izv. prof. dr. sc. Mihael Mišo Mudrić
izv. prof. dr. sc.
Mihael Mišo Mudrić

Associate Professor Mišo Mudrić (PhD) is an Associate Professor at the Department for Maritime and Transport Law. He serves as an arbitrator at the Permanent Arbitration Court at the Croatian Chamber of Commerce, in domestic and foreign arbitration. He has obtained a PhD degree at the Faculty of Law, University of Hamburg, being a Scholar of the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg. He serves as the Vice President of Croatian Association for Maritime Law. He was the Secretary General of the Croatian Association of Insurance Law, being a founder of the Association.

He acts as a member of the: Croatian Association of Maritime Law; Working group on the “Reformulation of the Lex Maritima”, Comité Maritime International; Working group on the “Systems for Security Practitioners“, European Commission, Migration and Home Affairs Directorate General, Innovation and Industry for Security, nominated expert, Republic of Croatia; and, Executive Committee and Associate, MARSAFENET project, Cost action IS1105.

Associate Professor Mudrić has acted as a Visiting Professor, teaching Maritime and General Transport at the Faculty of Law, Erasmus University of Rotterdam (LL.M.in Maritime and Transport Law), invited by Prof. Frank Smeele, course on Legal Research and Writing Skills, 2014. In addition, he has performed a research at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, 2008 – 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and, the International Maritime Organization Library, London, United Kingdom, 2009.

He has been awarded with the: University of Zagreb’s Rector Award, topic: “International Criminal Court”, mentor: prof. dr. sc. Ivo Josipović, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, 2004; and, Comité Maritime International Prize for the Best Speaker, International Research Seminar in Maritime, Transport and Mobility Law, Ravenna, Italy, 2013. In addition, he held the following scholarships: State Scholarship for Undergraduate Students, Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sport. 2001 – 2002; Scholarship, Karl-Franzes-Universität Graz, 2003 – 2004; Scholarship, National Foundation for Science, 2008; Scholarship, The Max Planck International School for Maritime Affairs, the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Hamburg, Germany, 2008 – 2010; Scholarship, Open Society Institute, Global Supplementary Grants Program, 2010 – 2011; and, Doctoral Scholarship, Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, 2011. Assistant Professor Mudrić has held the status of the Highest-Ranking Student, 2001. - 2002.; 2002. - 2003, and has graduated Law among the 2% of the best students in generation.

He has organized and co-organized around 15 international scientific and expert conferences, published over 60 publications (including two author monographies, and two monographies as a chapter author), held lectures at over 40 domestic and international scientific and expert conferences, prepared peer-reviews for a number of domestic and foreign publishers (monographies and journals), acted as a guest editor for domestic publications, and held a number of expert workshops.

Associate Professor Mudrić holds lectures in the following courses: Maritime and General Transport Law (in Croatian, in English), Carriage of Goods by Sea (in English), Insurance Law, Transport Insurance Law (in English), European Transport Law (in Croatian, in English), Energy Law, International and EU Energy Law and Energy Security (in English), Private Security Services and Law (in English).


Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

Open data, data mining and personal data in law enforcement environment

Mudrić, Mišo
International Conference on Open Data (ICOD 2022)

Autonomous Surface Vessels and COLREGs: Considering the Amendments

Mudrić, Mišo ; Ferreira, Fausto
Poredbeno pomorsko pravo

Uber - Brave New Service or Unfair Competition


Redefined Role of Frontex in Migrant Crisis Management

Marin, Jasenko ; Mudrić, Mišo


Mudrić, Mišo

Nature of Uber Services

Mudrić, Mišo

Public Interest and Regulatory Approach

Mudrić, Mišo

Comparative Analysis: Croatian Law and Practice

Mudrić, Mišo ; Gaudemet, Antoine ; Jessen, Henning ; Musi, Massimiliano ; Petit Lavall, Maria Victoria ; Puetz, Achim ; Siffert, Rino

Energy Security

Mudrić, Mišo

Drones and EU Law

Mudrić, Mišo
DroneDays 2019

Education for Low-Carbon and Digital Energy

Mudrić, Mišo
SED2019: Summit energetske demokracije

Energy Infrastructure, Energy Activity and Concessions on Maritime Demesne

Mudrić, Mišo
34. međunarodni znanstveno-stručni susret stručnjaka za plin

Energy related concessions on maritime demesne in Croatia

Mudrić, Mišo
4th Adriatic Maritime Law Conference

Uber’s Service as a Transportation Service

Mudrić, Mišo
8th International Research Seminar in Maritime, Ports and Transport Law

