doc. dr. sc. Irena Horvatić Bilić
doc. dr. sc.
Irena Horvatić Bilić


Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

Genre Competence in Languages for Specific Purposes: Legal Genres

Horvatić Bilić, Irena ; Husinec, Snježana
IDT 2022 - XVII. Internationale Tagung der Deutschlehrerinnen und Deutschlehrer, Beč, Austrija, 15. 8. – 20. 8. 2022.

A Comparative Analysis of Collocations in UK and Croatian Company Law

Husinec, Snježana ; Horvatić Bilić, Irena
ESP Today

A Comparative Analysis of Collocations in UK and Croatian Company Law

Husinec, Snježana ; Horvatić Bilić Irena
ESP Today Journal of English for Specific Purposes at Tertiary Level

From Language Animation to Balanced Development of Language Skills to Communicative Competence


Authentic materials - a must for successfull LLP teaching

Horvatić Bilić, Irena ; Husinec, Snježana
XVIII AELFE (European Association of Laungages for Specific Purposes) Congress

English for the Legal Profession. 2nd revised ed.

Sočanac, Lelija ; Matijašević, Miljen ; Javornik- Čubrić, Marijana ; Husinec, Snježana ; Horvatić Bilić, Irena

Synergy between Professional Knowledge and LSP

Horvatić Bilić, Irena ; Husinec, Snježana
II. International Conference From Theory to Practice in Language for Specific Purposes = II. međunarodna konferencija Od teorije do prakse u jeziku struke

KDV-Info, XXVI. International Conference of the Croatian Association of German Teachers, German Teachers as Key Success Factors in Teaching German


Authenticity of Teaching Materials in LSP

Husinec, Snježana ; Horvatić Bilić, Irena
XVI. Internationale Tagung der Deutschlehrer und Deutschlehrerinen: BRÜCKEN GESTALTEN – MIT DEUTSCH VERBINDEN: Menschen – Lebenswelten – Kulturen

KDV-Info, XXV. International Conference of the Croatian Association of German Teachers, Teaching German in Croatia, Overview of the Last 25 Years and Future Prospects


English for the Legal Profession

Sočanac, Lelija ; Matijašević, Miljen ; Javornik Čubrić, Marijana ; Husinec, Snježana ; Horvatić Bilić, Irena

Cross-lingual L3 acquisition: results of an experiment

Horvatić Čajko, Irena
XV. Internationale Tagung der Detuschlerhrerinnen und Deutschlehrer

My English is excellent. And your English for Law? GLP v LSP in linguistic training of legal professionals

Horvatić, Bilić, Irena ; Husinec, Snježana
6th International Conference on Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice 2016. Transnational Flows and Professional Practice

KDV-Info, XXIV. International Conference of the Croatian Association of German Teachers, Target- Group and Learning-Objectives-Specific Concepts in Teaching German – Theoretical and Practical Approaches


German in Croatian

Horvatić Bilić, Irena ; Mathias, Alexa ; Skender Libhard, Inja
Der Sprachdienst

L3 acquisition in the constellation German as a foreign language after English

Horvatić Čajko, Irena
XXVIII. međunarodni znanstveni skup Hrvatskog društva za primijenjenu lingvistiku Višejezičnost kao predmet multidisciplinarnih istraživanja

Learning strategies and tecnics in third language teaching. An empirical study for German al L3 after English as L2

Petravić, Ana ; Horvatić Čajko, Irena
Zagreber germanistische Beitraege

Developing Metalinguistic Awareness in L3 German Classrooms

Horvatić Čajko, Irena

How does writing skill in L3 German reflect previously acquired linguistic knowledge?

Horvatić Čajko, Irena

The role of plurilingual competence in learning and teaching a second foreign language - German as L3

Horvatić Čajko, Irena

German Classes from Students' Perspective - Specific Features and Potential of the Constellation German after Englisch

Horvatić Čajko, Irena
KD Info : mitglied des internationalen Deutschlehrerverbandes

Factors related to language transfer in L3 learning

Horvatić Čajko, Irena
New Perspectives on Crosslinguistic Influence in Language Learning

Developing Teaching Materials - German as LSP for Students of Public Administration

Horvatić Čajko, Irena
The International Language Conference on the Importance of Learning Professional Foreign Languages for Communication Between Cultures

Knowledge of Foreign Languages and Plurilingual Competence upon Completing High School Education

Horvatić Čajko, Irena

Prautsch, Ludwig: 'Vor deinen Thron tret ich hiermit': Figures and symbols in Johann Sebastian Bach's final works


Country Profile - Croatia

Domović, Vlatka ; Gehrmann, Siegfried ; Horvatić, Irena ; Petravić, Ana ; Matijević, Milan ; Pastuović, Nikola ; Mijatović, Antun

Country Profile – Croatia

Domović, Vlatka ; Gehrmann, Siegfried ; Horvatić, Irena ; Petravić, Ana ; at al.

Country Profile – Croatia

Domović, Vlatka ; Gehrmann, Zygfryd ; Horvatić, Irena ; Petravić, Ana

List of select publications


-         Magistarski rad Subjektivno motiviran simultani bilingvizam. Dvojezično odrastanje u prirodnom jednojezičnom okruženju, Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2003.

-     Dinamični položaj hrvatskoga u kontekstu subjektivno motivirane izborne  

dvojezičnosti, Strani jezici 35 (2006) 1, Zagreb.

-         Mehrsprachiger Ansatz im Deutschunterricht – Deutsch als zweite Fremsprache

KDVinfo, Jahrgang 15, Nummer 28/29, 2006., Zagreb.

Professional memberships

Long term member of the Croatian Association of German Teachers ( Member of the Presiding Board of the Association in the third mandate, currently in the role of the president.

Member of the Croatian Applied Linguistics Society

Past employments

Irena Horvatić Bilić is an assistant professor at the Department of Foreign Languages. She has been working at the Faculty of Law since December 2006. She used to work as a German and English teacher at the XVIII. Grammar School in Zagreb, as English teacher at the School for Foreign Languages of the Croatian Military College in Zagreb and as interpreter of the Public Relations and  Protocol Department in the Cabinet of the Chief of Staff within the General Staff of the Croatian Armed Forces.


She gained experience of work on international projects as a coordinator of the Institute for Globalisation and Intercultural Learning - IGI. She also worked as a coordinator and editor in the publishing house Školska knjiga. She started teaching on the university level as an external collaborator at the Department of Intercultural German Studies at the Faculty of Teacher Education in 2003.


She is also occupied with translation and author's work, being the author of the concept and coauthor of the texbook series for German as the second foreign language in grammar and middle vocational schools - 1 - 4.