izv. prof. dr. sc. Nina Gumzej
izv. prof. dr. sc.
Nina Gumzej

Associate professor Nina Gumzej graduated from the University of Zagreb Faculty of Law in 2001 (summa cum laude). During these studies she was awarded with Dean’s award for outstanding academic achievement and Dean’s and Rector's awards for best student paper. In 2002 she earned her LL.M. degree (Distinction) in International Business Law at the Central European University in Hungary (courses taken also at the T.M.C Asser Instituut in the Netherlands) and the Ph.D. degree in 2011 at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Law (doctoral thesis on data protection in electronic communications). She passed the bar exam in 2005. Dr. Gumzej started working in 2003 (attorney’s office Vukmir and Associates and the County Court in Zagreb – law trainee; Croatian Telecom, Inc.) and has been employed at the Zagreb Law Faculty since 2012. She teaches several courses at the Zagreb Law Faculty (Information Technology Law, Privacy and Electronic Communications, Electronic Media Law, Internet Governance and Regulation, Introduction to Information Security, Cybersecurity and Cybercrime) and at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (Information law). Dr. Gumzej has so far been engaged as external legal expert for several studies for the European Commission, and as expert evaluator of projects under its programs. As a selected representative from the academia she participated in the Young Leaders Program supported by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology Foundation and the European Commission, academically steered by Imperial College London. Dr. Gumzej is: editorial board member for the international journals (Juridical Tribune, Perspectives of Law and Public Administration), scientific committee member of the international conferences (Fintech, Cyberspace and Artificial Intelligence Law; Perspectives of Business Law in the Third Millennium); organizing and program committee member of the international conference SoftCOM  (Symposium on Information Security and Intellectual Property - ISIP) and program committee member of the international conference MIPRO (Information and Communication Technology Law - ICTLAW). She is associate member of the Croatian Academy of Legal Sciences.


Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

Applicability of e-Privacy Directive to national data retention measures following invalidation of the Data Retention Directive

Gumzej, Nina
International Conference on Comparative and International Law

Accessing and imparting information containing personal data via search engines: assessment of the geographical scope of the „right to be forgotten“

Gumzej, Nina
26th Annual International Conference on Information Technology and Journalism: “Media in Information Age: Old Dynamics, New Approaches”

Evaluation of Digital Evidence in Criminal Proceedings in Croatia with a Focus on Preservation Requirements and Role of Standard Operative Procedures

Gumzej, Nina ; Protrka, Nikola
44th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO 2021)

Applicability of e-Privacy Directive to national data retention measures following invalidation of the Data Retention Directive

Gumzej, Nina
Juridical Tribune

‘The Right to Be Forgotten’ and the Sui Generis Controller in the Context of CJEU Jurisprudence and the GDPR

Gumzej, Nina
Croatian yearbook of European law & policy

Selected issues related to personal data protection in the EU

Gumzej, Nina
Privatnost 2021

Challenges in the assessment of delisting requests in the aftermath of the GC and Others judgment (C-136/17)

Gumzej, Nina
Cyberspace 2021

Regulatory Responses to COVID-19 Pandemic and Impact on Fundamental Rights and Freedoms in Croatia

Gumzej, Nina
Responses to the COVID Crisis in Central and Eastern European Countries: New Frontiers of Health Law

2020 view in personal data protection (EU)

Gumzej, Nina
Konferencija Privatnost 2020

Regulation of the ICT Market

Gumzej, Nina

Privacy Protection

Gumzej, Nina

National data retention measures under recent EU jurisprudence

Gumzej, Nina
Cyberspace 2020

The right to delisting and internet search engines

Gumzej, Nina

Implications of AI regulation on healthcare at the level of EU law

Gumzej, NIna
Digital health: ethical, legal and social perspective for a sustainable future

Formobile - from mobile phones to court - Expert Questionnaire

Gumzej, Nina

Review and examination of recent case law in the field of personal data protection

Gumzej, Nina
Konferencija Privatnost 2019

Video Surveillance in the Workplace under the Croatian Act on Implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation

Gumzej, Nina ; Dragičević, Dražen
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

Data Protection Officer

Gumzej, Nina
Opća uredba o zaštiti podataka – GDPR: izazov i prilika

Round table discussion: Conference General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR: Challenge and Opportunities

Gumzej, Nina
Konferencija Opća uredba o zaštiti podataka – GDPR: izazov i prilike

Do we need a Data Protection Officer (DPO)? Responsibility and obligations of the processor

Gumzej, Nina
Konferencija GDPR 2018

Round table: Deadline has arrived - what now?

Gumzej, Nina
Konferencija GDPR 2018

Applying accontability principle in the processing of health data in the context of data protection impact assessment mechanism

Gumzej, Nina
E-zdravlje: zaštita pojedinca s obzirom na obradu osobnih podataka - Učinak i utjecaj EU Uredbe 2016/679

Concept of identifiability in European data protection law

Gumzej, Nina

General Data Protection Regulation

Gumzej, Nina
25. međunarodna konferencija SoftCOM 2017. – međunarodni znanstveni simpozij o informacijskoj sigurnosti i intelektualnom vlasništvu (Symposium on Information Security and Intellectual Property - ISIP 2017)

Round table "Smart cities, information security and the challenges of the Internet of Things"

Gumzej, Nina
25. međunarodna konferencija SoftCOM 2017. – međunarodni znanstveni simpozij o informacijskoj sigurnosti i intelektualnom vlasništvu (Symposium on Information Security and Intellectual Property - ISIP 2017)

GDPR - differences in relation to earlier (but still applicable) legislation

Gumzej, Nina
Privatnost 2017

Round table: How seriously should the regulation (GDPR) be taken

Gumzej, Nina
Privatnost 2017

Law and technology in data processing: Risk-based approach in EU data protection law and implementation challenges in Croatia

Gumzej, Nina
MIPRO 2017 - međunarodni skup za informacijsku i komunikacijsku tehnologiju, elektroniku i mikroelektroniku

Cross-border data flow in the digital single market: study on data location restrictions - study under the assignment of the European Commission(SMART 2015/0054)

Time.lex ; Spark Legal Network i Tech4i2 ; European Commission

Croatia, in: Anti-Doping & Data Protection - An evaluation of the anti-doping laws and practices in the EU Member States in light of the General Data Protection Regulation ; Annex II - Fact Sheets Anti-Doping and Data Protection

van der Sloot, Bart ; Paun, Mara ; Leenes, Ronald ; McNally, Peter ; Ypma, Patricia (Gumzej Nina za Spark Legal Network, te drugi nacionalni eksperti) ; European Commission - corporate author

General Data Protection Regulation

Gumzej, Nina

Implications of the New EU Data Protection Framework on the Online Media Industry

Gumzej, Nina
22nd Conference on Information Technology and Journalism

Current issues in information security

Gumzej, Nina
Savjetovanje Korporativna informacijska sigurnost

General Data Protection Regulation

Gumzej, Nina
Konferencija Privatnost 2016

Round table: Regulation (EU) 2016/679 from April 27th, 2016

Gumzej, Nina
Privatnost 2016


Gumzej, Nina
Media, culture and public relations

European Data Protection Framework: Current Themes

Gumzej, Nina

Role of Technology in the New Directive on Data Protection in Police and Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters

Gumzej, Nina
Technology and Criminal Law - Manifestations and Implications, International Spring Course "Crime Prevention through Criminal Law & Security Studies",

Impact Assessments under the General Data Protection Regulation and Technology-enabled Surveillance: a Critical Appraisal

Gumzej, Nina
International Conference Society, Law and Legal Culture, 01.-02.12.2016.

COUNTRY REPORT CROATIA, "ePrivacy Directive: assessment of transposition, effectiveness and compatibility with proposed Data Protection Regulation (SMART 2013/0071), Final Report - Annex

Time.lex, Spark Legal Network (Gumzej, Nina za Spark u svojstvu vanjskog stručnjaka) ; European Commission, Directorate-General of Communications Networks, Content & Technology

Convergence in communications and E-Privacy regulatory challenges, with a local perspective

Gumzej, Nina ; Dragičević Dražen
13th International Conference on Telecommunications - ConTEL 2015

Privacy and Personal Data Protection in the Digital Environment

Dragičević Dražen ; Gumzej, Nina

Mandatory Data Retention and Privacy

Dragičević, Dražen ; Gumzej, Nina
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

Cloud Computing Data Protection Aspects under Croatian and European Union Law

Gumzej, Nina ; Dragičević, Dražen
22nd International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (Softcom 2014)

Challenges of the Digital Environment for Personal Data Privacy and Security

Gumzej, Nina
Društvo i tehnologija 2014 - dr. Juraj Plenković

COUNTRY REPORT CROATIA, for the study "Standard terms and performance criteria in service level agreements for cloud computing services" (SMART 2013/0039), in: Time.lex and Spark Ltd, "Standard terms and performance criteria in service level agreements for cloud computing services", D2. First Interim Report, Annex 2

Time.lex i Spark Legal Network (Gumzej, Nina za Spark Legal Network)

Pravo na brisanje i internetski pretraživači

Gumzej, Nina
Regulation and Freedom of New Media Conference, Information Technology and Journalism 2014

Selected Aspects of Proposed New EU General Data Protection Legal Framework and the Croatian Perspective

Gumzej, Nina
Juridical Tribune

ePrivacy Rules and Data Processing in Users' Terminal Equipment: a Croatian Experience