Strengthening the civil protection system

Pokaz, Ivan ; Dragović, Filip ; Repinc, Dragutin ; Mudrić, Mišo ; Mikac, Robert ; Mamić, Krešimir ; Šprajc, Mihael

Security and Private Protection of Port Facilities in the Republic of Croatia

Mudrić, Mišo ; Jović, Hrvoje
Poredbeno pomorsko pravo

Pravna analiza Uberovog poslovnog modela – Dio II: Poredbena pravna rješenja

Mudrić, Mišo
Informator : instruktivno-informativni list za ekonomska i pravna pitanja

Redefined Role of Frontex and Private Security Companies as New Actors in Migrant Crisis Management

Marin, Jasenko ; Mudrić, Mišo
Polemos : časopis za interdisciplinarna istraživanja rata i mira

Neujednačena sudska praksa u vezi pravnog instrumenta vinkulacije police osiguranja

Mudrić, Mišo
Informator : instruktivno-informativni list za ekonomska i pravna pitanja

Novi zakon o prijevozu u cestovnom prometu i novi sustav uređenja autotaksi djelatnosti – 1. dio

Mudrić, Mišo
Informator : instruktivno-informativni list za ekonomska i pravna pitanja

Novi zakon o prijevozu u cestovnom prometu i novi sustav uređenja autotaksi djelatnosti – 2. dio

Mudrić, Mišo
Informator : instruktivno-informativni list za ekonomska i pravna pitanja

Dr. Jolien Kruit, General Average, Legal Basis and Applicable Law: The Overrated Significance of the York-Antwerp Rules, Zutphen: Paris Legal Publishers 2017

Mudrić, Mišo
Tijdschrift Vervoer & Recht


Vojinović, Nika ; Mudrić, Mišo
Zagrebačka pravna revija = Zagreb law review

Winter Package Update

Mudrić, Mišo
2nd School of Energy, IUC Dubrovnik 2018, Inter University Center Dubrovnik, 2018

CMI International Working Group on Unmanned Ships: Maritime Law for Unmanned Craft

Mudrić, Mišo
The 2nd International Scientific Conference on Maritime Law: Modern Challenges of Marine Navigation – ISCML 2018

Private Maritime Security Contractors and Use of Lethal Force in Maritime Domain

Marin, Jasenko ; Mikac, Robert ; Mudrić, Mišo

Open Issues with regard the Insurance Policy Vinculation

Mudrić, Mišo
Međunarodna znanstveno-stručna konferencija Hrvatski dani osiguranja 2017.

Shipbuilding Contract – A Versatile Legal Framework: Guarantee Period Clause in a Civil Law System

Mudrić, Mišo
IntransLaw 2017

Pravna analiza Uberovog poslovnog modela – Dio I: Osnovne postavke poslovanja i djelovanje na tržištu Republike Hrvatske

Mudrić, Mišo
Informator : instruktivno-informativni list za ekonomska i pravna pitanja

An Overview of the Italian and Croatian Legal Frameworks regulating Offshore Platforms in the Oil and Gas Sector in the Adriatic Sea

Mudrić, Mišo ; Musi, Massimiliano
Il diritto marittimo

Migration Crisis and Private Security Companies: Australian Theorem

Mudrić, Mišo
Migrations and Trafficking in Human Beings, Annual Colloqium Transcrim Dubrovnik 2017

The Legal Framework with regard the Security in Ports of Nautical Tourism

Mudrić, Mišo
2nd Adriatic Maritime Law Conference, Hrvatsko društvo za pomorsko pravo, Slovensko društvo za pomorsko pravo, Talijansko društvo za pomorsko pravo

Annulment of Arbitral Awards: Croatia/Slovenia Case

Mudrić, Mišo
Comité Maritime International Genoa Conference 2017, Comité Maritime International i IMLA Italian Maritime Law Association

Nature of Uber Services: Transportation Service Comparative Perspective

Mudrić, Mišo
5th Annual Transport Law de lege ferenda – Young Academics' Vision on Tomorrow's Transport Law”, Institute for Transport Law, Jaume I University

