prof. dr. sc. Lana Ofak
prof. dr. sc.
Lana Ofak

Lana Ofak is Full Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, Croatia. From 2004 till 2006, within the United Nations Development Program in Zagreb, she was a co-editor of the Croatian Human Development Report (2004.) and Poverty, Unemployment and Social Exclusion Report (2006.). Since 2006 she has been employed at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb at the Chair of Administrative Law. She earned her Ph.D. in Public Law and Public Administration from Faculty of Law in Zagreb in 2012. She is a member of the Avosetta Group and the advisory board of Justice and Environment. She is also a member of Environmental Law Network International and European Environmental Law Forum. Since 2007 she has been involved as a lecturer in many training programs in the field of environmental law for lawyers, judges, journalists, civil servants in municipal governments and members of the environmental non-governmental organizations from Croatia and the neighbouring countries. In 2012 she won “Junior Faculty Development Program” fellowship funded by the U.S. Department of State that enabled her to spend Spring 2013 Semester at the Florida State University College of Law (Environmental, Energy and Land Use Law Program) as a visiting scholar. She is author of the book Environmental Law - Croatia published in 2016 by Kluwer Law International (Wolters Kluwer), and its second updated edition published in 2020. 




Graduation year: 2004

PhD graduation year: 2012


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Administrative Law

Mondays from 9:30 - 11:00 PAM

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

Integrated permit regimes in conflicting times - Croatian Report

Ofak, Lana
Integrated permit regimes in conflicting times

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) – Croatian Report

Ofak, Lana
Strategic Environmental Assessment and Developments in Climate Litigation

Amendments to the Croatian Citizenship Act in 2015 and 2019

Šikić, Marko ; Ofak, Lana
Trideset godina od stupanja na snagu Zakona o hrvatskom državljanstvu

The approach of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia towards the protection of the right to a healthy environment

Ofak, Lana
Journal of agricultural and environmental law

Permitted amendments to the concession contract without the implementation of a new concession award procedure

Šikić, Marko ; Ofak, Lana
9. savjetovanje: Novosti u upravnom pravu i upravnosudskoj praksi

Legal nature of measures to combat the COVID-19 pandemic

Ofak, Lana
Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu

Criminal law responses to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic

Munivrana, Maja ; Ofak, Lana
Okrugli stol Primjena prava za vrijeme pandemije COVID-19

Legal framework for renewable energy sources in European Union law

Šantek, Igor ; Ofak, Lana
Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu

The Impact of the Pan-European General Principles of Good Administration on Croatian Administrative Law – Arising from the Case Law of the Croatian Constitutional Court

Ofak, Lana

Lawsuit over omission to pass general acts in European and Croatian law

Turudić, Marko ; Ofak, Lana
Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu

Punishing for violations of measures aiming to suppress the pandemic COVID-19

Munivrana Vajda, Maja ; Ofak, Lana

Implementation of the Environmental Impact Assessment and the Appropriate Assessment in Marina Developments from the Viewpoint of the Newest EU Member State

Ofak, Lana
European Energy and Environmental Law Review

The right of associations to participate and their access to justice in procedures of Natura 2000 appropriate assessments

Ofak, Lana
Informator : instruktivno-informativni list za ekonomska i pravna pitanja

The right to access to case file in administrative matters

Ofak, Lana ; Šikić, Marko
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci

Recommendations for Improving the Croatian Legal Framework and Measures for Suppression and Prevention of Trafficking in Human Beings

Ofak, Lana ; Munivrana Vajda, Maja
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

Protection of constitutional guarantees of taxpayers in taxation procedures

Ofak, Lana
Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu

Harmonization of Croatian legislation with EU law in the field of water protection with special emphasis on public participation and access to justice

Ofak, Lana
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci

Lessons for Croatia from the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the field of waste management

Ofak, Lana

Access to Environmental Information

Ofak, Lana
Petnaest godina prava na pristup informacijama u Hrvatskoj

Liability for environmental damage to water - the problem of non-compliance of the Croatian Regulation with the European Directive

Ofak, Lana
Informator : instruktivno-informativni list za ekonomska i pravna pitanja

The Conclusion of the High Administrative Court of the Republic of Croatia regarding the Costs of an Administrative Dispute - A Step Back in the Protection of Rights of the Parties

