Croatia

Petričušić, Antonija
Dobre prakse prikupljanje podataka o (ne)jednakosti

The Alteration of Discourse Towards Refugees' and Migrants' Flow in Croatia: From Solidarity, Over Security and To Effective Security or Flexible Solidarity?

Petričušić, Antonija
Crossing Borders. Migration and Citizenship Education in EU

Importance of Equality Data Collection in Measuring and Quantifying the Extent of Discrimination and Inequality in Croatia

Petričušić, Antonija ; Vlašić, Tatjana
Law, Society, and Legal Culture

The Return of State Power to Media Policies: Conditioning Media Pluralism in Croatia

Bilić, Paško ; Petričušić, Antonija
Society, Law and Legal Culture

Interest Pressure Group and Legislation: Expansion of Veterans Welfare Legislation in Croatia

Petričušić, Antonija ; Zrinščak, Siniša, Dobrotić, Ivana
Third ISA Forum of Sociology. The Futures We Want: Global Sociology and the Struggles for a Better World

Effects of Europeanization on the rights of national minorities in Croatia: lessons learned and recommendations for future accession conditionality for the Western Balkans countries

Petričušić, Antonija ; Čehulić, Mateja
Nacionalne manjine u demokratskim društvima

Social Change through Law: Involvement in the Juridical Field as a Means for Pursuing the Religopolitical Social Movement’s Goals

Petričušić, Antonija
Fringe Politics in Southeastern Europe II – Conservative Social Movements and the Mainstreaming of Extremism in Southeast Europe

Domestic Winners and Losers of the Europeanisation of Minority Policies: the Croatian Example

Petričušić, Antonija
New Perspectives in European Studies: Europeanisation in the EU and the Neighbourhood

Religiopolitics Through Law: Use of Legal Norms and Institutions by the Croatian Conservative Social Movement

Petričušić, Antonija

Non-Territorial Autonomy in Croatia

Petričušić, Antonija

Symbols that divide: Controversy about interpretation of legal provisions on the right to use minority script in Vukovar

Petričušić, Antonija
Godišnji simpozij Hrvatskog filozofskog društva - Rat i mir

How to ensure the existence of “Others”: the elimination of institutional discrimination of national minorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Petričušić, Antonija

How to strengthen and develop a multiethnic society and its values: Creating an Atmosphere of Mutual Understanding, Respect and Tolerance is a Responsibility of the Croatian Minority Policy

Petričušić ; Antonija

Separating the sheep from the goats

Petričušić, Antonija

Assessing the Second Generation Conditionality: Minority Rights as the Component of EU Conditionality Policy for the Western Balkans

Petričušić, Antonija
The SEE Post-Doc Colloquium in Public Law

Creating an Atmosphere of Mutual Understanding, Respect and Tolerance in the Croatian Society as Legal and Political Postulate

Petričušić, Antonija
Zagrebačka pravna revija = Zagreb law review

The impact of the enlargement process on the development of a minority protection in Southeastern Europe

Petričušić, Antonija

The Core International Human Rights Instruments

Petričušić, Antonija

Introduction to Sociology

Kregar, Josip ; Sekulić, Duško ; Ravlić, Slaven ; Zrinščak, Siniša ; Grubišić, Ksenija ; Petričušić, Antonija

Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe’s Instruments of Minority Protection and their Application in South-eastern Europe Countries

Petričušić, Antonija
Pravo i politika (Novi Sad)

Expanded accession conditionality : the European Union’s leverage on refugee return to Croatia

Petričušić, Antonija ; Mikić, Ljubomir

Manual on Human Rights with a Focus on Protecting the Rights of National Minorities: Manual for Participants at the Training on Human Rights Mechanisms, With an Emphasis on Minority Rights Protection

Šimonović Einwalter, Tena ; Petričušić, Antonija

The second generation of human rights for the second class citizens

Petričušić, Antonija

Integration of Diversity: How is the Integration of Minorities Conceptualized in the Croatian Minority Policy

Petričušić, Antonija

International Legal Norms Prescribing the Right of Co-Official Status of National Minority Languages and Scripts

Petričušić, Antonija
Zagrebačka pravna revija = Zagreb law review

Expanded Accession Conditionality: the European Union’s Leverage on Refugee Return in Croatia

Petričušić, Antonija
The ssociation for the Study of Nationalities (ASN World Convention

Assessing the Second Generation Conditionality: Minority Rights as the Component of EU Conditionality Policy for the Western Balkans

Petričušić, Antonija

Catch-22 in the Chapter 23: Failure of Conditionality Policy in Ensuring the Representation of National Minority Members in Public Administrative Bodies

Petričušić, Antonija ; Mikić, Ljubomir
Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava = Croatian and comparative public administration

In the Name of the Family, Referendum and Sex Education

Petričušić, Antonija

Exporting the Culture of Pluralism, Non-Discrimination and Tolerance: Long Way of the European Values to the External Borders of the Europe Union

Petričušić, Antonija

Political Participation of National Minorities in Croatia: Representation Resulting in Political Integration or Clientelism

Petričušić, Antonija
Ethno-democracy in the heart of Europe: political mobilization and representation of ethnic groups in Bosnia and Herzegovina in a comparative perspective

Democracy without Citizens: Inadequate Consolidation in Two Decades of the Western Balkans Democracy

Petričušić, Antonija
European Quarterly on Political Attitudes and Mentalities

Women in Media: Invisibility that Persists

Petričušić, Antonija

The two sides of caring for the 'own' minority

Petričušić, Antonija

Is Marriage a Human Right?

Petričušić, Antonija

Do we Live in the Knowlege Society of the Society of Professions?

Petričušić, Antonija

Civil Society: An Inevitable Partner in the Development of Local Communities in Young Democracies

Kregar, Josip ; Petričušić, Antonija
Local economic and infrastructure development of see in the context of the EU

Bolzano/Bozen Recommendations on National Minorities in Inter-State Relations: Significance and Implications fro Croatia and the Region

Petričušić, Antonija
Politička misao : Croatian political science review

National Minority Councils - Institution of Questionable Legitimacy and Mostly Unachieved Competences

Petričušić, Antonija
Revus - Revija za evropsko ustavnost

20 Years After 1991: The Tale of Two Generations

Kacarska, Simonida ; Branković, Nina ; Džankić, Jelena ; Mete, Ervin ; Morina, Engjellushe ; Pavićević, Vladimir ; Petričušić, Antonija ; Todorić, Vladimir ; Živanović, Miroslav

"Mionority Conditionality" in the Course of Croatian Accession to the European Union

Petričušić, Antonija
Prava nacionalnih manjina

Refuge Return: the Only Sustainable Return is an Open-End Return

Petričušić, Antonija

EU Tailored-Made Conditionality as an Incentive for Change in the Western Balkans Post-Conflict Societies

Petričušić, Antonija
External Cluster Seminar “Reconciliation and Peacebuilding in post-war societies: a European challenge”

(First) Twenty Years of National Minority Rights in Croatia: How to Assure Sustainability of Minority Policy?

Petričušić, Antonija
Nacionalne manjine u demokratskim društvima

Promotion of Civic Political Culture as an Important Factor of Minority Rights Protection and Development

Petričušić, Antonija
"Uloga manjinske samouprave u razvoju lokalnih zajednica

Europeanisation of Minority Policy in Countries of South-Eastern Europe

Petričušić, Antonija
Nacionalne manjine u Hrvatskoj i Hrvati kao manjina - europski izazovi

Development of Civic Political Culture

Petričušić, Antonija
Multietničnost i razvoj

From Cultural Authonomy to Intercultural Dialogue

Petričušić, Antonija
Multietničnost i razvoj

Intercultural Dialogue as a Means of National Minority Cultural Autonomy Preservation

Petričušić, Antonija
Položaj nacionalnih manjina ulaskom Hrvatske u EU - Ostvarivanje kulturne autonomije nacionalnih manjina u RH

Western Balkans Democracy: Inadequate Political Participation and Immature Political Culture

Petričušić, Antonija
Dynamics of institutional change under EU’s toolkit of conditionality. Judicial reform and fighting corruption in Eastern Europe, Western Balkans and Turkey

Europeanisation of Minority Rights in Croatia: Already Done or Yet to Initiate?

Petričušić, Antonija
Multietničnost i razvoj

The building of the civic political culture - long-term frame for acceptance and promotion of minority rights and policies in Croatia

Petričušić, Antonija

Proposals for action: What the project findings indicate?

Petričušić, Antonija
Multietničnost i razvoj

The Ljubljana guidelines on integration of diverse societies - a new trend of international minority standards: Promoting integration and cohesion in multi-ethnic societies

Petričušić, Antonija
Multietničnost i razvoj

Introduction - Reconciliation in the Western Balkans: New Perspectives and Proposals

Petričušić, Antonija ; Blondel, Cyril
ECMI journal on ethnopolitics and minority issues in Europe

Ethno-Mobilisation and its Consequences in Croatia

Petričušić, Antonija
Southeastern Europe

Antidiscrimination Policy as a Suplementary Model of Protection of National Minorities

Petričušić, Antonija
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

Balkan Media – between War Propaganda and Inter-ethnic Mediation

Petričušić, Antonija
Accepting Diversities: Human Rights and the Challenges of Reconciliation

Bolzano/Bozen Recommendations on National Minorities in Inter-State Relations: Significance and Implications fro Croatia and the Region

Petričušić, Antonija
Dvadeset godina manjinske politike u Hrvatskoj u komparativnoj perspektivi Jugoistočne Europe

Minorities and Media in Croatia : Reaching the Mainstream and Avoiding Marginalisation

Petričušić, Antonija
Izolacija iliintegracija: Kako mediji pristupaju uključivanju manjina u javnu sferu?

Recenzija knjige 'Ivan Markešić, ur.: Hrvati u BiH: ustavni položaj, kulturni razvoj i nacionalni identitet. Centar za demokraciju i pravo Miko Tripalo, 2010.'

Petričušić, Antonija
Croatian international relations review

Community od Indangered Values

Petričušić, Antonija

Putting an End to Ethnic Political Engineering?

Petričušić, Antonija

How to succesfully dismantle a structure of the society?

Petričušić, Antonija

Integration of National Minorities Contributes to a Social Cohesion

Obradović, Stojan ; Petričušić, Antonija

European Union and the Rights of National Minorities

Petričušić, Antonija
Dvadeset godina manjinske politike u RH - položaj nacionalnih manjina ulaskom Hrvatske u EU

Balkan Mythomania

Petričušić, Antonija

Elections for National Minority Councils and Representatives - Legality without Legitimacy

Petričušić, Antonija
Informator : instruktivno-informativni list za ekonomska i pravna pitanja

European Union Accession Process as a Value Export Mechanism

Petričušić, Antonija
International Symposium on Common Governance Culture and Restructuring Problems in Three Seas Basin Countries

Majority needs to be taught on the rights of minorities

Cimeša, Milan ; Petričušić, Antonija

Europeanisation of Minority Rihts and the Role of Media in their Effective Promotion

Petričušić, Antonija
"Mediji i nacionalne manjine u Republici Hrvatskoj na pragu ulaska u Europsku Uniju

Constitutional Challenges Ahead the EU Accession: Analysis of the Croatian and Turkish Constitutional Provisions that Require Harmonization with the Acquis Communautaire

Petričušić, Antonija ; Erkan, Ersin
Review of Interational Law and Politics

Diversity Management: Tool for Successful Accommodation of Ethnic Heterogeneity in the Western Balkans Countries

Petričušić, Antonija
Eleventh Mediterranean Research Meeting

Minorities and Media in Croatia : Reaching the Mainstream and Avoiding Marginalisation

Petričušić, Antonija

(National Minority) Councils as Co-creators of the Local Polititics

Obradović, Stojan ; Petričušić, Antonija
Manjinski forum

Promoting Ethnic Pluralism in Croatia: Institutions, Participation and Representation

Petričušić, Antonija

Croatian Political Parties and Participation of National Minorities

Petričušić, Antonija

Copenhagen Criteria and the Impovement of Inter-ethnic Relations in Croatia

Petričušić, Antonija

Building Institutions: Ethics and Corruption

Kregar, Josip ; Sekulić, Duško ; Ravlić, Slaven ; Malenica, Zoran ; Jeknić, Ranka ; Petričušić, Antonija

Crime as a Business, Business as a Crime

Kregar, Josip ; Petričušić, Antonija

International Network of Young Scientists dealing with Ethnic Reconciliation in the Western Balkans: an Initiative to Address System Incapacity of the SEE Scientific Area and to Contribute to the Reconciliation Processes

Petričušić, Antonija
Der Donauraum

Book review "A European Perspective for the Western Balkans", edited by Hubert Isak [Vienna: Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2008. 341 pp. Softcover ISBN 978-3-7083-0306-2.

Petričušić, Antonija
European Law Review

Recent Minority Legislation in Southeastern European Countries: Normative Developments and Still-Partial Implementation

Petričušić, Antonija
StipendiatInnen-Kolloquium des JungforscherInnenfonds 2008/2009

Human Rights Conditionality in the Pre-Accession Period: the Case of Croatia

Petričušić, Antonija
Post-graduate Course 'Economy and Democracy'

Nation-Building in Croatia and the Treatment of Minorities: Rights and Wrongs

Petričušić, Antonija
L'Europe en formation

The Role of Political Parties in Minority Participation in Croatia

Petričušić, Antonija

EU expansion and the protection of national minorities

Petričušić, Antonija
Međunarodne studije

Country specific report: conflict settlement agreement Croatia

Petričušić, Antonija ; Žagar, Mitja

Country specific report on institutional mechanisms and democratic consolidation in Croatia

Petričušić, Antonija ; Kmezić, Marko ; Žagar, Mitja

European integration and its effects on minority protection in South Eastern Europe


Minority Protection in South-East Europe – Lessons to be Learned

Petričušić, Antonija
Human and Minority Rights in the Life Cycle of Ethnic Conflicts

European Union's Foundamental Rights Policy

Petričušić, Antonija


Petričušić, Antonija

National minorities in the Western Balkans countries – political social and cultural challenges for local and regional authorities

Petričušić, Antonija
National Minorities in the Western Balkans countries – an opportunity for trans-national cooperation of the regional and local authorities

Empowerment of Individual under International Law

Petričušić, Antonija
Croatian international relations review

Institutions of Research and Tertiary Education in Central and South East Europe. Developments, Structures and Perspectives of these Institutions for their Integration into the European Higher Education and Research Area

Mantl, Wolfgang ; Marko, Joseph ; Kopetz, Hedwig ; Aurescu, Bogdan ; Bošnjak, Branka ; Fedorchenko, Anna, Hajrullahu, Arben ; Hallunaj, Zaim ; Ilievski, Zoran ; Kastanara, Margarita ; Kmezić, Marko, Lahnsteiner, Eva ; Milikić, Slobodanka ; Moraitis, Anastasios ; Petričušić, Antonija ; Salamun ; Michaela ; Stoeva, Bozhana ; Vlad, Monika

Country Specific Report on Actors and Processes of Ethno-Mobilization, Violent Conflicts and Consequences: Croatia

Petričušić, Antonija ; Žagar, Mitja

Reforming the Civil Service in Croatia as the Precondition for the Public Administration Reform

Petričušić, Antonija
Review of Central and East European law

Croatian Higher Education System

Petričušić, Antonija
Institutions of Research and Tertiary Education in Central and South East Europe-Developments, Structures and Perspectives for their Integration into the European Higher Education and Research Area

How far is Zagreb from Madrid: Institutional (In)capacity of Croatian Public Administration in EU Accession Process

Petričušić, Antonija
Jean Monnet Conference on "Europe's Democratic Challenges - EU Solutions?"

Implementation of Minority Rights in the Western Balkan Countries

Petričušić, Antonija ; Marko, Joseph
European Integration and its Effects on Minority Protection in the Western Balkan Countries

Minority Rights as the Component of the European Union’ s Conditionality Policy in the Western Balkans

Petričušić, Antonija
UACES 36th Annual Conference and 11th Research Conference

Protection of the Rights of Minorities within the European Union

Petričušić, Antonija
Kulturna autonomija nacionalnih manjina

The Rifle has the Devil Inside: Gun Culture in South Eastern Europe

Gounev, Philip ; Hajdinjak, Marko ; Petričušić, Antonija ; Zhelyazkova, Antonina ; Viorel, Cibotaru ; Daskalovski, Zhidas ; Petković, Toni ; Skendaj, Elton

Pre-Accession Human Rights Record: Assessing the Scope of Conditionality in the Field of Human Rights Promotion and Protection in Croatia

Antonija Petričušić
Balkan yearbook of human rights

Regional Cooperation in the Western Balkans - a Key to Integration into the European Union

Petričušić, Antonija
Croatian yearbook of European law & policy

Participation of national minorities in public life

Petričušić, Antonija

Croatian in Community Programmes

Petričušić, Antonija ; Mađarević, Elizabeta

Minority Protection as the Component of EU Conditionality Policy in Candidate Countries

Petričušić, Antonija
Međunardoni seminar "EU Enlargement and its Impact on Candidate States"

International Standards for the Protection of Minorities within the European Union, the Council of Europe and the OSCE

Petričušić, Antonija
Regional Advocacy and Minority Rights Training Seminar

Double standards for the Protection of Minorities in Member and Candidate States

Petričušić, Antonija
Dileme europskih integracija: Nove države članice kao nove europske manjine

The Rights of Minorities in International Law

Petričušić, Antonija
Croatian international relations review

Minority Rights in Candidate Countries as the Component of the European Union’ s Conditionality Policy

Petričušić, Antonija
International Seminar - Advanced Issues of European Law, EU Enlargement of 2004 and its Impact on Candidate Countries

Access to Education, Training and Employment of Ethnic Minorities in the Western Balkans: Country Report Croatia

Petričušić, Antonija

Wind of Change: The Croatian Government’ s Turn towards a Policy of Ethnic Reconciliation

