prof. dr. sc. Tomislav Karlović
prof. dr. sc.
Tomislav Karlović

Tomislav Karlović (1979) is a Professor at the Chair of Roman Law of the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb. He finished his secondary education in Gymnasium Nova Gradiška in 1998; after that, he entered Faculty of Law of the University of Zagreb from which he graduated in 2002 with diploma summa cum laude. He earned his Ph.D. degree in 2011, after passing through the Postgraduate Studies of Civil Law and Family Law Sciences from the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, and defending the doctoral thesis: “Fiducia cum creditore in Roman Law”. He has been part of the Chair of Roman law (Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb) since 2003. He has participated with presentations in a number of international scientific conferences and has attended several international courses in Roman law. He is author of scientific articles in the field of Roman and Comparative Private Law.  He has been the executive editor of Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu (Collected Papers of Zagreb Law Faculty) since 2012, and the editor in chief from March 2022.


Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

Direct and indirect consequences of the „Springtime of Nations“ (1848) in an individual’s life in Croatia

Karlović, Tomislav
Fundamental Legal Transformations in 1848 and as a consequence of the "Springtime of Nations"

Clausula rebus sic se habentibus - Creation of the Concept

Karlović, Tomislav

Ius Latii and the Municipia in Pannonia

Karlović, Tomislav
Seventh International Conference of the Balkan Association of Roman Law and Roman Legal Tradition “Societas pro Iure Romano" - Provinciae

Remissio mercedis – is there a need for a special provision of the Croatian Obligations Act?

Karlović, Tomislav
2nd Zagreb International Conference on the Law of Obligations

Proving the Consent in Marriage – Postclassical Changes and Medieval Canon Law

Karlović, Tomislav
Ius et Religio. Droit, religions anciennes et christianisme dans l'Antiquité

William of Tyre and the Case of Ralph of Domfront (Historia Ierosolymitana XV, 11–17) – Communicating Legal Knowledge and the Romano- Canonical Procedure

Karlović, Tomislav
Society for the Study of the Crusades and the Latin East 10th International Conference: Crusading Encounters

On the Contract of Sale in the Kingdom of Jerusalem

Karlović, Tomislav
International doctoral seminar - European Legal History: Comparative and Cultural Perspectives

Declaration of Will Between Absent Parties to Consensual Contracts in Roman Law (Contribution to the Legal-Historical Analysis of the Conclusion of Contracts inter absentes)

Karlović, Tomislav

On the notion and elements of "trust"

Karlović, Tomislav
Informator : instruktivno-informativni list za ekonomska i pravna pitanja

On the Recourse Against the Object of Pledge in Roman Law – Question of the Primary Authority in Relation to the Sources from the Practice

Karlović, Tomislav

On the Legal Nature and the Construction of Formula of actio fiduciae

Karlović, Tomislav
Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu

Presumptions in the Roman-Canonical Legal Tradition with a Special Review of Their Role in the Cases to Declare the Nullity of Marriage

Karlović, Tomislav

On Changed Circumstances in Comparative Legal Context

Karlović, Tomislav
Informator : instruktivno-informativni list za ekonomska i pravna pitanja

Great Codifications of Civil Law and the Recognition of Changed Circumstances in Comparative Legal Context

Karlović, Tomislav
Informator : instruktivno-informativni list za ekonomska i pravna pitanja

On the Role of Roman law in the Crusader States. Allocation of Risk and the Ransom of Captives

Karlović, Tomislav

Ignis, incendium, fortuitus casus – D. 19, 2, 9, 3 and the Risk of Fire in locatio fundi

Karlović, Tomislav
Pravni vjesnik

Some Considerations on the Organization of Fire Protection Services in Roman law

Karlović, Tomislav
Godišnjak Akademije pravnih znanosti Hrvatske = Yearbook Croatian Academy of Legal Sciences

Pactum displicentiae – Emergence and the Early Legal Protection

Karlović, Tomislav ; Sukačić, Marko
Pravni vjesnik

Legal System of the Crusader States and Roman Law – status quaestionis

Karlović, Tomislav
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

Remissio mercedis and the Influence of Changed Circumstances on the Obligations Arising from the Lease of Land in Roman Law

Karlović, Tomislav ; Balić, Andrea
Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu

Transfer of Ownership fiduciae causa and causa donationis

Karlović, Tomislav
Godišnjak Akademije pravnih znanosti Hrvatske = Yearbook Croatian Academy of Legal Sciences

Reconsidering the authority to sell as the augmentation or restriction of creditor’s rights in fiducia cum creditore

Karlović, Tomislav
Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai. Iurisprudentia

Presumptions Between Civil and Canon Law

Karlović, Tomislav
LXIII Session de la Société international Fernand de Visscher pour l’Histoire des Droits de l’Antiquité "Le droit et sa place dans le monde antique"

„…et res periculosa est sub judice offenso litigare“ – Some Aspects of officium iudicis in Romano-Canonical Procedure

Karlović, Tomislav
62ème Session de la Société international Fernand de Visscher pour l’Histoire des Droits de l’Antiquité "Plus ratio quam vis"

Transfer of Ownership in fiducia and Trust – Preliminary Considerations on the Possibility of Application of the Hague Convention on the Law Applicable to Trusts and on Their Recognition

Karlović, Tomislav
Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu

In diem addictio in Roman Legal Tradition

Karlović, Tomislav ; Rapić, Ivona
Pravni vjesnik

Officium iudicis. Case Management in Romano- Canonical Procedure

Karlović, Tomislav
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

What did William of Tyre learn in School? Church, Roman Law and the Kingdom of Jerusalem

Karlović, Tomislav
The Church and the Law, Ecclesiastical History Society Summer Conference, Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, 24–26 July 2018

et en fist assises et usages que l’on deust tenir et maintenir et user el roiaume de Jerusalem « Decoding the Laws of the Kingdom of Jerusalem »

Karlović, Tomislav
5th Biennal ESCLH Conference: Laws Across Codes and Laws Decoded

…et sine fraudatione – imposing limitations in fiducia

Karlović, Tomislav
LXXI Session de la Société international Fernand de Visscher pour l’Histoire des Droits de l’Antiquité "Liberté et interdictions dans les droits de l’Antiquité"

Liber casuum. Casebook for the Exercises in Roman Law of Obligations

Karlović, Tomislav

Civil Procedural Aspects of Retroactivity – Historical and Comparative Perspectives

Karlović, Tomislav

Some Considerations on actio fiduciae (Cic. De Off. 3, 17, 70)

Karlović, Tomislav
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

Periculum est emptoris in Crusader Accre around 1150 AD?

Karlović, Tomislav
LXXe Session de la Société Internationale Fernand De Visscher pour l'Histoire des Droits de l'Antiquité “Ius et Periculum - Law as confronted to risk in the Antiquity period”

(Wo)Men in Legal History

Karlović, Tomislav ; Milotić, Ivan


Karlo, Tomislav

Andautonia. An example of local self-government in Pannonia

Karlović, Tomislav ; Milotić, Ivan ; Petrak, Marko
Lex localis

On the creation of Sicherungsübereignung

Karlović, Tomislav

Pignus rei immobilis as Similar to fiducia? Legal Concepts of Real Estate Lien in the Tripartitum

Karlović, Tomislav
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

Some Remarks on the Conclusion of Contracts inter absentes in Roman Law

Karlović, Tomislav

Some considerations on the formation of stipulatio

Karlović, Tomislav
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

Propter celeritatem dirimendarum litium – Presumptions and Stipulatio in Roman Law

Karlović, Tomislav

“Omnia esse debent eadem, quae fuerunt, cum promittere, ut promittentis fidem teneas.” (Sen., De benef. IV, 35) – The Role of Changed Circumstances in Historical Perspective

Karlović, Tomislav

Liber amicorum Petar Klarić: Collected Papers in Honor of Petar Klarić


Unjustified enrichment in the case of immoral or illegal cause

Karlović, Tomislav ; Held, Henrik-Riko
Informator : instruktivno-informativni list za ekonomska i pravna pitanja

The Origins of clausula rebus sic stantibus

Karlović, Tomislav

Fiducia cum creditore in Roman Law

Karlović, Tomislav

The controversy about condicere in D. 12, 1, 4, 1

Karlović, Tomislav ; Held, Henrik-Riko
XV. Internationales Sommerseminar zur antiken Rechtsgeschichte: Leges damnatae – exegetische Übungen in der antiken Rechtsgeschichte

Retroactivity in Preclassical Roman Law

Karlović, Tomislav

Military Diplomas and the Legal Integration of the Roman Empire: Two Military Diplomas from Croatia

Karlović, Tomislav ; Milotić, Ivan

The Development of the Enforcement in Fiducia cum creditore in the Roman Law and in the Modern Croatian Law

Karlović, Tomislav

On the Legal Protection of Fiducia in Ius Civile

Karlović, Tomislav
Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu

The Roman Foundations of the Principle of Non-Retroactivity in Civil Law

Karlović, Tomislav

Selected topics from civil anf family law

Ernst, Hano ; Kačer Blanka ; Karlović, Tomislav , Klasiček Dubravka

The Legal Status of Municipium Andautonia

Karlović, Tomislav

Professional memberships

Roman private law

Comparative legal history

Private law

Past employments

2003. - Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb