Psychiatry in the Local Community
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Psychiatry in the Local Community
Study: Social Policy - 1. semester
Social Work - 1. semester
Code: 70153
ECTS: 5.0
Course coordinators: izv. prof. dr. sc. Lana Mužinić Marinić
prof. dr. sc. Zdravka Leutar
Exam dates:
  • 10. 07. 2024.
  • 28. 08. 2024.
  • 11. 09. 2024.
Exam registration: Studomat
Basic data
Psychiatry in the Local Community Social Policy - 1. semester
Social Work - 1. semester
5.0 70153
Lecturer in charge Consultations Location
izv. prof. dr. sc. Lana Mužinić Marinić
prof. dr. sc. Zdravka Leutar

Tuesdays from 10:30 to 12:30 am

Nazorova 51, room Nazorova 51, soba 8
REQUIRED: Lana Mužinić Marinić (urednica); Psihijatrija u zajednici; Biblioteka socijalnog rada, Zagreb (2021), str
RECOMMENDED: Bandić, I., Brigić, M. i Leutar, Z.; Kvaliteta života osoba s poteškoćama mentalnoga zdravlja; Mostariensia, 24 (1), Dostupno na: (2020), str. 89-107
RECOMMENDED: Vrdoljak, M.; Perspektiva stručnjaka o djeci u obitelji roditelja s mentalnim teškoćama; U (ur: Begić, A.) Dijete u fokusu - multidisciplinarni pristup. (u tisku) (2022), str
RECOMMENDED: Štrkalj Ivezić S, Mužinić L, Filipac V.; Case management- a pillar of community psychiatry; Psychiatria Danubina (2010), str. 22 (1):28-33
RECOMMENDED: S. Š. Ivezić i sur; Rehabilitacija u psihijatriji, Psihobiosocijalni pristup; Hrvatski liječnički zbor, Psihijatrijska bolnica Vrapče, Udruga "Svitanje" (2010), str
RECOMMENDED: Štrkalj Ivezić S, Vrdoljak M, Mužinic, L; The impact of a rehabilitation day centre program for person suffering from schizophrenia on quality of life, social functioning and self-esteem; Psychiatria Danubina (2013), str. 25: 196-201
RECOMMENDED: Štrkalj Ivezić, S; Psihijatrija u zajednici. U: Jukić, V. i sur. Hrvatska psihijatrija početkom 21. stoljeća; Zagreb: Medicinska naklada, HPD, Klinika za psihijatriju Vrapče (2018), str
RECOMMENDED: Restek Petrović, B., Filipčić I i sur.; Rana intervencija kod psihotičnih poremećaja; Zagreb: Medicinska naklada (2016), str
RECOMMENDED: Štrkalj Ivezić, S.; Život bez stigme psihičke bolesti; Zagreb: Medicinska naklada (2016), str
RECOMMENDED: Ostojić, D., Čulo I., Silić A, . Kos, S, Savić A; Integrated specialized early - course psychosis treatment services- University psychiatric hospital Vrapče model; Psychiatria Danubina (2018), str. 30 (Suppl 4) 208-215
RECOMMENDED: Štrkalj Ivezić, S; Hitna stanja u mobilnom psihijatrijskom timu. U: Jukić, V, Ostojić D. Hitna stanja u psihijatriji; Zagreb: Medicinska naklada/Klinika za psihijatriju Vrapče (2018), str. 112-118
- development and organisation of the mental health division according to the concept of psychiatry in the local community
- prevention and epidemiology of mental illness,
- organisation of the mental health division (psychiatric hospital, wards, clinics, special wards, day hospitals, day rehabilitation centres, mental health centres, week-end hospitals, night hospitals)
- out-of-hospital treatment of psychiatric patients
- promotion of mental health and fight against stigma,
- de-institutionalisation, decreasing the number of hospitalisations and illness relapses - the meaning of psychiatry in the community for the quality of life of psychiatric patients
- rehabilitation of psychiatric patients (in institutional treatment, in community)
- the importance of positive family and social interaction for the patient
- knowledge of psychiatric illness and enhancing spiritual health
- work in the community in the area of accepting psychiatric patients
- mental health centre
- case manager
- holistic approach to understanding the disease, treatment plan, treatment outcome
- the role of the social worker in the treatment and rehabilitation of patients according to the psychiatry principles in the community
- the work of the social worker with different diagnostic groups of patients in community
- the role of the social worker in the work with persons with damaged contractual capacity
- reality and prejudices concerning the danger represented by psychiatric patients
Exam dates
10. 07. 2024.
28. 08. 2024.
11. 09. 2024.