Petričušić, Antonija
European Diversity and Autonomy Papers

Does the Unresolved Ethnic Conflict Always Constitute an Unacceptable Impediment for the EU Accession

Petričušić, Antonija
The European Union and Southeast Europe after 2004

Croatian Constitutional Law on the Rights of National Minorities

Petričušić, Antonija
European yearbook of minority issues

Slovenian Legislative System for Minority Protection: Different Rights for Old and New Minorities

Petričušić, Antonija
Noves SL

Minority Protection as the Precondition for Accession of South East Europe into the European Union

Petričušić, Antonija
Human Rights and Migration in South East Europe

No Man's Land. The Long Struggle for Property Rights of Australian Indigenous People

Petričušić, Antonija
Academia (Bolzano)

Waiting at Europe's Doorstep. Is the recent enlargement of the EU the last, or there is still room in the Union for new members?

Petričušić, Antonija ; Constantin, Sergiu
Academia (Bolzano)

Rebuilding Resorts in the Wake of War. Croatia strives to pump life back into its once-booming tourist industry

Petričušić, Antonija
Academia (Bolzano)

Implementation of Rights of Minorities in Croatia

Petričušić, Antonija
Minorities in Democracy

Managing Ethnic Diversity in Croatia

Petričušić, Antonija
Summer University of the Institute of Federalism of the University of Fribourg, Decentralisation, and Good Governance in Multicultural Societies

Protection of National Minorities in the Republic of Croatia: Legislative Framework, Mechanisms for Protection and Implementation of Minority Rights

Petričušić, Antonija

Protection of Fundamental Rights and Liberties Violated by Civil Servants

Petričušić, Antonija

Journalists as Victims in Post Communists Regimes

Petričušić, Antonija
X International Symposium on Victimology

Systematic Rape - a Weapon of War in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina

Petričušić, Antonija
Pravnik : časopis za pravna i društvena pitanja

List of select projects

2023 – present - Researcher in the project of the Croatian Science Foundation "Digital data, infrastructures, and development (DEVELOPER)"

2021– 2022 - Coordinator of the regional project "University and Gender Mainstreaming - UNIGEM" at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb. 

2020 – 2022 - External collaborator in the institutional research project of the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb in "Supported or conquered - predictors of the attitudes of Croatian citizens on sexual violenceand violations of sexual and reproductive rights of women".

2019 – 2023 - Collaborator in the project of the Croatian Science Foundation "Regulation of prostitution in Croatia".

2018 – present - Member of a research group “Identity, Race and Ethnicity in Constitutional Law” under the International Association of Constitutional Law.

2017 – 2018 - Collaborator in the project “Reflecting ethnic heterogeneity andtolerance towards national minorities in legal education in South East Europe and Germany”, Europa-Institut of Saarland Univeristy / SouthEast European Law School Network / Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD).

2016 – 2017 -Collaborator in the project of institutional financing of scientific and artistic activities at the University of Zagreb in 2016. “Refugees in/through eyes of society elites”.

2015 – 2016  - National Expert in the research project “Analysis and comparative review of equality data collection practices in the European Union”, Human European Consultancy, Bruxelles

2015 - Collaborator in the project of institutional financing of scientific and artistic activities at the University of Zagreb in 2015 "Veterans' policies in Croatia and dynamics of veterans'self-organising in NGOs”.

2015 – 2016 - Expert in the regional research project “Legal protection against discrimination in South East Europe”, Centre for South East European Law School (SEELS) / Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

2014 – 2017 - Collaborator in the project “Media Pluralism Monitor”, European University Institute, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Florence, Italy.

2012 – 2013 Local Project Officer for Croatia in the joint EU and Council of Europe project "Promoting Human Rights and Minority Protection in South East Europe".

2009 – 2014 Research Assistant in the project of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sport “Institution building: ethics and corruption”.

2006 – 2008 Research Assistant in the FP6 project “Human and Minority Rights in the Life-Cycle of Ethnic Conflicts”, University of Graz, Austria.

2006 – 2007 Researcher in the project of the Austrian Ministry of Science “Institutions of Tertiary Education in Central and South East Europe: Developments, Structures and Perspectives of these Institutions for their Integration into the European Higher Education and Research Area”.

2006 Researcher in the project of the EU Agency European Training Foundation “Access to Education, Training and Employment of Ethnic Minorities in the Western Balkans”.

2005 – 2006 Research Assistant in the project “Perspectives of the EU integration”, Ministry of Science, Education and Sport; Zagreb, Croatia.

2003 –  2005 Junior researcher in the project ”Minority Rights Information System”, European Academy of Bolzano/Bozen, Italy.