doc. dr. sc. Ivan Obadić
doc. dr. sc.
Ivan Obadić

Ivan Obadić joined the Faculty of Law at the University of Zagreb in 2010. Prior to joining the university, he was a Research Assistant at the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (2008-2010).  He graduated in law and in history at the University of Zagreb. In 2008 he earned his MSc degree in the History of International Relations from the London School of Economics and Political Science and in 2013 a Master of Research degree from the European University Institute, Florence. He earned his Ph.D. from the EUI in 2017. In 2020 Dr. Obadić was a visiting researcher at the Centre for Southeast European Studies, University of Graz. Currently, he is the holder of the Jean Monnet Module “Development of European integration and institutions”.


Dr. Obadić teaches the general history of law and state and the development of European integration and institutions. His current areas of research are situated at the crossroads of legal, economic, and diplomatic history with a special focus on the history of European Integration, Cold War history, and the history of Southeastern Europe. He was involved in several interdisciplinary and international projects at the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, European Union Democracy Observatory and at the Migration Policy Centre, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Histcom 3 – The European Commission (1986-2000) – History and Memories of an Institution, etc. Apart from his scientific work, dr. Obadić was involved in a wide number of academic and cultural activities. He is a co-founder of the Society of Historians of the City of Varaždin and Varaždin County (2009), and the European Integration History Working Group established at the European University Institute in 2013. He has launched the publication of the research journal Historia Varasdiensis to promote the local history of Varaždin and the region. Dr. Obadić has initiated and organized almost twenty lectures by prominent professors and took part in the organization of a number of workshops and international conferences as a member of ELSA, Society of Historians of the City of Varaždin and Varaždin County, European Integration History Working Group, and during his work as an assistant at the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts.



Graduation year: 2006 graduation year: 2008

PhD graduation year: 2017

Employed since: 2010


Public phone number:
+385 - 1- 4895 - 749
Ćirilometodska 4, soba 49
General History of Law and State

Tuesday from 14:00

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

Civic honour and its loss in the greek polis and the modern democracy

Erent-Sunko, Zrinka ; Obadić, Ivan

Harmonization and unification of family law in Europe, Legal-historical assumptions and (non)possibilities

Erent-Sunko, Zrinka ; Obadić, Ivan

Harmonization and unification of Family law in Europe - Legal-historical presumptions and (im)possibilities

Obadić, Ivan ; Erent-Sunko, Zrinka

Corruption and political responsibility in transitional societies

Roksandić, Sunčana ; Obadić, Ivan
Politička (ne)odgovornost i korupcija - je li došlo vrijeme za postrožavanje uvjeta kandidiranja za političke funkcije?

The European Commission and the Yugoslav Crises, 1991-1999

Obadić, Ivan ; Zaccaria, Benedetto

Turning to the Eastern Bloc: Yugoslavia´s Relations with the COMECON (1961-1964)

Obadić, Ivan ; Ninković, Momir
Legacy of the CMEA Cooperation: Conference in History of Political Economy of Socialist Camp


Obadić, Ivan ; Marelja, Miran
Radovi Zavoda za znanstveni rad Varaždin

The Briand Plan : The First Attempt to Create the European Union (1929-1932)

Erent-Sunko, Zrinka ; Marelja, Miran ; Obadić, Ivan
Zagrebačka pravna revija

Europe in the first decade after the First World War

Obadić, Ivan
Znanstveni skup Varaždin i sjeverna Hrvatska u desetljeću nakon Velikog rata

The 1965 Economic Reform: Opening to the West

Obadić, Ivan
Reforming Socialism – Aims and Efforts Before and After 1968

An Eastern OECD? Yugoslav Vision of Economic Integration of Central Europe

Obadić, Ivan
(De-)constructing Central Europe: From Mitteleuropa to Visions of a Common Europe, 1918-201

A socialist developing country in a Western capitalist club. Yugoslavia and the OEEC/OECD, 1955-1980

Marković, Andrej ; Obadić Ivan
Warden of the West. The OECD and the global political economy, 1948 to present

Media content analysis of the Indian community in Switzerland

Obadić, Ivan

Towards Market Socialism: the Role of Domestic Actors and International Economic Development in Formulation of the Yugoslav 1965 Economic Reform

Obadić, Ivan
Talking about Economics in the Socialist World (1920s-1980s)

The importance of the Vienna Congress for Europe and Croatia

Obadić, Ivan
Varaždin i Habsburzi. U povodu 200 godišnjice završetka Bečkog kongresa (1815-2015)

A Troubled Relationship: Yugoslavia and the European Economic Community in Détente

Obadić, Ivan
European review of history

History of European Integration in Croatia higher education system - Present Situation and Perspectives

Obadić, Ivan
Sveučilišna nastava povijesti u Hrvatskoj. Tradicija, današnje stanje, perspektive, Hrvatski nacionalni odbor za povijesne znanosti, Društvo za hrvatsku povjesnicu ; Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Filozofski fakultet – Odsjek za povijest

The Legal Basis of Trade and Cooperation between EEC and Yugoslavia - "Pre-History" of Bosnia and Herzegovina Accession to the European Union

Erent-Sunko, Zrinka ; Obadić, Ivan ; Marelja, Miran
2nd Conference " European System of European Union and Accession of Bosnia and Herzegovina" (2 ; 2012)

European Community, Britain and Yugoslavia in the Cold War: In pursuit of Stability?

