Katedra za socijalnu politiku English
Civil Society
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Civil Society
Study: Public Law and Public Administration - 1., 2., 3. semester
Code: 166990
ECTS: 3.0
Course coordinators: prof. dr. sc. Gojko Bežovan
Basic data
Civil Society Public Law and Public Administration - 1., 2., 3. semester
3.0 166990
Lecturer in charge Consultations Location
prof. dr. sc. Gojko Bežovan

Tue 10:00

Nazorova 51, room 11
REQUIRED: Bežovan, G., Matančević, J.; Civilno društvo i pozitivne promjene; Školska knjiga (2017), str
REQUIRED: Seibel, W.; Welfare Mixes and Hybridity: Analytical and Managerial Implications, Voluntas, 26:; (2015), str. 1751-1768
REQUIRED: Evers, A.; Mixed welfare and hybrid organizations - Changes in the governance and provision of social services. Rad izložen na konferenciji Welfare Mix, Hybridity and Government - Nonprofit Relationships in Post-Modern Welfare States; (2014), str
RECOMMENDED: Bežovan, G.; Civilno društvo; Zagreb: Nakladni zavod Globus. (2004), str
RECOMMENDED: Bežovan, G., Zrinščak, S.; Civilno društvo u Hrvatskoj; Zagreb: Jesenski i Turk/Hrvatsko sociološko društvo. (2007), str
RECOMMENDED: Zeitlin, J., Pochet, P (eds.); The Open Method of Co-ordination in Action. The European Employment and Social Inclusion Strategies.; Bruxelles: P.I.E.- Peter Lang. (2005), str
RECOMMENDED: Zimmer, A., Priller, E. (eds.); Future of Civil Society- Making Central European Nonprofit-Organisations Work; Wiesbaden: VS Verlag fuer Sozialwissenschaften (2004), str
Exam dates