izv. prof. dr. sc. Linda Rajhvajn Bulat
izv. prof. dr. sc.
Linda Rajhvajn Bulat

Linda Rajhvajn Bulat was born on May 31th, 1981, in Zagreb, Croatia. In 2004 she graduated at the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, and in 2011 she acquired her Ph.D. in social sciences, field of social psychology, at the same faculty. She is a research associate, in the scientific field of social sciences, since 2014.

From March 2005 she works as a teaching assistant and from December 2011 as a senior teaching assistant at the Department of Social Work, Faculty of Law in Zagreb. In 2013–2014 she was the Croatian research team leader for the international project Child Participation in Justice, led by European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), and conducted by Croatian Law Centre in Croatia. Projects under mentoring of professor Marina Ajduković, in which she participated as researcher, were Risk factors for developing youth internalizing and externalizing problems from adolescents' perspective, Multiple victimization in childhood, family exposure to stressors and risks for adolescents’ psychosocial adjustment (2013–2014), financed by the University of Zagreb, and Children, Youth, Families and Social Development of Croatia (2007–2013) and Psychosocial needs of children in children homes and foster families (2005–2006), financed by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports. Also, she was a member of an expert team for improving quality of teaching as part of international Tempus project Development of models for improving quality on Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb (2006), and associate on international project CONNECT (Components, organization, costs and outcomes of health care and community based interventions for people with posttraumatic stress following war and conflict in the Balkans), in Croatia led by the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb (2004–2005).

She published 6 original scientific papers, 1 chapter in book, and actively participated in numerous Croatian and international scientific and professional conferences.


Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

The role of civil society in large scale crisis events: response actions of the Society for Psychological Assistance in the areas impacted by earthquake

Ajduković, Marina ; Ajduković, Dean ; Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda ; Sušac, Nika ; Urbanc, Kristina ; Šaban, Franjo ; Šaravanja, Nikolina ; Tomac, Patricia
3. međunarodna znanstvena konferencija: Suočavanje s kriznim situacijama – putevi jačanja otpornosti

Children's subjective wellbeing - what was the role of crisis events in 2020?

Sušac, Nika ; Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda ; Ajduković, Marina ; Vejmelka, Lucija
25. Dani Ramira i Zorana Bujasa (DRZB)

Stressful experiences and subjective wellbeing of children during large-scale crisis events

Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda ; Sušac, Nika ; Rezo Bagarić, Ines
25. Dani Ramira i Zorana Bujasa (DRZB)

Internalising problems of adolescents in the context of the school environment

Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda ; Horvat, Kristina
Napredak (Zagreb)

Subjective well-being of children in Croatia

Ajduković, Marina ; Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda ; Sušac, Nika ; Vejmelka, Lucija

Psychosocial functioning of adolescents with different types of behavioural problems

Sušac, Nika ; Rezo, Ines ; Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda ; Kožljan, Petra
Child maltreatment and well-being: challenges across borders, research and practices

Prolonged autoaggression in the context of adolescents’ resilience, family victimization and stressful life events

Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda ; Sušac, Nika ; Rezo, Ines
16th European Congress of Psychology (ECP 2019)

Psychosocial functioning of high school students in the context of different sociodemographic characteristics

Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda ; Ajduković, Marina ; Sušac, Nika
24. međunarodni psihologijski znanstveni skup: Dani Ramira i Zorana Bujasa (DRZB 2019)

Contribution of Individual and Environmental Variables in Explaining Adolescents' Externalising Behaviours

Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda ; Sušac, Nika ; Ajduković, Marina
Društvena istraživanja : časopis za opća društvena pitanja

Adolescents' autoaggressive behaviors in the context of different sociodemographic characteristics

Rezo, Ines ; Ajduković, Marina ; Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda ; Sušac, Nika
27. godišnja konferencija hrvatskih psihologa: Psihologija i digitalni svijet

How are our kids? Preliminary results from a national survey of child subjective well-being

Sušac, Nika ; Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda ; Ajduković, Marina ; Vejmelka, Lucija
27. godišnja konferencija hrvatskih psihologa: Psihologija i digitalni svijet

How are the children? Subjective well-being of children in Croatia

Vejmelka, Lucija ; Ajduković, Marina ; Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda ; Šincek, Daniela ; Jukić, Renata ; Dubovicki, Snježana
27. godišnja konferencija hrvatskih psihologa: Psihologija i digitalni svijet

Subjective well-being of adolescents in the context of different socio-demographic characteristics

Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda ; Sušac, Nika ; Rezo, Ines ; Kožljan, Petra
26. godišnja konferencija hrvatskih psihologa: Kvaliteta života kroz životni vijek: izazovi i preporuke

Using the Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scale in assessing internalizing problems in adolescents

Sušac, Nika ; Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda ; Rezo, Ines
26. godišnja konferencija hrvatskih psihologa: Kvaliteta života kroz životni vijek: izazovi i preporuke

Evaluation of practice teaching - perspective of graduate social work students

Urbanc, Kristina ; Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda ; Sušac, Nika
Znanstveni skup Primjena kvalifikacijskog okvira u području prava i u području socijalnih djelatnosti

Budi Izvor - Practical manual for group work leaders of workshops for children and youth


The internalising and externalising problems of adolescents in Croatia : Socio-demographic and family victimisation factors

Ajduković, Marina ; Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda ; Sušac, Nika
International journal of social welfare

Adolescents’ mental health in the context of family financial status

Ajduković, Marina ; Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda ; Sušac, Nika ; Rezo, Ines
2. hrvatski kongres o mentalnom zdravlju djece i mladih s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem „Mentalno zdravlje mladih – bogatstvo naroda“

Sources of the resilience of adolescents who experienced family violence

Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda ; Ajduković, Marina ; Sušac, Nika ; Rezo, Ines
2. hrvatski kongres o mentalnom zdravlju djece i mladih s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem „Mentalno zdravlje mladih – bogatstvo naroda“

Quality assurance of higher education institutions in the context of establishing a Croatian qualification framework

Grubišić, Ksenija

Divorce reasons as determinants of parental care agreement

Štifter, Ana ; Mihalj, Marko ; Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda ; Vuković, Silvia
Ljetopis socijalnog rada

Cyberbullying in the context of close relationships and Internet addiction

Sušac, Nika ; Hrenar, Dijana ; Josić, Martina ; Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda
VI. znanstveno – stručni skup Osnaživanje potencijala za preventivne aktivnosti u zajednici

The role of the resilience in connection between family material status and adolescents' intenalizing problems

Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda ; Ajduković, Marina ; Družić Ljubotina, Olja ; Kletečki Radović, Marijana ; Sušac, Nika
VI. znanstveno – stručni skup Osnaživanje potencijala za preventivne aktivnosti u zajednici

Prediction of adolescents' subjective well- being in the context of parental variables and attachment to school

Rimac, Ivan ; Sušac, Nika ; Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda ; Ajduković, Marina
24. godišnja konferencija psihologa - Psihologija u prevenciji poremećaja i očuvanju zdravlja

The effect of poverty and family economic hardship on adolescents' psychological well- being: The challenge for psychologists' research and activities

Ajduković, Marina ; Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda ; Rajter, Miroslav ; Sušac, Nika
24. godišnja konferencija psihologa - Psihologija u prevenciji poremećaja i očuvanju zdravlja

The role of parents and peers in understanding female adolescent sexuality – testing perceived peer norms as mediators between some parental variables and sexuality

Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda ; Ajduković, Marina ; Ajduković, Dea
Sex Education-Sexuality Society and Learning

Socio-demographic characteristics and family victimization as predictors of internalizing and externalizing problems

Ajduković, Marina ; Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda ; Sušac, Nika ; Rezo, Ines
1. hrvatski kongres o mentalnom zdravlju djece i mladih s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem: „Mentalno zdravlje djece i mladih – imperativ za budućnost“

Relationship between religiousness and sexuality in female adolescents – Do parents have a mediating role?

Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda
Ljetopis Socijalnog Rada

Students' field placement evaluation - students' perspective

Sušac, Nika ; Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda ; Urbanc, Kristina
Primjena kvalifikacijskog okvira u području prava i u području socijalnih djelatnosti

Guide on the exercise of the rights of the child to information, express his or her views, a representative and child-friendly procedure in divorce proceedings and on parental care

Aras Kramar, Slađana ; Korać Graovac, Aleksandra ; Rajhvan Bulat, Linda ; Eterović, Ivana

Internalized problems of the youth in general population and community residential homes

Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda ; Ajduković, Marina ; Sušac, Nika ; Majdak, Marijana ; Vejmelka, Lucija
Savremeni trendovi u psihologiji

Risk behavior of adolescents, victimization in the family and internalized problems

Sušac, Nika ; Ajduković, Marina ; Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda
Savremeni trendovi u psihologiji

Internalizing and externalizing adolescents' problems in the context of family victimization and peer relations

Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda ; Sušac, Nika ; Ajduković, Marina
22. Dani Ramira i Zorana Bujasa

Experience with family violence and current life circumstances as predictors of mothers' risks for child abuse

Sušac, Nika ; Ajduković, Marina ; Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda
22. Dani Ramira i Zorana Bujasa

Qualitative analysis of experiences with electronic violence in homes for children with behavioral problems

Vejmelka, Lucija ; Majdak, Marijana ; Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda
Global conference on psychological researches.

Internalizing and externalizing problems – How to plan appropriate prevention and intervention strategies for adolescents with different combination of mental problems?

Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda ; Ajduković, Marina ; Sušac, Nika ; Majdak, Marijana
28th International Congress of Applied Psychology

Differences between categories of school children according to their peer violence perpetration and victimization status

Sušac, Nika ; Ajduković, Marina ; Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda ; Vejmelka, Lucija
28th International Congress of Applied Psychology

Challenges of Studying Children and Youth Self- Concept in the Studies of Social-Behavioural Problems

Majdak, Marijana ; Vejmelka, Lucija ; Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda ; Sušac, Nika ; Ajduković, Marina
Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence

Educational needs and experiences with traumatized clients of social workers who work in centres for social welfare

Ajduković, Marina ; Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda ; Ostojić, Draženka ; Vuger, Cristian
VI Konferencija socijalnih radnika "Socijalni rad u vrijeme socijalne i ekonomske krize"

Adolescents internalizing problems in context of socio demographic factors, victimisation and psychosocial adjustment

Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda ; Sušac, Nika ; Ajduković, Marina
22. godišnja konferencija hrvatskih psihologa - Kako obrazovanju dodati boju?

Childhood trauma as a predictor of risk for child abuse perpetrated by mothers

Ajduković, Marina ; Sušac, Nika ; Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda
ISTSS 30th Annual Meeting

Psychological crisis situation in childhood: intervention and prevention opportunities

Grubić, Marina ; Ajduković, Marina ; Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda

Psychosocial adjustment of adolescents involved in electronic peer violence

Sušac, Nika: Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda ; Ajduković, Marina
22. godišnja konferencija hrvatskih psihologa: Kako obrazovanju dodati boju? - uloga i izazovi za psihologe

The role of parents and peers in predicting of female adolescents' sexuality - Are peers mediators in relationship between family and girls' sexual behaviour?

Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda
21. Dani Ramira i Zorana Bujasa

Family and Psychosocial Determinants of Youth Peer Violence

Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda ; Ajduković, Marina
Psihologijske teme

Perception of family financial status and high school students' psychosocial functioning

Ajduković, Marina ; Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda
Revija za socijalnu politiku

Peer relations and peer norms as determinants of female adolescents' sexual behaviour

Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda
19. godišnja konferencija hrvatskih psihologa

Environmental and personal determinants of female adolescents' sexual behaviour

Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda

A longitudinal study of depressiveness in children in public care

Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda
International journal of social welfare

Convention Review - II. Croatian congress of applied psychology: "Protecting the health of children and young people"

Tokić, Ana ; Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda

Relationship of female adolescents' sexual behaviour with their self-concept and communication with parents

Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda
II. hrvatski kongres primjenjene psihologije - Zaštita zdravlja djece i mladih

Prevention - (re)habilitation - psycho education - through interdisciplinary: 15th annual conference of Croatian psychologists

Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda

Agressive and prosocial behaviour of children in children's homes

Ajduković, Marina ; Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda ; Sladović Franz, Branka
Ljetopis socijalnog rada

Impact of stress and daily hassles on mental health of children in public care in Croatia

Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda ; Branica, Vanja
XXIX International Congress of Psychology

Children Mental Health Follow-Up in Youth Communities of the SOS-Children’ s Village

Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda ; Branica, Vanja
8th Alps-Adria Psychology Conference

Stress of children in public care in Croatia: Implication for social workers

Branica, Vanja ; Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda
34th Biannual Congress of the International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW) - Transcending Global-Local Divides

Characteristics of life and psychosocial needs of boys and girls growing up in foster families

Kregar Orešković, Klaudija ; Rajhvajn, Linda
Dijete i društvo - časopis za promicanje prava djeteta

What interventions are provided to help traumatized people and what was really used by them?

Tovilović, Zdravko ; Ajduković, Dean ; Kraljević, Radojka ; Macura, Sanja ; Rajhvajn, Linda ; Frančišković, Tanja
European Conference on Traumatic Stress (10 ; 2007)

Importance of Child Depression Inventory in the assessment of mental health of children and adolescents in public care

Ajduković, Marina ; Rajhvajn, Linda ; Sladović Franz, Branka
Socijalna psihijatrija

Longitudinal study of depression of children in public care

Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda ; Ajduković, Marina
18. dani Ramira i Zorana Bujasa

Psychosocial help appropriate to gender and sex specificities - Experiences of practitioners in Center for social care Zagreb

Rajhvajn Bulat, Linda ; Branica, Vanja
15. godišnja konferencija hrvatskih psihologa: Prevencija-(Re)habilitacija-Psihoedukacija - kroz interdisciplinarnost

Applying content analysis to a web forum used by Zagreb Faculty of Law students

Branica, Vanja ; Rajhvajn, Linda
Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istraživanja u edukacijsko-rehabilitacijskim znanostima (7 ; 2007)

Convention Review - First Croatian Conference on Supervision

Branica, Vanja ; Rajhvajn, Linda
Ljetopis socijalnog rada

Explorations of depression and self-esteem correlates in empowering children in public care

Rajhvajn, Linda ; Ajduković, Marina
14. konferencija hrvatskih psihologa u Vodicama - Ljudski potencijali kroz žvotni vijek

Relation between high-school students' aggressiveness and sociometric status

Rajhvajn, Linda