Building the Energy Union

Mudrić, Mišo
1st School of Energy, IUC Dubrovnik 2017, Inter University Center Dubrovnik, 2017

Winter Package

Mudrić, Mišo
1st School of Energy, IUC Dubrovnik 2017, Inter University Center Dubrovnik, 2017

Guarantee Period Clause in a Civil Law System

Mudrić, Mišo
2. Međunarodna konferencija transportnog prava i prava osiguranja, Hrvatsko društvo za transportno pravo, 2017

Energy Law Croatia

Mudrić, Mišo

1st International Transport & Insurance Law Conference

Mudrić, Mišo
International transport law review

2nd Transport Law de lege ferenda: Annual Young Academics' Vision on Tomorrow's Transport Law

Mudrić, Mišo
International transport law review

Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb

Mudrić, Mišo
International transport law review

Maritime Security: Editorial Note

Mudrić, Mišo
Croatian international relations review

Hydrocarbons Exploration and Exploitation – Croatian Legal Framework: From Public Tender to Exploitation

Mudrić, Mišo
„IV. International Meeting in Administrative Law“, Sveučilište u Udinama, Sveučilište u Trstu

Croatian Legal Framework for Hydrocarbons’ Exploration and Exploitation in the Maritime Domain

Mudrić, Mišo
„I. ENER-MAR-CORP-COMM Conference“, Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

Regulatory Strategy in Service of the UAV Market Development

Mudrić, Mišo
„Prva poslovna konferencija o bespilotnim letjelicama u Hrvatskoj“, IN2

Croatian Regulation with regard the Safety in Offshore Activities

Mudrić, Mišo
„3rd Adriatic Conference on Spill Prevention, Preparedness and Response”, OSEC

Croatian Legislation with regard the Seabed Hydrocarbons

Mudrić, Mišo
„1st Adriatic Maritime Law Conference”, Hrvatsko društvo za pomorsko pravo, Slovensko društvo za pomorsko pravo, Talijansko društvo za pomorsko pravo

Certain issues with regard Shipbuilding Contract in Continental Law Tradition

Mudrić, Mišo
„5th International Research Seminar in Maritime, Port and Transport Law”, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, Associazione degli Studi Legali Associati (ASLA), Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law Swansea University, Universidad Jaume I. Castellón de la Plana, Universitet Gent

Legal Framework for Investments in Croatia

Mudrić, Mišo ; Petrović, Siniša
„Tokyo Conference on Maritime and Commercial Law”, University of Tokyo

Guarantee Clause in the Shipbuilding Contract

Mudrić, Mišo
„Tokyo Conference on Maritime and Commercial Law”, University of Tokyo

Upcoming UAV Regulations: a Global Way Forward

Mudrić, Mišo
„4th Annual Transport Law de lege ferenda – Young Academics' Vision on Tomorrow's Transport Law”, School of Law, Korea University

Drone Industry - Market Analysis and Up-Coming Regulation

Mudrić, Mišo
„Okrugli stol: Regulatorni okvir operacija sustava bespilotnih zrakoplova“, HACZ-HKZP-HUBS

Regulation of UAVs in Croatian, European and International Legal Framework

Mudrić, Mišo ; Katulić, Tihomir
Pravo u gospodarstvu

Criminal law aspects of human smuggling in Republic of Croatia and review of Mediterranean crisis – Situation analysis and de lege ferenda recommendations

Božić, Vanda ; Lisičar, Hrvoje ; Mudrić, Mišo
Pravni život

Salvor's Liability for Professional Negligence

Mudrić, Mišo

Recklessly and with Knowledge that Damage would Probably Result: The Interpretation of Term before the Croatian Courts

Mudrić, Mišo

The Guardcon contract, knock-for- knock clauses, DCFR and unfair terms (Part I)

Mudrić, Mišo
The journal of international Maritime law

The Guardcon contract, knock-for- knock clauses, DCFR and unfair terms (Part II)

Mudrić, Mišo
The journal of international Maritime law

Will the EU manage to reduce its dependence on Russian gas?

Mudrić, Mišo

Croatian Skies Open to Drones

Mudrić, Mišo

Attorneys' Professional Liability Insurance in Croatian Law and Case Law Comparative Analysis

Mudrić, Mišo ; Milošević, Marko
Dani hrvatskog osiguranja 2015.