Omejec, Jasna ; Staničić, Frane ; Ofak, Lana ; Turudić, Marko
Informator : instruktivno-informativni list za ekonomska i pravna pitanja

Legal protection of air quality in European and Croatian Law

Ofak, Lana

Species Protection in Croatia

Ofak, Lana
Avosetta: Species protection

The application of the polluter pays principle in the field of waste management in the case law of the Court of Justice of the EU

Ofak, Lana ; Gubić, Andrea
Informator : instruktivno-informativni list za ekonomska i pravna pitanja

Right to Access to Information

Ofak, Lana

Administrative Disputes in Civil Law Jurisdictions

Ofak, Lana

Protection of the Environment

Ofak, Lana

The establishment and the protection of the Natura 2000 network in the European Union and Croatia

Ofak, Lana
Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu

How is the law violated - are there any improvements in comparison to the National Report on the implementation of the Aarhus Convention of December 2013

Ofak, Lana
Kako koristiti Aarhušku konvenciju za zaštitu prostora i prirode

Good judicial practice related to the implementation of the Aarhus Convention in Croatia

Ofak, Lana
Kako koristiti Aarhušku konvenciju za zaštitu prostora i prirode

Permit procedures for industrial installations and infrastructure projects: Assessing integration and speeding up - Report on Croatia

Ofak, Lana
Permit procedures for industrial installations and infrastructure projects: Assessing integration and speeding up

Legal Protection of Soil in International and European Law

Ofak, Lana

The right of access to information as a right protected by the European Convention and other international human rights treaties

Ofak, Lana
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci

Asylum procedures (i.e. the Dublin cases) in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights

Ofak, Lana ; Ladan, Vesna
Informator : instruktivno-informativni list za ekonomska i pravna pitanja

Right of access to environmental information - relevant regulations for deciding on requests and definitions

Ofak, Lana
Pravo na pristup informacijama i zaštita osobnih podataka

Environmental Law - Croatia

Ofak, Lana

The organization of administration in Croatia

Ofak, Lana

Civil Society Organizations’ Report on Aarhus Convention Implementation in Croatia for the period 2014-2016

Radojčić, Dušica ; Ofak, Lana ; Ćerimagić, Enes ; Frančišković, Denis ; Grubišić, Ivana

The impact of the Croatian accession to the EU on administrative environmental protection

Ofak, Lana
Upravnopravna zaštita okoliša - gdje smo bili, a gdje smo sada?

The efect of administrative-law protection of environment on infrastructural projects

Ofak, Lana
53. Susret pravnika

Application of the Aarhus Convention in Southeast Europe

Ofak, Lana

Competences of nature protection inspection with special emphasis on enforcement of inspector's decisions

Ofak, Lana ; Bezuh, Katica
Informator : instruktivno-informativni list za ekonomska i pravna pitanja

Competences of nature protection inspection with special emphasis on enforcement of inspector's decisions - part two

Ofak, Lana ; Bezuh, Katica
Informator : instruktivno-informativni list za ekonomska i pravna pitanja

The legal framework of the European Union relating to the inspections in the field of nature protection

Ofak, Lana ; Bezuh, Katica
Informator : instruktivno-informativni list za ekonomska i pravna pitanja

Property and Environmental Protection in Croatia

Ofak, Lana

European perspective of forest legal protection

Ofak, Lana
Pravna zaštita šuma

Free Access to Environmental Information - Report on Croatia

Ofak, Lana
Avosetta meeting: Free Access to Environmental Information

The right of access to information as a human right protected by the European Convention

Ofak, Lana
Primjena Europske konvencije za zaštitu ljudskih prava u hrvatskom i slovenskom pravnom sustavu

The Right to Enforcement of Administrative Court's Decisions as a Guarantee of Fair Trail

Šikić, Marko ; Ofak, Lana
Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu

Court of Justice of the European Union and Environmental Protection

Ofak, Lana
Pravo okoliša – (nove) mogućnosti pravne zaštite okoliša radi članstva u Europskoj uniji

Access to Justice in Environmental Matters in the South East European Region Particularly in Respect of Standing, Costs and Available Remedies

Kiss, Csaba (glavni autor) ; Haxhimihali, Enio ; Mujakic, Muhamed ; Ofak, Lana ; Morina, Visar ; Kostic Mandic, Maja ; Bogevski, Bojan ; Drenovak Ivanovic, Mirjana

Effectiveness of appeal in administrative dispute as one of the institutes for protection of human rights

Đanić, Ana ; Ofak, Lana
Pravni vjesnik

Preventing public participation in the special administrative procedures

Ofak, Lana
Informator : instruktivno-informativni list za ekonomska i pravna pitanja

Access to justice in environmental matters in Croatia

Ofak, Lana

The Right to a Healthy Environment

Ofak, Lana

Certain legal aspects of construction of hydroelectric power plants in Croatia

Ofak, Lana
EELF Conference Environmental and Planning Law Aspects of Large Scale Projects (2 ; 2014)

Are we ready for the challenges of European environmental law?

