izv. prof. dr. sc. Ksenija Grubišić
izv. prof. dr. sc.
Ksenija Grubišić


Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

Social values and public services

Zrinščak, Siniša

Sociology with the Introduction to the Sociology of Law

Zrinščak, Siniša ; Kregar, Josip ; Sekulić, Duško ; Ravlić, Slaven ; Grubišić, Ksenija ; Čepo, Dario ; Petričušić, Antonija ; Čehulić, Mateja

Criteria for defining and systematizing legal principles in higher education and science

Grubišić, Ksenija
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

Application of the Qualifications Framework in Higher Education and Science: Development Obstacles and Opportunities for Institutions of Higher Education

Barbić, Jakša ; Družić, Ivo ; Staničić, Frane ; Potočnjak, Željko ; Grubišić, Ksenija

Immoralitiy Friedrich Nietzsches: Socioal conditionality and the liberating sense of morality

Ksenija Grubišić

Employability and career development of social workers who graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Zagreb between 2004 and 2010

Matković, Teo ; Ogresta, Jelena ; Zrinščak, Siniša ; Rimac, Ivan ; Grubišić, Ksenija ;

Employability and career development of cohorts graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Zagreb between 2004 and 2010

Matković, Teo ; Ogresta, Jelena ; Grubišić, Ksenija ; Zrinščak, Siniša ; Rimac, Ivan

Application of the qualification framework and working career of students of the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb


Responsible information and financial education as a benchmark for effective civil and social protection of consumers

Grubišić, Ksenija
Revija za socijalnu politiku

Study on the application and effectiveness of consumer civil protection in financial, public and telecommunications services

Josipović, Tatjana ; Ernst, Hano ; Grubišić, Ksenija ; Nikšić, Saša

Quality assurance of higher education institutions in the context of establishing a Croatian qualification framework

Grubišić, Ksenija

Systematization of Legal Norms in Higher Education and Science in the Republic of Croatia

Grubišić, Ksenija
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

Ethics in politics and public administration

Kregar, Josip ; Marčetić, Gordana ; Grubišić, Ksenija

Introduction to Ethics: Basic Ethical Issues

Kregar, Josip ; Marčetić, Gordana ; Grubišić, Ksenija

Employability and career development of cohorts graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Zagreb between 2004 and 2010

Matković, Teo ; Ogresta, Jelena ; Grubišić, Ksenija ; Zrinščak, Siniša ; Rimac, Ivan

Employability and career development of social workers who graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Zagreb between 2004 and 2010

Matković, Teo ; Ogresta, Jelena ; Zrinščak, Siniša ; Rimac, Ivan ; Grubišić, Ksenija

Introduction to Sociology

Kregar, Josip ; Sekulić, Duško ; Ravlić, Slaven ; Zrinščak, Siniša ; Grubišić, Ksenija ; Petričušić, Antonija

Introduction to Sociology

Kregar, Josip ; Sekulić, Duško ; Ravlić, Slaven ; Grubišić, Ksenija ; Zrinščak, Siniša

The categorical imperative as an example against the ideal

Grubišić, Ksenija

The normative assumptions of the knowledge society

Grubišić, Ksenija

Introduction to sociology

Kregar, Josip ; Sekulić, Duško ; Ravlić, Slaven ; Grubišić, Ksenija

Introduction to sociology

Kregar, Josip ; Sekulić, Duško ; Ravlić, Slaven ; Grubišić, Ksenija

Collected papers: Managing the university

Kregar, Josip ; Dika Mihajlo, Petrak, Marko ; Grubišić, Ksenija ; Bolanča, Dragan ; Matulović, Miomir ; Jerneić, Željko ; Vasiček, Vesna ; Krajcar, Slavko ; Rajčić, Davor

Integration standards in the statutes of Croatian universities

Kregar, Josip ; Dika, Mihajlo ; Matulović, Miomir ; Bolanča, Dragan ; Jerneić, Željko ; Vašiček, Vesna ; Petrak, Marko ; Rajčić. Davor ; Krajcar, Slavko ; Grubišić, Ksenija

The tragic figure is the basis of understanding good and evil at Friedrich Nietzsche

Grubišić, Ksenija

Historical awareness of Gadamer with a review of Nietzsche's book About the benefits and damages of history for life

Grubišić, Ksenija

Haler's judgment of Gundulic's Osman in the light of knowledge as a spiritual act

Grubišić, Ksenija

List of select publications


  • Grubišić, K. (2018), Friedrich Nietzscheʾ immorality; social conditioning and the liberating sense of morality, Naklada Breza, Zagreb.


  • Grubišić, K. (2018) (edit.), Application of the qualification framework and working career of students of the University of Zagreb Faculty of Law, Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb.
  • Josipović, T., Ernst, H., Grubišić, K., Nikšić, S. (2018), The Study on the application and effectiveness of consumer civil justice remedies in financial and telecommunications services, Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb.



  • Grubišić, K. (2019) »Criteria for defining and systematizing legal principles in higher education and science«, in: Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu, Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 69 (4), pp. 521-552.
  • Grubišić, K. (2019) »Application of the qualifications framewor in higher education and science: development obstacles and opportunities for Institutions of higher education«, in: Truths and misconceptionis about reform in science and higher education, Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, Zagreb, pp. 129-155.
  • Matković, T., Ogresta, J., Grubišić, K., Zrinščak, S., Rimac, I. (2018) »Employability and career development of persons who graduated from Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb between 2004 and 2010«, in: Ksenija Grubišić (ur.), Application of the qualification framework and working career of students of the University of Zagreb Faculty of Law, Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, pp. 1-77.
  • Matković, T., Ogresta, J., Zrinščak, S., Rimac, I., Grubišić, K. (2018)  » Employability and career development of persons who graduated from Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb (Study Center for Social Work) between 2004 and 2010«, in: Ksenija Grubišić (ur.), Application of the qualification framework and working career of students of the University of Zagreb Faculty of Law, Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, pp. 77-143.
  • Grubišić, K. (2018) »Quality assurance of higher education institutions in the context of establishing a Croatian qualification framework«, in: Ksenija Grubišić (ur.), Application of the qualification framework and working career of students of the University of Zagreb Faculty of Law, Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, pp. 227-253.
  • Grubišić, K. (2018) »Responsible information and financial education as a benchmark for effective civil and social protection of consumers«, in: Revija za socijalnu politiku, Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 25 (3), pp. 327-349.
  • Grubišić, K. (2017) »Systematization of legal norms in higher education and science in the Republic of Croatia«, in: Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu, Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 67 (3-4), pp. 565-598.
  • Grubišić, K. (2016) »Introduction to Ethics«, in: Ethics in politics and public administration Novi informator, Zagreb, pp. 11-29.
  • Grubišić, K. (2014) »Sociology of Law (Jürgen Habermas)«, in: Introduction to Sociology, Sveučilišna tiskara, Zagreb, pp. 179-189.
  • Grubišić, K. (2014) »Research into the origin of moral sensations: immoralism as an ethical theory«,  in: Gefühle?, Studie philosophica Iaderensia, Wehrhahn-Verlag Hannover
  • Grubišić, K. (2012) »The categorical imperative as an example protuideala« in: Prolegomena, Association for the Advancement of Philosophy, Sveučilište u Zagrebu – Hrvatski studiji, Zagreb, pp. 225-255.
  • Grubišić, K. (2011) »Normative assumptions of the knowledge society«, in : Proceedings of the Social assumptions of the knowledge society, Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, pp. 105-119.
  • Grubišić, K. (2008) »Sociology of Education and Science«, in: Introduction to Sociology, Sveučilišna tiskara Zagreb, pp. 481-493.
  • Grubišić, K. (2008) »Sociology and Psychoanalysis«, in: Introduction to Sociology, Sveučilišna tiskara Zagreb, pp. 151-166.
  • Grubišić, K. (2007) »Sociology of Education and Science«, in: Introduction to Sociology, Sveučilišna tiskara Zagreb, pp. 381-392.
  • Grubišić, K. (2007) »Integration of standards in the statutes of Croatian Universities«, in: Management University, Sveučilišna tiskara, Zagreb, pp. 91-105.
  • Grubišić, K. (2002) »A tragic figure as the basis for understanding good and evil with Friedrich Nietzsche«, in:  Nietzsche’s legacy (2002), Matica Hrvatska, Zagreb, pp. 93-107.
  • Grubišić, K. (2001) »Historical consciousness in Gadamer with emphasis on Nietzsche’s essay “On the Use and Abuse of history for life” «, in: Gadamer and the philosophical hermeneutics, Matica Hrvatska, Zagreb, pp. 35-48.
  • Grubišić, K. (2000) »Haler assessment Gundulićeva “Osman” in the light of knowledge as a spiritual act«, in:  Proceedings of the Albert Haleru, (2000), Hrvatski studiji Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, pp. 183-193.
  • Grubišić, K. (1999) »Obsolete-permanent feature of Nietzsche’s concept of education«, in: Scopus 12, Hrvatski studiji Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, pp. 31-44.
  • Grubišić, K. (1997) »Kants notion of freedom«, in: Scopus 5, Hrvatski studiji Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, pp. 22-29.
  • Grubišić, K. (1997) »Metaphysical justification of coercion«, in: Scopus 6, Hrvatski studiji Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, pp. 28-33.

List of select projects

1. Legal and organizational aspects of an integrated university, 2007. (NZZ)

2. Changes of Criteria of Scientific, Educational and Ethical Standards in the framework of the Higher Education Reform, 2009. (NZZ)

3. Criteria for quality assurance at the University of Zagreb in the social field, 2010. (University of Zagreb)

4. Enhancing the participation of the CSO’s in monitoring of the implementation of the EU Acquis, in the field of fight against corruption and the overall transparency, openness and accountability of public administration bodies, 2011. (IPA)

5.  Civil protection of citizens in financial crisis, 2015., 2016. and 2017. (NZZ)