Vessel Responsibility when Contracting Armed Guards on-board Vessel - stanard contract form GUARDCON and the issue of use of forice - Part II

Mudrić, Mišo
Pomorski vjesnik

Vessel Responsibility when Contracting Armed Guards on-board Vessel - stanard contract form GUARDCON and the issue of use of forice - Part II

Mudrić, Mišo
Pomorski vjesnik

Croatia - Croatia Maritime Law: Recent Developments in Croatian Maritime Law: Legislation, Jurisprudence and Recent Bibliography

Mudrić, Mišo
Anuario de derecho marítimo

Self-Defense Issues in the Context of Provision of Private Maritime Security Services

Mudrić, Mišo
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija „Transfrontier Issue in the 21st Century”, Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Pravni fakultet Sungkyunkwan Sveučilišta (Južna Koreja, ) Pravni fakulteta Sveučilišta u Ljubljani

Knock-for-Knock Clauses: GUARDCON standard contract form

Mudrić, Mišo
Međunarodno znanstveno-stručno savjetovanje „Prijedlog Zakona o pomorskom dobru i morskim lukama i druga aktualna pitanja pomorskog i prometnog prava“, Hrvatsko društvo za pomorsko pravo

Use of Force on Sea: Responsibility and Liability

Mudrić, Mišo
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencije „9th Pan-European Conference on International Relations“, European International Studies Association

Use of Force - Responsibility and Liability

Mudrić, Mišo
Godišnji sastanak projekta „Multidisciplinary Research Cluster on Crime in Transition - Trafficking in Human Beings, Corruption and Economic Crime“

Drones in Skies - Insurance and Practice

Mudrić, Mišo
„Dani hrvatskog osiguranja 2015.“, Hrvatski ured za osiguranje

Legal Framework of Hydrocarbons' Exploration and Exploitation in the Croatian Part of Adriatic

Mudrić, Mišo
„24. Forum Dana energije u Hrvatskoj“, Institut Hrvoje Požar

Regulatory Framework of Hydrocarbons Exploration and Exploitation in the Croatian part of Adriatic

Mudrić, Mišo
Energetska politika EU-a nakon 21. konferencije stranaka Okvirne konferencije UN-a o klimatskim promjenama (COP21), 2015.

Claiming against a Negligent Salvor: Elements Necessary to Establish a Case of Salvor's Liability

Mudrić, Mišo

Robert Mikac - Contemporary Security and Private Security Companies: Privatization of Security and Consequences

Mudrić, Mišo
Croatian international relations review

Salvage Liability and Salvor's Liability

Mudrić, Mišo
Evropska revija za pravo osiguranja

Comité maritime international and the discussion with regard to the amendments to the 1989 International salvage convention

Mudrić, Mišo ; Vio, Igor
Poredbeno pomorsko pravo

Application of Relevant International Instrument to Determine Forwarder's Liability for Damage in Multimodal Carriage

Mudrić, Mišo
Poredbeno pomorsko pravo

Contract Between Salvor and a Third Party in Connection to a Salvage Operation, and the Issue of Duress

Mudrić, Mišo
Poredbeno pomorsko pravo

Loss of Right to Limit Liability and Loss of Insurance Coverage

Mudrić, Mišo
Poredbeno pomorsko pravo

CMI Beijing Conference and 1989 Salvage Convention

Mudrić, Mišo ; Vio, Igor
Il diritto marittimo

Implementation of International Maritime Security Standards on National Level

Mudrić, Mišo
Međunarodni znanstveni i stručni skup „Private (Military) Security Companies (P(M)SC) / National Security Sector“, RACVIAC SE Europe Centre for Security Cooperation

Term - Recklessly and with Knowledge that damage would probably result – Interpretation of Croatian Courts

Mudrić, Mišo
Međunarodni znanstveni i stručni skup, simpozij „Comité Maritime International Hamburg 2014“, Comité Maritime International i DVIS Deutscher Verein für internationales Seerecht

Soft Law Guidelines, Recommendations and Standards: The Issue of Armed Guards on Board Vessels

Mudrić, Mišo
Međunarodni znanstveni skup „VIII. European Colloquia on Maritime Law Research (ECMLR)“, The Rotterdam Institute for Shipping and Trade Law, Erasmus School of Law, Erasmus University Rotterdam, in conjunction with the Scandinavian Institute of Maritime law, University of Oslo i Institute of Maritime Law, University of Southampton, 2014., Erasmus University Rotterdam

Professional Salvor's Liability for Damage Caused due to Negligent Performance of Salvage Services

Mudrić, Mišo
SmartPort, 2014., Erasmus Sveučilište u Rotterdamu

Recklessly and With Knowledge that Damage Would Probably Result – How Breakable is the Unbreakable Limitation of Liability?