Obadić, Ivan
Mapping the External Relations of the EC: Origins, Evolutions and Challenges

Interview with prof. dr. sc. Rudolf Lončarić

Obadić, Ivan, Težak, Spomenka
Historia Varasdiensis


Petrić, Hrvoje ; Obadić, Ivan
Historia Varasdiensis: časopis za varaždinsku povjesnicu

A Troubled Partnership? Yugoslavia and the EEC in Détente

Obadić, Ivan
Socialist Visions and Policies on European Cooperation

The Historiography of Varaždin Region in the 20th century

Huzjan, Vladimir ; Obadić, Ivan
Historia Varasdiensis


Petrić, Hrvoje ; Obadić Ivan
Historia Varasdiensis

Interview with mr. sc. Eduard Vargović, director of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts Institute for Scientific Work in Varaždin

Obadić, Ivan
Historia Varasdiensis: časopis za varaždinsku povjesnicu

"This is the Hour of Europe" - European Community, the Yugoslav crisis and international recognition of Republic of Croatia and Slovenia

Obadić, Ivan
Kako je nastala država Hrvatska 1991

Relations between Yugoslavia and the European Community during the period of détente

Obadić, Ivan
Društvo povjesničara grada Varaždina i Varaždinske županije

"Varaždin could have become an university center in the 1970s" - interview with prof. emeritus Franjom Ruža

Ivan, Obadić
Historia Varasdiensis

Lectures organised by Society of historians from 2009 to 2010.

Huzjan, Vladimir ; Obadić, Ivan
Historia Varasdiensis


Petrić, Hrvoje ; Obadić, Ivan
Historia Varasdiensis

"Varaždin could have become an university center in the 1970s" - interview with prof. emeritus Franjo Ruža

Obadić, Ivan
Historia Varasdiensis

From the Policy of Non-alignment back to Europe ; Yugoslav Policy towards the European Communities

Obadić, Ivan
The European integration process in the eyes of others: historical perspectives, 1952-1992

A Troubled Partnership? Yugoslavia and the EEC in the 1970s

Erent-Sunko, Zrinka ; Obadić Ivan
Cooperation and Integration in Europe in the 1970s: Policies and Views from Central-Eastern Europe

The City Administration Reform following to the 1750 Commission Statute of the City of Varaždin

Obadić, Ivan
Znanstveni skup Osamsto godina slobodnog kraljevskog grada Varaždina 1209.-2009.

Bibliography of economic and ecohistory of the city of Varaždin and its region

Obadić, Ivan
Ekonomska i ekohistorija

An Overview of the Varaždin Historiography – a Contiribution to the Bibliographia Warasdiensis

Obadić, Ivan
Radovi Zavoda za znanstveni rad - Varaždin

Mirko Androić, Starogradska varaždinska općina/ Mirko Androić, Spomenici starogradske varaždinske općine

Obadić, Ivan
Historijski zbornik

Drava River Flooding in Varaždin and Koprivnica Parts of Podravina (Drava River Region – Between Croatia and Hungary) in the Period 17th-19th Century, Podravina

Petrić, Hrvoje ; Obadić, Ivan
Podravina : časopis za multidisciplinarna istraživanja

Interrelation of people and Drava River in the River in the Region of Varaždin Podravina in the New Age

Obadić, Ivan
Radovi Zavoda za znanstveni rad - Varaždin

Refugee Law and International (non)governmental Organizations in Republic of Croatia

Mrljić, Robert ; Obadić, Ivan
Pravnik : časopis za pravna i društvena pitanja

List of select projects

2020, Integration and disintegration of the European Union: Dynamics of Europeanism and Euroscepticism, researcher; a Croatian science foundation-funded research project. 


2019, Integrating Diversity in the European Union (InDivEU), a Horizon 2020 funded research project. The project is coordinated by the Robert Schuman Centre at the European University Institute and has 14 partner institutions.


2019, project euandi2019, team co-leader of Croatia country team. The European University Institute (EUI) in Florence; University of Lucerne (Switzerland).


2015 - 2019, The European Commission (1986-2000) – History and Memories of an Institution. History of the Commission consortium (European University Institute (EUI), Florence, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), KU Leuven, Historical Archives of the European Union, etc.), volume 3 (HISTCOM3).


2014-2015, Developing Evidence-based Management and Operations in India-EU Migration and Partnerships. Migration Policy Centre, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Florence.


2013-2014, Project euandi2014, member of Croatia country team. European Union Democracy Observatory (EUDO), Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Florence.


2011 - present, “Razvoj hrvatskog prava i njegove europske pravno-povijesne pretpostavke”. University of Zagreb, Faculty of Law