Discrimination and Anti-Discriminatory Policy
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Discrimination and Anti-Discriminatory Policy
Study: Social Work - 6. semester
Code: 73955
ECTS: 3.0
Course coordinators: prof. dr. sc. Ivana Dobrotić
prof. dr. sc. Ivana Grgurev
prof. dr. sc. Snježana Vasiljević
Exam dates:
  • 10. 07. 2024.
  • 28. 08. 2024.
  • 11. 09. 2024.
Exam registration: Studomat
Basic data
Discrimination and Anti-Discriminatory Policy Social Work - 6. semester
3.0 73955
Lecturer in charge Consultations Location
prof. dr. sc. Ivana Dobrotić

In the winter semester 2021/2022 immediately after classes, and in other terms in accordance with the individual agreement with the students.

Nazorova 51, room Nazorova 51, soba 20
prof. dr. sc. Ivana Grgurev Trg Republike Hrvatske 14, room 44
prof. dr. sc. Snježana Vasiljević

Please shedule an apponitment at: snjezana.vasiljevic@pravo.unizg.hr

Follow me on Instagram:


Ćirilometodska 4, room 53
REQUIRED: Dobrotić, I.; Matković, T.; Zrinščak; S.; Gender Equality Policies and Practices in Croatia - The Interplay of Transition and Late Europeanization.; Social Policy Administration (2013), str. 47(2): 218-240
REQUIRED: Grgurev, I.; Dosezi razumne prilagodbe (u domaćem, anglosaksonskom i pravu EU); Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu 47(2) (2020), str. 287-314
REQUIRED: Vasiljević, S.; Teorijski pristupi diskriminaciji (II. poglavje). U S. Vasiljević Slično i različito: diskriminacija u Europskoj uniji i Republici Hrvatskoj; Zagreb: TIM press (2011), str. 39-62
REQUIRED: Vučković Juroš, T., Dobrotić, I.; Zrinščak, S.; Socijalna distanca i društveno okruženje: manjinske skupine u postkomunističkim i južnoeuropskim zemljama. U Baloban, J.; Nikodem, K.; Zrinščak, S. (ur.), Vrednote u Hrvatskoj i u Europi: komparativna analiza; Zagreb: KBF i Kršćanska sadašnjost (2014), str. 219-259
REQUIRED: Potočnjak, Ž., Grgurev, I. i Grgić, A.; Dokazivanje prima facie diskriminacije. U: Uzelac, A.; Garašić, J.; Maganić, A. (ur.) Djelotvorna pravna zaštita u pravičnom postupku; Zagreb: Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu (2013), str. 323-346
REQUIRED: Vasiljević, S., Vinković, M.; Temeljna prava i zabrana diskriminacije u praksi europskih i nacionalnih sudova; Narodne Novine (2019), str
RECOMMENDED: Ciccia, R., Sainsbury, D.; Gendering welfare state analysis: tensions between care and paid work; European Journal of Politics and Gender 1 (1-2) (2018), str. 93-109
RECOMMENDED: Dobrotić, I., Zrinščak, S.; (Active) ageing, gender and social policy reforms: the case of pension and eldercare reforms in Croatia; Routledge (2022), str. forthcoming
RECOMMENDED: Grgurev, I.; Divorce and Remarriage as (Un)Just Causes of Dismissal; U Mueller, Roland A., Rudolph, Roger; Schnyder, Anton K., von Kaenel, Adrian; Waas, Bernd (ur.) Festschrift fuer Wolfgang Portmann Zuerich: Schulthess Juristische Medien AG (2020), str. 203-219
RECOMMENDED: Potočnjak, Ž., Grgurev, I., Grgić, A.; Perspektive antidiskriminacijskog prava; Zagreb: Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu (2014), str. 1-316
RECOMMENDED: Rees, T.; Reflections on the uneven development of gender mainstreaming in Europe; International Feminist Journal of Politics (2005), str. 7(4): 555-574
RECOMMENDED: Grgurev, I.; Zaštita radnika od uznemiravanja na osnovi spola i spolnog uznemiravanja u pravu Europske unije, domaćem i usporednom pravu; U I. Grgurev i Ž. Potočnjak (ur), Pravna zaštita od spolnog uznemiravanja. Zagreb: Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu (2021), str. 29-58
RECOMMENDED: Vučković-Juroš, T., Dobrotić, I. Flego, S.; The Rise of the Anti-Gender Movement in Croatia and the 2013 Marriage Referendum; Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 72. (2020), str. 1523-1553
The aim of the course is to acquire comprehensive knowledge of various social policy measures at the global, European and national levels aimed at combating discrimination and a deeper understanding of their effects, as well as measures to combat discrimination in international and national law. Students will be introduced 1) to recent research and basic theoretical concepts related to the area of discrimination and diversity, as well as different grounds of discrimination; 2) with the development, meaning and characteristics of the institutional framework and social policy measures aimed at combating various forms of discrimination at global, European and national level; 3) with the conceptualization of equality and the suppression of discrimination in international law and law of the European Union, and 4) will be able to understand, analyze and evaluate individual measures of antidiscrimination policies, as well as to make recommendations in the field of antidiscrimination policies.
Exam dates
10. 07. 2024.
28. 08. 2024.
11. 09. 2024.
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