Ofak, Lana
Informator : instruktivno-informativni list za ekonomska i pravna pitanja

The Environmental Law And Property Guarantee - Report from Croatia

Ofak, Lana
Avosetta meeting: The Environmental Law And Property Guarantee

Enforcement of the decisions of the nature protection inspection in Croatia

Ofak, Lana
Natural Resources and the Role of States and the Capital

Legal Protection of Citizens against Transboundary Air Pollution

Ofak, Lana ; Jelić, Paula
Sveske za javno pravo

Restriction of the legal position of the parties to special administrative procedures

Ofak, Lana
Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava

Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee Case Law

Ofak, Lana

Civil Society Organisations' Report on the Implementation of the Aarhus Convention in Croatia

Ofak, Lana ; Leljak Gracin, Željka ; Radojčić, Dušica


Ofak, Lana

The Right of Access to Information and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters

Ofak, Lana
Dijalogom s civilnim društvom do boljeg okoliša - Informiranje i sudjelovanje javnosti: Jeste li spremni za promjenu?

Risk regulation of fracking

Ofak, Lana
Avosetta meeting "Recent Developments of EU Environmental Law"

Public participation concerning plans and programs relating to the environment - example of certain legal issues in Croatia

Ofak, Lana
Važnost sudjelovanja javnosti u kreiranju politika zaštite okoliša

The right to a healthy environment and environmental democracy

Ofak, Lana
Znanstveni simpozij s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem: Razvoj i okoliš – Perspektive održivosti

Limiting the position of the party in the special administrative procedures

Ofak, Lana
Varstvo človekovih pravic v upravnopravnih in sodnih postopkih

Access to justice in cases of existing projects having significant effects on the environment - administrative procedures and inspections

Ofak, Lana
Pravne mogućnosti zaštite okoliša i kako se njima koristiti

The Right of Access to Environmental Information and Access to Justice

Ofak, Lana
Pravne mogućnosti zaštite okoliša i kako se njima koristiti

Access to justice in case of infringement of the right to participate in decision-making in environmental matters

Ofak, Lana
Pravne mogućnosti zaštite okoliša i kako se njima koristiti

Croatian accession to the European Union - an Environmental Perspective

Ofak, Lana
Rivista giuridica dell'ambiente

Administrative Law Aspects of the Construction of the Project HP Dabar

Staničić, Frane ; Ofak, Lana
Održivo gospodarenje vodama u slivu Neretve i Trebišnjice

The Reform of Administrative Disputes System in Croatia

Staničić, Frane ; Ofak, Lana
Judicial Reforms and Their Implications in Central and Eastern Europe

The right to administrative-judicial protection in environmental matters

Ofak, Lana

The application of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in disputes concerning environmental protection

Ofak, Lana
Hrvatska pravna revija

National Courts and EU Environmental Law - Report from Croatia

Ofak, Lana
Avosetta meeting: National Courts and EU Environmental Law

The problem of limiting the position of the party in the special administrative procedures

Ofak, Lana
Informator : instruktivno-informativni list za ekonomska i pravna pitanja

Three pillars of the Aarhus Convention in Croatia, administrative environmental protection and problems with public participation in decision-making in environmental matters

Ofak, Lana
Seminar iz prava okoliša

Public participation in decisions on specific activities in environmental matters in Croatia

Ofak, Lana
Elni review

Environment and Land Transportation Law - Report from Croatia

Ofak, Lana
Avosetta meeting: Environment and Land Transportation Law

Reforma sustava upravnog sudovanja u Hrvatskoj

Staničić, Frane ; Ofak, Lana
Judicial Reforms and Their Implications in Central and Eastern Europe

Implementation of the Aarhus Convention in Croatian legislation

Ofak, Lana
Provedba Aarhuške konvencije u zemljama Jadrana

Legal issues related to the promotion and regulation of renewable energy - Report from Croatia

