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Taxation of Companies
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Taxation of Companies
Study: Fiscal System and Fiscal Policy - 1., 2. semester
Code: 166948
ECTS: 4.0
Course coordinators: izv. prof. dr. sc. Jasna Bogovac
Lecturers: prof. dr. sc. Hrvoje Arbutina - Lectures
Basic data
Taxation of Companies Fiscal System and Fiscal Policy - 1., 2. semester
4.0 166948
Lecturer in charge Consultations Location
izv. prof. dr. sc. Jasna Bogovac

Mondays at 15.30 and in other terms by arrangement (room 9, ĆM or online).

Prior announcement to:

Ćirilometodska 4, room Room 9
Lecturer Consultations Location
prof. dr. sc. Hrvoje Arbutina (Lectures)

Wednesday 13 - 14:30 (ĆM 4, office 8, ground floor)

Ćirilometodska 4, room 8
REQUIRED: Jasna Bogovac; Oporezivanje multinacionalnih korporacija; Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i SCJUJF (2014), str. [object Object]
REQUIRED: Land, M., Pistone, P., Schuch, J., Staringer, C. (Eds.),; Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base,; Linde Verlag Wien (2008), str
REQUIRED: Claire Micheau; State Aid, Subsidy and Tax Incentives Under EU and WTO Law; Kluwer Law International (2014), str. [object Object]
REQUIRED: Brauner, Y., Pistone, P. (Eds.); BRICS and the Emergence of International Tax Coordination; IBFD Amsterdam (2017), str
REQUIRED: Bogovac, J.,; Važnost poreznopravnih čimbenika prilikom donošenja strateških odluka multinacionalnih korporacija - hrvatska i komparativna iskustva; / Četvrti Zagrebačko-skopski kolokvij. Skopje, 2013.; , str
REQUIRED: Bogovac, J.; The paradox of tax incentives in developing countries, System of Financial Law: Sistem of Tax Law: Conference Proceedings / Radvan, Michal (ur.).; Brno: Masaryk University (2015), str
REQUIRED: Hrvoje Arbutina, Tereza Rogić Lugarić, Sonja Cindori, Jasna Bogovac, Irena Klemenčić; Javnofinancijski sustav Republike Hrvatske; Narodne novine (2022), str. 63-122
RECOMMENDED: Cotrut, M. (ed.); International Tax Structures in the BEPS Era: An Analysis of Anti-Abuse Measures,; IBFD, Amsterdam (2015), str
RECOMMENDED: Lamb, M., Lymer, A., Freedman, J. James, S; Taxation: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Research; Oxford University Press (2005), str
RECOMMENDED: Panayi, C. H.; European Union Corporate Tax Law; Cambridge University Press (2013), str
RECOMMENDED: Maisto, G. (Ed.),; Taxtation of Intercompany Dividends under Tax Treaties and EU Law; IBFD (2012), str
Exam dates