Studomat is a module of the Information System of Higher Education Institutions (ISVU) intended for students.
Studomat enables students to do the following:
- register/unregister for exams
- review the schedule for the written exam
- view results of written exams
- find the schedule for the oral exam
- request the printing of various certificates
With the help of Studomat, students can gain insight into all their data recorded in ISVU, such as:
- personal data
- enrolled subjects
- passed exams
- access level to student restaurants
How to Access Studomat
The assigned AAI@EduHr electronic identity (AAI user credentials) is also to be used to access ISVU Studomat.
Studomat Access Link
For more Instructions
For more instructions on how to use Studomat and other information on the Information System of Higher Education Institutions (ISVU) please consult the following web page: