doc. dr. sc. Iva Bjelinski Radić
doc. dr. sc.
Iva Bjelinski Radić

Iva Bjelinski Radić was born in 1987 in Šibenik. In 2012 she graduated from the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb with magna cum laude honors. During her studies she was awarded the Dean's Award for the success in studying (in 2008) and Special Rector's Award for the success in the regional student Moot Court competition in the human rights field (in 2009). From March 2012 unitl September 2014 she worked as law trainee at the Law firm Glinska & Mišković Ltd in Zagreb. She passed the Croatian Bar exam in January 2014.

Since September 2014 she has works as a research and teaching assistant at the Department of Labour and Social Security Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb. From 2014 to 2020 she was the academic mentor of the Group for protection of workers' rights in the Legal Clinic of the Faculty of Law in Zagreb. She is a proficient user in English (C2) and independent user in German (B2).

In March 2022 she defended her doctoral dissertation "Labour law aspects of platform work".



Graduation year: 2012

PhD graduation year: 2022

Employed since: 2014


Public phone number:
4597 532
Trg Republike Hrvatske 3, soba 40 (4. kat - potkrovlje)
Labour Law and Social Security

In the academic year 2023/2024 consultations will not be held due to the use of maternity and parental leave. 

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

Regulation of platform work in Croatia

Bjelinski Radić, Iva
Panel savjetovanje “Izmjene Zakona o radu i digitalne platforme u cestovnom prijevozu” (u organizaciji Hrvatskog društva za transportno pravo i Hrvatske udruge poslodavaca)

What do the latest amendments to the Labor Act bring?

Grgurev, Ivana ; Bjelinski Radić, Iva
259. Tribina Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i Kluba pravnika Grada Zagreba

Critical Reflections on the European Commission’s Proposal for a Directive on Improving Working Conditions in Platform Work

Bjelinski Radić, Iva
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

Normative regulation of platform work - quo vadis?

Bjelinski Radić, Iva
Zagrebačko - skopski pravni kolokvij "Law and Modern Technologies"

Labour law aspects of platform work

Bjelinski Radić, Iva

Platform work as a contemporary challenge to the notion of worker

Bjelinski Radić, Iva
International Young Scholars’ Conference on the 'Future Challenges of Decent and Sustainable Work'

Labour law aspects of platform work

Bjelinski Radić, Iva

The Impact of Digitalisation on Individual Labour Relations: Working Time as an Outdated Concept?

Bjelinski Radić, Iva

Working time in the era of digitalization

Bjelinski Radić, Iva
Workers' Rights at the Intersection of Labour Law and Economics

Challenges to labor and social security law in the light of the digitalization of labor

Bjelinski Radić, Iva
Zagrebačka pravna revija

New forms of employment as contemporary challenge for labour law - the case of Uber

Bjelinski Radić, Iva
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci

The individual opt-out of the 48-hour limit to average weekly working time in the EU and Croatian law

Bjelinski Radić, Iva

The Right to Participation of Employees in Croatia ; The Works Council

Gotovac, Viktor ; Bjelinski Radić, Iva
Prvi hrvatsko - mađarski poredbeni seminar radnog prava

International conference Employment relationships - development and challenges

Bjelinski Radić, Iva
Zagrebačka pravna revija

Professional memberships

The Croatian Association for Labour Law and Social Security