Gumzej, Nina ; Grgić, Snježana
36th International Convention on Information & Communication Technology Electronics & Microelectronics (MIPRO)

Evolving Challenges and Legal Safeguards in Processing User Data in Electronic Communications

Gumzej, Nina
12th International Conference on Telecommunications – ConTEL 2013

The Council of Europe and the right to personal data protection: embracing postmodernity

Gumzej, Nina
Mediterranean Conference for Academic Disciplines

Citizens' fundamental rights in the context of legal protection of intellectual property on the Internet

Dragičević, Dražen ; Gumzej, Nina
Društvo i tehnologija 2013 - dr. Juraj Plenković

Liability of Intermediaries for Breach of Copyright and Related Rights on the Internet

Dragičević, Dražen ; Gumzej, Nina
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

Data Protection for the Digital Age: Comprehensive Effects of the Evolving Law of Accountability

Gumzej, Nina
Juridical Tribune / Tribuna Juridica

Protection of Data Relating to EU Consumers in the IoT Age

Gumzej, Nina
20th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM 2012)

Data protection in electronic communications

Gumzej, Nina

Certain aspects of public policy in enforcement of foreign arbitral awards

Gumzej, Nina
Croatian arbitration yearbook

List of select publications

Book chapters:

1. Gumzej, Nina

Regulation of the ICT Market // Croatia: International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Cyber Law / Dumortier, Jos (ed.).
Alphen aan den Rijn, Nizozemska: Kluwer Law International B.V., 2020. pp. 37-88

2. Gumzej, Nina

Privacy Protection // Croatia: International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Cyber Law / Dumortier, Jos (ed.).
Alphen aan den Rijn, Nizozemska: Kluwer Law International B.V., 2020. pp. 165-201

3. Dragičević Dražen; Gumzej, Nina.
Privacy and Personal Data Protection in the Digital Environment // Legal Informatics and Information Technologies Law) / Dragičević, Dražen (ed.). Zagreb : Narodne novine, 2015. pp. 101-164.

Updated text (2018.) for students is available at:  https://www.pravo.unizg.hr/PI/predmet/pit/dokumenti



1. Gumzej, Nina. DPA powers toward effective and transparent GDPR enforcement: the case of Croatia// Juridical Tribune, 13 (2023) 2 ; pp. 192-223. DOI: 10.24818/TBJ/2023/13/2.03. https://www.tribunajuridica.eu/arhiva/An13v2/3.%20Nina%20Gumzej.pdf

2. Gumzej, Nina. ‘The Right to Be Forgotten’ and the Sui Generis Controller in the Context of CJEU Jurisprudence and the GDPR. // Croatian yearbook of European law & policy. 17 (2021); 1-28 https://cyelp.com/index.php/cyelp/article/view/447/246

3. Gumzej, Nina. Applicability of e-Privacy Directive to national data retention measures following invalidation of the Data Retention Directive. // Juridical Tribune, 11 (2021), 3; 430-451 doi:10.24818/TBJ/2021/11/3.02. http://www.tribunajuridica.eu/arhiva/An11v3/2.%20Nina%20Gumzej.pdf

4. Gumzej, Nina; Dragičević, Dražen. Video Surveillance in the Workplace under the Croatian Act on Implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation. // Collected Papers of Zagreb Law Faculty. 69 (2019) , 3; 327-346 (journal article). URL link to workURL link to work

5. Gumzej, Nina. EU Right to be Forgotten and Global Internet: Enforcement of Delinking Requests // Media, culture and public relations. 7 (2016) , 2; 171-191. prilozen text radaURL link to work

6. Dragičević, Dražen; Gumzej, Nina. Mandatory Data Retention and Privacy. // Collected Papers of Zagreb Law Faculty. 64 (2014) , 1; 39-79. URL link to work

7. Gumzej, Nina. Selected Aspects of Proposed New EU General Data Protection Legal Framework and the Croatian Perspective. // Juridical Tribune. 3 (2013) , 2; 178-201. URL link to work

8. Dragičević, Dražen; Gumzej, Nina. Liability of Intermediaries for Breach of Copyright and Related Rights on the Internet. // Collected Papers of Zagreb Law Faculty. 62 (2012) , 4; 1003-1042. URL link to work

Scientific conference papers with international peer-review

1. Gumzej, Nina. Technical Solutions Supporting the Online RTBF in the CJEU and ECHR Jurisprudence," 2023 46th MIPRO ICT and Electronics Convention (MIPRO), Opatija, Croatia, 2023, pp. 1467-1473, doi: 10.23919/MIPRO57284.2023.10159696. Also available at: http://www.mipro.hr/Dokumentim/Zbornici/tabid/196/language/hr-HR/Default.aspx (pp. 1672-1678).