Mudrić, Mišo
„Rotterdam Institute for Shipping and Transport Law Round Table“, Rotterdam Institute for Shipping and Transport Law, 2014., Erasmus Sveučilište u Rotterdamu

Recklessly and with Knowledge that Damage would Probably Result

Mudrić, Mišo
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija „Transport Law de lege ferenda: 2nd Annual Young Academics' Vision on Tomorrow's Transport Law“, Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

European Union´s Fourth Railway Package

Mudrić, Mišo
Europa info (Zagreb)

Standard form salvage contracts: the scope of the duty to exercise best endeavours

Mudrić, Mišo
The journal of international Maritime law

Drago Pavić: Marine Insurance: Law and Practice - With Basic Elements of Road and Air Transport Insurance

Mudrić, Mišo
Pravo u gospodarstvu

The Professional Salvor's Liability in the Law of Negligence and the Doctrine of Affirmative Damages

Mudrić, Mišo

Standard salvage contract forms: The scope of best endeavours – reasonableness and foreseeability

Mudrić, Mišo
The VII ECMLR – Contracts in shipping: Flexibility, foreseeability, reasonableness

Salvor's Liability for Professional Negligence

Mudrić, Mišo
Comité Maritime International Dublin Symposium 2013

The Professional Salvor's Liability in the Law of Negligence and the Doctrine of Affirmative Damages

Mudrić, Mišo

What is the European Central Bank

Mudrić, Mišo

Implementation of the International Maritime Security Guidelines on the National Level

Mudrić, Mišo
Međunarodni znanstveni i stručni skup „Private (Military) Security Companies (P(M)SC) / National Security Sector“, RACVIAC SE Europe Centre for Security Cooperation

Professional Salvor's Liability for Damage Caused Due to Negligent Performance of Salvage Services

Mudrić, Mišo
Međunarodni znanstveni skup, seminar „International Research Seminar in Maritime, Transport & Mobility Law“, Università di Bologna, Rotterdam Institute for Shipping & Transport Law, Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law, Swansea Institute of International Shipping i Trade Law and University of Sassari

The Professional Salvor's Liability in the Law of Negligence

Mudrić, Mišo
Međunarodni znanstveni i stručni skup, simpozij „Comité Maritime International Dublin Symposium 2013“, Comité Maritime International i Irish Maritime Law Association

CMI and the Salvage Convention Changes Discussion

Mudrić, Mišo
Međunarodni znanstveni i stručni skup, savjetovanje „Najnovije izmjene i dopune Pomorskog zakonika i druga aktualna pitanja Pomorskog prava“, Hrvatsko društvo za pomorsko pravo

Environmental Salvage under the 1989 Salvage Convention

Mudrić, Mišo
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija „Transport Law de lege ferenda – Young Academics' Vision on Tomorrow's Transport Law“, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

Relevance of the Montreux Document to maritime security

Mudrić, Mišo
Međunarodni znanstveni skup „Montreux+5 Conference on Private Military and Security Companies (PMSCs)“, Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs i International Commitee of the Red Cross

Whether the duty to protect the marine environment takes precedence over the general duty to protect the imperiled object of salvage: Article 8 of the 1989 Salvage Convention

Mudrić, Mišo
The journal of international Maritime law

Croatia - Croatia Maritime Law: General Introduction and Examination of Legislation, Jurisprudence and Recent Bibliography

Mudrić, Mišo
Anuario de derecho marítimo

Drago Pavić: Marine Insurance: Law and Practice - With Basic Elements of Road and Air Transport Insurance

Mudrić, Mišo
Poredbeno pomorsko pravo

The Future of the Croatian Shipbuilding Industry in the EU

Mudrić, Mišo

The issue of causality in asbestos related cases - the practice of English courts

Mudrić, Mišo
Zbornik Kopaoničke škole prirodnog prava

Standard Salvage Contract Forms: The Scope of Best Endeavours – Reasonableness and Foreseeability

Mudrić, Mišo
međunarodni znanstveni skup „VII. European Colloquia on Maritime Law Research (ECMLR)“, Italian Association for Maritime, Air and Transport Law, University of Messina, University of Palermo, Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law i Southampton Institute of Maritime Law

Private Maritime Security and Legal Regulation

Mudrić, Mišo
Međunarodni znanstveni skup „Challenges to South-Eastern Mediterranean Security Policy“, George C. Marshall Croatia i Konrad Adenauer Stiftung

Athens Convention (2002) : (translation)

Marin, Jasenko ; Padovan, Adriana Vincenca ; Mudrić, Mišo
Poredbeno pomorsko pravo

White Paper on a Single European Transport Area

Mudrić, Mišo
Europa info (Zagreb)

Modern Challenges of Law of Salvage and Protection of Adriatic Sea

Mudrić, Mišo ; Marinović, Zrinka
Zbornik radova (Hrvatska platforma za smanjenje rizika od katastrofa)

Incoterms® 2010: Risks and Costs Defined

Mudrić, Mišo
Zbornik Kopaoničke škole prirodnog prava

Armed Guards on Vessels: Insurance and Liability

Mudrić, Mišo
Poredbeno pomorsko pravo

IMO Reservation and Guidelines for Implementation of the Athens Convention (translation)

Ćorić, Dorotea ; Padovan, Adriana Vincenca ; Marin, Jasenko ; Mudrić, Mišo
Poredbeno pomorsko pravo

Private Maritime Security Companies: Privatizing Ocean Security

Mudrić, Mišo
Međunarodni znanstveni skup „Democracy and Economy“, Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i CEU Budimpešta

Incoterms® 2010

Mudrić, Mišo
Međunarodni znanstveni skup „Kopaonička škola prirodnog prava“

Liability Salvage - Environmental Award: A New Name for an Old Concept

Mudrić, Mišo
Poredbeno pomorsko pravo

Rights of States Regarding Underwater Cables and Pipelines

Mudrić, Mišo
Australian resources and energy law journal

Unreasonably lengthy proceedings, the practice of the EU

Mudrić, Mišo ; Gabrić, Tonči

Salvage Environmental Award

Mudrić, Mišo
„Izazovi i perspektive pomorskog prava i prava mora: Interesi Republike Hrvatske“, Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, Jadranski zavod

The Doctrine of Affirmative Damages – Salvor's Perspective

Mudrić, Mišo
„The International Max Planck Research School for Maritime Affairs Round Table“, International Max Planck Research School for Maritime Affairs, Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law

The International Liability Funds in the Maritime Field

Mudrić, Mišo
Poredbeno pomorsko pravo

Salvor's Liability for Damage

Mudrić, Mišo
The International Max Planck Research School for Maritime Affairs, Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law

Rights of States Regarding Underwater Cables and Pipelines

Mudrić, Mišo
The International Tribunal for the Law of Sea Maritime Law Seminar

Third Rail Packet: The Opening of the International Carriage of Passengers Market and the Rights and Obligations of Passengers in the International Carriage

Mudrić, Mišo
3rd International Scientific and Expert Railway Infrastructure Managers Congress, Univerza v Mariboru, Građevinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Fakultet prometnih znanosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

International Criminal Court

Mudrić, Mišo

List of select projects

  • Associate, “Legal Portal – Maritime and General Transport Law Section”, Narodne novine (Croatian Official Gazette), 2007 – 2008
  • Associate, “Croatian Transport Law and Challenges of EU Single Market”, Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sport, 2007 – 2013
  • Associate, “New Croatian Legal System”, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, since 2002
  • Member of the Executive Committee and Associate, “NETwork of experts on the legal aspects of MARitimeSAFEty and security – MARSAFENET project”, Cost action IS1105, 2012 – 2016
  • Associate, “Developing a Modern Legal and Insurance Regime for Croatian Marinas – Enhancing Competitiveness, Safety, Security and Marine Environmental Standards – DELICROMAR”, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Adriatic Institute, 2016 – 2019
  • Associate, “Multidisciplinary Research Cluster on Crime in Transition – Trafficking in Human Beings, Corruption and Economic Crime”, Croatian Science Foundation, HRZZ IP-11-2013, 2015 – 2018