Ofak, Lana
Avosetta meeting: Legal issues related to the promotion and regulation of renewable energy

Illustrations of certain difficulties in enforcing Croatian environmental law

Ofak, Lana
Implementation and Enforcement of EU Environmental Law in Visegrad Countries

Right to access to justice in environmental matters

Ofak, Lana
Kongres 'Pravo okoliša'

Implementation of the Aarhus Convention in Croatia

Ofak, Lana
Uspješno sudjelovanje javnosti u upravljanju slivom rijeke Save

Act amending the Act on Asylum from July 2010

Krišto, Jelena ; Ofak, Lana
Policija i sigurnost

The Legal Position of Associations in Envrironmental Protection Proceedings in the Republic of Croatia

Medvedović, Dragan ; Ofak, Lana
Facta Universitatis. Series Law and politics

Implementation of the Aarhus Convention

Ofak, Lana ; Gažić Ferenčina, Jasna
Seminar Pravosudne akademije - Provedba Arhuške konvencije

Registration of religious associations and religious communities in the light of European convention for protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms

Staničić, Frane ; Ofak, Lana
IV. Međunarodni znanstveni simpozij crkvenih pravnika

The new principles in administrative procedure (with a special emphasis on proportionality, legitimate expectations and vested rights)

Šikić, Marko ; Ofak, Lana
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci

The principle of protection of vested rights

Ofak, Lana
Informator : instruktivno-informativni list za ekonomska i pravna pitanja

European Court for Human Rights

Staničić, Frane ; Ofak, Lana
Hrvatska javna uprava : časopis za teoriju i praksu javne uprave

European Court for Human Rights

Staničić, Frane ; Ofak, Lana
Hrvatska javna uprava : časopis za teoriju i praksu javne uprave

European Court for Human Rights

Ofak, Lana ; Turudić, Marko
Hrvatska javna uprava : časopis za teoriju i praksu javne uprave

European Court of Human Rights

Ofak, Lana ; Turudić, Marko
Hrvatska javna uprava : časopis za teoriju i praksu javne uprave

Public participation in decision-making in environmental matters

Ofak, Lana
Ekonomika i menadžment u javnom sektoru

Public participation in decision-making in environmental matters

Ofak, Lana
Hrvatska javna uprava : � opis za teoriju i praksu javne uprave

European Court of Human Rights

Staničić, Frane ; Ofak, Lana
Hrvatska javna uprava : časopis za teoriju i praksu javne uprave

The European Court for Human Rights

Staničić Frane ; Ofak Lana
Hrvatska javna uprava : Časopis za teoriju i praksu javne uprave

The European Court for Human Rights

Staničić, Frane ; Ofak, Lana
Hrvatska javna uprava : Časopis za teoriju i praksu javne uprave

European Court for Human Rights

Staničić, Frane ; Ofak Lana
Hrvatska javna uprava : časopis za teoriju i praksu javne uprave

Legal protection against non-solving of administrative matter in European Community law

Šikić, Marko ; Ofak, Lana
Hrvatska pravna revija

Inspection and Administrative Control

Ofak, Lana
Seminar Pravo okoliša za nevladine organizacije

The right of access to environmental information

Ofak, Lana
Međunarodni seminar - Pravo okoliša iz perspektive ljudskih prava

Court Practice / European Court of Human Rights (Strasbourg)

Staničić, Frane ; Ofak, Lana
Hrvatska javna uprava: Časopis za teoriju i praksu javne uprave

Court Practice / European Court of Human Rights (Strasbourg

Staničić Frane ; Ofak Lana
Hrvatska javna uprava : � opis za teoriju i praksu javne uprave

Court Practice / European Court of Human Rights (Strasbourg)

Staničić, Frane ; Ofak, Lana
Hrvatska javna uprava: Časopis za teoriju i praksu javne uprave

Court Practice / European Court of Human Rights (Strasbourg)

Ofak, Lana ; Staničić, Frane
Hrvatska javna uprava: Časopis za teoriju i praksu javne uprave

European Court of Human Rights (Strasbourg) [judgement review: Vajagic vs. Croatia]

Šprajc, Ivan ; Staničić, Frane ; Ofak, Lana
Hrvatska javna uprava: Časopis za teoriju i praksu javne uprave