2. Gumzej, Nina; Protrka Nikola. // Evaluation of Digital Evidence in Criminal Proceedings in Croatia with a Focus on Preservation Requirements and Role of Standard Operative Procedures. 44th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO), 1 (2021); 1737-1742 doi:10.23919/MIPRO52101.2021.9597136. https://www.bib.irb.hr/1149548/download/1149548.digital_evidence_mipro2021.pdf

3. Gumzej, Nina. Law and technology in data processing: Risk-based approach in EU data protection law and implementation challenges in Croatia // 2017 40th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO).Piscataway, NJ USA : IEEE, 2017. URL link to work

4. Gumzej, Nina; Dragičević Dražen. Convergence in communications and E-Privacy regulatory challenges, with a local perspective // Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Telecommunications – ConTEL 2015 / Thomas Plank / IEEE, editor(s). Graz, Austria : Graz University of Technology Institute of Microwave and Photonic Engineering / IEEE, 2015. 1-8. URL link to work

5. Gumzej, Nina; Dragičević, Dražen. Cloud Computing Data Protection Aspects under Croatian and European Union Law // 22nd International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (Softcom 2014), 17-19.9.2014, Split (IEEE Catalog Number: CFP187A-USB, ISBN 978-953-290-051-4). (lecture,international peer-review,published,scientific). URL link to work

6. Gumzej, Nina. Challenges of the Digital Environment for Personal Data Privacy and Security // 21st International Scientific Conference Society and Technology 2014, Opatija, 28.-30.6.2014., Book of Manuscripts. 706-730. prilozen text rada

7. Dragičević, Dražen; Gumzej, Nina. Citizens' fundamental rights in the context of legal protection of intellectual property on the Internet // 20th International Scientific Conference Society and Technology 2013, Opatija, 28.-30.6.2013., Book of Manuscripts. 381-402. URL link to work

8. Gumzej, Nina. Evolving Challenges and Legal Safeguards in Processing User Data in Electronic Communications // Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Telecommunications – ConTEL 2013. 271-282 . URL link to work

9. Gumzej, Nina; Grgić, Snježana. ePrivacy Rules and Data Processing in Users' Terminal Equipment: a Croatian Experience // Proceedings of the 36th International Convention on Information & Communication Technology Electronics & Microelectronics (MIPRO). URL link to work

10. Gumzej, Nina. The Council of Europe and the right to personal data protection: embracing postmodernity // Conference of the International Journal of Arts & Sciences Proceedings. 2013. prilozen text rada

11. Gumzej, Nina. Protection of Data Relating to EU Consumers in the IoT Age // Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM), 2012 20th International Conference Proceedings (SoftCOM 2012). URL link to work

1. Gumzej, Nina. Data protection in electronic communications / doctoral thesis. Zagreb : Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu, 05.9. 2011, 493 pages. Mentor: Dragičević, Dražen.

Other papers

1. Gumzej, Nina. General Data Protection Regulation, 2017. prilozen text rada

2. Gumzej, Nina. European Data Protection Framework: Current Themes, 2016.

3. Gumzej, Nina (in capacity of national legal expert for the study)
Time.lex, Spark Legal Network (Gumzej, Nina for Spark as national legal expert); European Commission, Directorate-General of Communications Networks, Content & Technology.
COUNTRY REPORT CROATIA, "ePrivacy Directive: assessment of transposition, effectiveness and compatibility with proposed Data Protection Regulation (SMART 2013/0071), Final Report - Annex, 2015. (study). URL link to work

4. (Spark Legal Network) van der Sloot, Bart; Paun, Mara; Leenes, Ronald; McNally, Peter; Ypma, Patricia (Gumzej Nina for Spark Legal Network, and other national experts); European Commission - corporate author. Croatia, in: Anti-Doping & Data Protection - An evaluation of the anti-doping laws and practices in the EU Member States in light of the General Data Protection Regulation ; Annex II - Fact Sheets Anti-Doping and Data Protection, 2017. doi:10.2766/042641

5. Time.lex and Spark Legal Network (Gumzej, Nina for Spark Legal Network).
COUNTRY REPORT CROATIA, for the study "Standard terms and performance criteria in service level agreements for cloud computing services" (SMART 2013/0039), in: Time.lex and Spark Ltd, "Standard terms and performance criteria in service level agreements for cloud computing services", D2. First Interim Report, Annex 2, 2014. (study). URL link to work

List of select projects

COUNTRY REPORT CROATIA, "ePrivacy Directive: assessment of transposition, effectiveness and compatibility with proposed Data Protection Regulation (SMART 2013/0071), Final Report - Annex. Time.lex, Spark Legal Network (N. Gumzej for Spark in capacity of external expert), European Commission, Directorate-General of Communications Networks, Content & Technology.  https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/news/eprivacy-directive-assessment-transposition-effectiveness-and-compatibility-proposed-data