izv. prof. dr. sc. Teo Giljević
izv. prof. dr. sc.
Teo Giljević

Teo Giljević was born on December 10, 1983 in Makarska. He graduated in 2007 at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Law. In the period between March 2008 and December 2011 he was working at the Polytechnic Social Sciences, Zagreb. He has been working at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Law, since 2011, as an assistant at the Department of Administrative Science. He is the author of several scientific papers. He has participated at several conferences in the country and abroad. He is the member of the Institute of Public Administration. 


Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

Procedure protocol for the integration of persons who have been granted international protection and the manual with examples of good practice

Lalić Novak , Goranka ; Giljević , Teo

Civilian oversight of law enforcement

Giljević, Teo

Police as the protector of citizen's rights



Giljević, Teo ; Staničić, Frane

Recruitment and education of police officers- contemporary trends and challenges

Marčetić, Gordana ; Giljević, Teo ; Lopižić, Iva

Migration and Asylum Governance in CEE Countries: Between Historical Legacies and the Europeanisation Process

Lalić Novak, Goranka ; Giljević, Teo
Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava = Croatian and comparative public administration

Temporary protection in Republic of Croatia

Giljević, Teo
Rat u Ukrajini i izbjeglička kriza u Europi

(Never)mind the Evidence: Evidence-Based Law- Making in the Croatian Regulation on Migration

Lalić Novak, Goranka ; Giljević, Teo ; Manojlović Toman, Romea
Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava = Croatian and comparative public administration

(Never) mind the evidence: Croatian regulation on forced migration throughout the ‘better regulation policy’ lenses

Lalić Novak, Goranka ; Giljević, Teo ; Manojlović Toman, Romea
IPSA 26th World Congress of Political Science

Croatian Public Administration: Good Governance Accompanied by an Authoritarian Legacy

Giljević, Teo ; Lalić Novak, Goranka ; Lopižić, Iva

Local Integration Policy of Migrants in Croatia: In Search of Coherence and Capacity

Koprić, Ivan ; Lalić Novak, Goranka ; Giljević, Teo

Integration of migrants through a prism of specific sustainable development goals: A perspective of public administration.

Giljević, Teo ; Lalić Novak, Goranka
Sustainable development

Provision of social services for refugees on the local level in Croatia

Giljević, Teo
Koordinaciji za azil Hrvatskog pravnog centra - Pružanje socijalnih usluga osobama kojima je odobrena međunarodna zaštita u Republici u Hrvatskoj

Development of asylum legislation in Croatia: evidence-based policy making or EU top-down pressure

Lalić Novak , Goranka ; Giljević , Teo
Migration Policymaking in the EU: Towards an Evidence-Based Approach

Coordination of public services intended for migrants as a precondition for their successful integration

Giljević, Teo

Acess to Asylum System

Giljević, Teo
Seminar SEELS „PRISILNE MIGRACIJE“ Pravni status i zaštita međunarodno raseljenih osoba, izbjeglica, tražitelja azila i „nevidljivih“ bez osobnih isprava

Integration of refugees into Croatian society: legislation and realisation practice

Giljević, Teo ; Holjevac, Tatjana ; Kovač, Anamarija, Petrovečki, Kristina ; Tučkarić, Lana

Contemporary Administrative Doctines: A Reader 2020

Giljević, Teo ; Lalić Novak, Goranka ; Vukojičić Tomić, Tijana ; Manojlović Toman, Romea

New Act on the State Administration System

Džinić, Jasmina ; Giljević, Teo
Tribina Pravnog fakulteta i Kluba pravnika Grada Zagreba

Regulatory Management: A Reader 2020.

Musa, Anamarija ; Banić, Slavica ; Džinić, Jasmina ; Đurman, Petra ; Giljević, Teo ; Koprić, Ivan ; Lalić Novak, Goranka ; Lopižić, Iva ; Zelenika, Boris

Legal and Institutional Framework of Integration of Migrants in Croatia – Towards a European Model

Lalić Novak, Goranka ; Giljević, Teo
Godišnjak Akademije pravnih znanosti Hrvatske = Yearbook Croatian Academy of Legal Sciences

Liability of police officers for the un(lawful) use of police powers

Giljević, Teo

Serendipity in governing wicked issues: The local integration of refugees in Croatia

Giljević, Teo ; Lalić Novak, Goranka ; Župarić-Iljić, Drago
Local Governance and Human Rights in the World of Wicked Problems

Summary of the Forum for Public Administration "Local democracy in Croatio: do we need changes"

Giljević, Teo

Summary of the Forum for Public Administration "Management of public resources"

Giljević, Teo

The responsibility of police officers in the protection of human rights in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina

Giljević, Teo ; Nikolić, Krešimir
Akademija pravnih znanosti Hrvatska, Godišnji znanstveni skup 2019. godine Suradnja pravne znanosti u Hrvatskoj i Bosni i Hercegovini: aktualne teme

The Janus-Faced Character of Migration Governance in CEE Countries

Lalić Novak, Goranka ; Giljević, Teo
3. Međunarodni znanstveni skup Public Administration in a Democratic Society: Thirty Years of Democratic Transition in Europe, Dubrovnik, 4.-6.10.2019., Institut za javnu upravu, IPSA i Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

Towards the achieving SDGs: Administrative capacities for integration of migrants on local level

Giljević, Teo ; Goranka Lalić Novak
International conference Public Administration’s Missions and Goals for the Achievement of the SDGs

Coordination of public services for migrants as a prerequisite for their successful integration

Giljević, Teo
Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti - Okrugli stol Izazovi migracija za javnu upravu,

Integration of refugees on local level in Croatia

Giljević, Teo
Koordinaciji za azil Hrvatskog pravnog centra „Integracija osoba kojima je odobrena međunarodna zaštita na lokalnoj razini"

Model of Athens Polis: Root of contemporary merit- system and public servants ethics?

Erent Sunko, Zrinka ; Manojlović Toman, Romea ; Giljević, Teo

Model of Athens Polis: Root of contemporary merit- system and public servants ethics?

Erent-Sunko, Zrinka ; Manojlović Toman, Romea ; Giljević, Teo
6. Znanstveno-stručni skup / savjetovanje Instituta za javnu upravu Normalizacija statusa javnih službnika – rješenje ili zamka

Recruitment in Croatian Public Administration : What did we (not) learn from European experiences?

Giljević, Teo ; Lopižić, Iva

Recruitment in Croatian Public Administration: What did we (not) learn from European experiences?

Giljević, Teo ; Lopižić Iva
6. Znanstveno-stručni skup / savjetovanje Instituta za javnu upravu Normalizacija statusa javnih službnika – rješenje ili zamka

Coordination Instruments in Croatian Integration Policy: Classification, Evaluation, and Proposals for Improvements

Giljević, Teo ; Lalić Novak, Goranka
Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava

Integration of ‘new’ refugees in the non- immigrant countries along the Balkan route of migration - overview of legal framework and practices

Lalić Novak, Goranka ; Giljević, Teo

Summary of the Forum for Public Administration "Performance management in public administration"

Giljević, Teo

Legal regulation of state servants

Giljević, Teo ; Manojlović Toman, Romea
Analiza uređenja policijskih službenika, socijalnog dijaloga i organizacijske strukture

egal and Institutional Framework of Integration of Migrants in Croatia – Towards a European Model)

Lalić Novak, Goranka ; Giljević, Teo
9. Godišnja znanstvena konferencija Akademije pravnih znanosti Hrvatska u Europskoj uniji- 5 godina poslije

Muddling through or System Approach: Building a Croatian Model of Integration of Refgees

Giljević, Teo ; Lalić Novak Goranka
International conference ESPAnet Poland Demographic change, public finance, social services: Bermuda Triangle of social policy?

Integration of ‘new’ refugees in the non- immigrant countries along the Balkan route of migration - overview of legal framework and practices

Lalić, Novak, Goranka ; Giljević, Teo
International conference Migration in the context of Central and Southeastern Europe, ,

Coordination capacity of Croatian government: current state and perspectives

Giljević, Teo
Fondacija Centar za javno pravo / Stiftung Kompetenzzentrum für Öffentliches Recht

Association as an element of civil society: the adequacy of the positive regulation in Croatia and international examples of activism with a focus on the local level

Giljević, Teo ; Lalić Novak, Goranka

Impact of the Organizational Environment on Administrative Coordination: The Case of Two Croatian Ministries

Giljević, Teo

Coordination of integration policies in Croatia

Giljević, Teo ; Lalić Novak, Goranka
International Conference Looking beyond the crisis: impact of mass migrations on the local, regional, national and EU governance, Institute for Public Administration, International Political Science Association – IPSA Research Committee 05 Comparative Studies on Local Government and Politics and Research Committee 32 Public Policy & Administration

Association as an element of civil society: the adequacy of the positive regulation in Croatia and international examples of activism with a focus on the local level

Giljević, Teo ; Lalić Novak, Goranka
Znanstveno-stručni skup / savjetovanje Instituta za javnu upravu Građani, javna uprava, lokalna samouprava: jesu li mogući povjerenje, suradnja i potpora?

