izv. prof. dr. sc. Tomislav Jakšić
izv. prof. dr. sc.
Tomislav Jakšić

Tomislav Jakšić graduated in the early 2009 at the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb. After graduation he was employed as a junior associate at the Babić & Partners Law Firm and from the middle of 2009 he is working at the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb as a research assistant at the Chair of Commercial Law and Company Law. He has undertaken a four month long research at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg. He defended his doctorate thesis in 2015. on the topic of "The Suretyship Contract". In 2018. he passed a Croatian bar exam.




Graduation year: 2009

Employed since: 2009


Public phone number:
4564 385
Gundulićeva 10, room 21/II
Company Law and Company Law

Consulations are held online or in person at the school grounds pursuant to prior arrangement via email tomislav.jaksic@pravo.hr

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

Protection of strategic industries in the Republic of Croatia pursuant to the Takeover Act (de lege lata i de lege ferenda)


Protection of strategic industries from harmful foreign investments in the Republic of Croatia and the European union

Bilić, Antun ; Jakšić, Tomislav ; Tepeš, Nina

The Concept of Insider Information

Jakšić, Tomislav
Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu

Legal Framework for employee shareholding in Croatia


Strong Letters of Comfort – Generally on Letters of Comfort, Content of Obligation, Determined and Determinable Performance, Legal Ground for the Issuer's Liability, Objections of the Issuer, Statute of Limitation, Duration and Cessation of the Issuer’s Obligation, Issuer’s Reimbursement for the Payments and Strong Letters of Comfort ad incertas personas

Jakšić, Tomislav ; Siketić, Petra

Investment DLT/BC tokens as financial instruments (securities) and possible legal consequences of such qualification

Jakšić, Tomislav ; Petrović, Siniša

Reduction of Contractual Penalty under Article 354 of the Civil Obligations Act

Jakšić, Tomislav
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

IV. Company law

Petrović, Siniša ; Jakšić, Tomislav ; Bilić, Antun

Reduction of contractual penalty under Article 345 of the Civil Obligations Act

Jakšić, Tomislav ;

Protection of strategic industries from harmfull foreign investments in the Republic of Croatia and the European Union

Bilić, Antun ; Jakšić, Tomislav ; Tepeš, Nina
60. susret pravnika - Opatija ’22

Damages Claim for the Trademark Infringement

Jakšić, Tomislav ; Pukl, Tomislav
Pravo u gospodarstvu

The Meaning of the Collective Management Organization and the Independent Management Entity

Jakšić, Tomislav ;
Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu

Examination of presented documents in letter of credit transactions (UCP 600)

Jakšić, Tomislav ; Vraneš, Petra
Pravo i porezi

The temporary manager in the limited liability company under the Croatian Companies Act

Jakšić, Tomislav ;
17th Interdisciplinary Management Research (IMR 2021)

Guidelines for regulation of cryptosecurities under Croatian law - de lege ferenda

Jakšić, Tomislav ;
59. susret pravnika

Analysis of the Court of European Union decision in case C-19/20 I.W., R.W. versus Bank BPH S.A. and possible legal effects of that decision on the Court of European Union decision in cases C-474/20 i C-567/20 (i.e. the Swiss Franc Case)

Jakšić, Tomislav ; Petrović, Siniša ;

Safeguarding Croatian Strategic Industries Within the Scope of the EU Foreign Direct Investment Regime

Poljanec, Kristijan ; Jakšić, Tomislav
Central European journal of comparative law

Proposal of new provisions amending the Electricity Energy Market Act relating to the sharing of phyisical premises, IT equipment and IT systems as well as the use of same IT service providers and suppliers of IT equipment between the independent transmission operator and other parts of the vertically integrated undertaking

Jakšić, Tomislav ; Vrzić, Daša
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci

Claim for usual compensation according to the Trademarks Act and the new Trademarks Act Proposal

Jakšić, Tomislav
Pravni vjesnik

State guarantee as state aid, substantive and formal unlawfulness pursuant to Community law and the legal consequences of the unlawfully granted state guarantee on the guarantee contract concluded between the state aid provider and the bank