Citizens, public administration and local self- government: trust, cooperation and support



Giljević, Teo
Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava

Impact of the Organizational Environment on Administrative Coordination: The Case of Two Croatian Ministries

Giljević, Teo
24th NISPAcee Annual Conference Spreading Standards, Building Capacities: European Administrative Space in Progress

Inter-Municipal Cooperation in Local Service Provision: Comparative Trends and Regulatory Frameworks

Škarica, Mihovil ; Giljević, Teo


Giljević, Teo
Zagrebačka pravna revija = Zagreb law review

The environment of administrative organization

Giljević, Teo
Pravni vjesnik

The Influence of Organizational Environment on Administrative Coordination: Ministry of Public Administration as Case Study

Giljević, Teo
Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava

Smart regulation in EU: current state and prospects in Croatia

Lalić Novak, Goranka ; Jasmina Džinić ; Giljević, Teo
Znanstveni skup Akademije pravnih znanosti Hrvatske, Izazovi djelovanja hrvatskog javnog sektora u Europskoj uniji

Election and Recall of Local Mayors and Good Governance

Đulabić, Vedran ; Škarica Mihovil ; Giljević Teo
Fighting corruption: From Good Governance and Prevention Measures to Law Enforecment and Internatioonal Cooperation

Large cities in Croatia before and during the times of crisis

Rogić Lugarić, Tereza ; Giljević, Teo ; Škarica Mihovil
CUI '15 / 3rd International Contemporary Urban Issues Conference

Large cities in Croatia:before and during the times of crisis

Rogić Lugarić, Tereza ; Giljević, Teo ; Škarica Mihovil
Contemporary urban issues

Impact of organizational variables on administrative coordination

Giljević, Teo

Inter-municipal cooperation in local service provision: comparative trends and regulatory frameworks

Škarica, Mihovil ; Giljević, Teo
Final conference of the Cogito Hubert Curien bilateral project 2013-2014 Good local governance: local public services in France and Croatia in the context of the European subsidiarity principle

Impact of Autonomy of Administrative Organization on the Level of Interorganizational Coordination

Giljević, Teo
IPSA (RC 32) 2013 Conference

A categorical apparatus for exploring coordination in public administration system

Teo Giljević
Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava

Process of decentralization in France

Teo Giljević

Decentralisation in France: An Ongoing Process of Incremental Change

Giljević, Teo
Developing policy in different cultural contexts: learning from study, learning from experience

In search of the coordination in Croatian public administration system?

Gordana Marčetić, Goranka Lalić Novak, Teo Giljević
19th NISPAcee Annual Conference, Public Administration of the Future, Working group on PA Reform

Conference Public Administration of the Future

Giljević, Teo
Hrvatska javna uprava : časopis za teoriju i praksu javne uprave

Conference General Parliamentary Elections and Referenda

Giljević, Teo ; Španić, Sven
Hrvatska javna uprava : časopis za teoriju i praksu javne uprave

Local Self-Government in Germany and France

Marčetić, Gordana ; Giljević, Teo
Hrvatska javna uprava : časopis za teoriju i praksu javne uprave

Reform of Local Self-Government in Croatia and Macedonia

Giljević, Teo
Zagrebačko-skopski kolokvij

Round Table Rationalisation of Local-Self Government

Giljević, Teo
Hrvatska javna uprava : časopis za teoriju i praksu javne uprave

Norbert Wimmer: Dynamische Verwaltungslehre

Dubajić, Daria ; Giljević, Teo ; Manojlović, Romea
Hrvatska javna uprava : časopis za teoriju i praksu javne uprave

Round table: New Croatian local and Regional Self-Government

Giljević, Teo ; Škarica, Mihovil
Hrvatska javna uprava : časopis za teoriju i praksu javne uprave

Gordana Marčetić: Public Servants and Transition

Giljević, Teo ; Margareta Habazin
Hrvatska javna uprava : časopis za teoriju i praksu javne uprave