Jakšić, Tomislav
57. susret pravnika

Essential actual issues relating to contractual relations arising from the credit contract in Swiss francs and the analysis of the relating judicial practice

Petrović, Siniša ; Jakšić, Tomislav
Pravo i porezi

Regulation and Competition of Taxi Services

Petrović, Siniša ; Jakšić, Tomislav

Legal effect of Supreme Court's decisions from February and October 2019 concerning the conversion of consumer loan contracts in CHF (The "Swiss Franc" Case)

Petrović, Siniša ; Jakšić, Tomislav

Legal effect of Supreme Court's decisions from February and October 2019 concerning the conversion of consumer loan contracts in CHF (The "Swiss Franc" Case)

Petrović, Siniša ; Jakšić, Tomislav
Pravo i porezi

Payment of the capital contribution of a company limited by shares in a cryptocurrency

Siffert, Rino ; Petrović, Siniša ; Jakšić, Tomislav
Zagrebačka pravna revija

Country Report: Croatia

Babić, Davor Adrian ; Jakšić, Tomislav

The liability for the failure to perform contractual obligations according to the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods from 1980

Jakšić, Tomislav ; Nogolica, Toni
Pravo u gospodarstvu

Strong letters of comfort - legal nature of the contract, content and breach of the contractual obligation, insolvency and emergency management proceedings

Jakšić, Tomislav
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci

International Conference 35 Years of CISG: Present Experiences and Future Challenges


Possible Directions for Ammendments of Croatian Company Law

Jakšić, Tomislav ; Petrović, Siniša
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci

Development of Corporate Law: New Corporate Law Structures

Jakšić, Tomislav ; Petrović, Siniša
ENER-MAR-CORP-COMM Conference: Bridging the Gap

Company Law de lege ferenda

Jakšić, Tomislav ; Petrović, Siniša
XXII. Savjetovanje pravnika Petar Simonetti

Suretyship Contract and Arbitration Agreement

Jakšić, Tomislav ; Tepeš, Nina
Croatian arbitration yearbook

Suretyship Contract

Jakšić, Tomislav

Object of the suretyship contract - which obligations can be guaranteed for?

Jakšić, Tomislav
Pravo u gospodarstvu

Personal liability of board members for the publication of incorrect and incomplete ad hoc disclosures concerning business activities of a company whose shares are admitted to trading on the stock exchange - Article 459. Capital Market Act

Jakšić, Tomislav
Pravo u gospodarstvu

Competition Law

Petrović, Siniša ; Jakšić, Tomislav

Croatian Capital Market Law

Miladin, Petar ; Jakšić, Tomislav

Requirements for Admission of Share to Trading on a Regulated Market

Jakšić, Tomislav
Prilagodba hrvatskog prava i ekonomije europskom tržištu kapitala

Specific Civil Prospectus Liability when Prospectus is published for Admission of Securities to Trading on a Regulated Market pursuant to the Capital Market Act

Jakšić, Tomislav
Prilagodba hrvatskog prava i ekonomije europskom tržištu kapitala

Harmonization of Croatian law and economy with European capital market


Right of Establishment and Corporate Mobility - An Outline of Issues

Petrović, Siniša ; Jakšić, Tomislav
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

Concept of public offering of securities according to the Capital Market Act

Jakšić, Tomislav
Pravo u gospodarstvu

The ECJ Ruling in Cartesio and Its Consequences on the Right of Establishment and Corporate Mobility in the European Union

Petrović, Siniša ; Jakšić, Tomislav
European journal of law reform

Civil liability for electronic credit card theft (EC card) and abuse of PIN code

Jakšić, Tomislav
Pravo u gospodarstvu

On nullity of supervisory board's decision on refusal of action against board of directors for compensation of damages

Jakšić, Tomislav
Pravo u gospodarstvu

List of select projects

Adjustment of Croatian Company Law to European Law

Adjustment of Croatian law and economy to European capital markets

Past employments

2009. employed at the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb

2016. advanced to assistant professor