Strategic Planning in Social Policy
Katedra za socijalnu politiku English
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Strategic Planning in Social Policy
Study: Social Work - 5. semester
Code: 36684
ECTS: 3.0
Course coordinators: prof. dr. sc. Gojko Bežovan
izv. prof. dr. sc. Jelena Matančević
Exam dates:
  • 09. 07. 2024.
  • 27. 08. 2024.
  • 10. 09. 2024.
Exam registration: Studomat
Basic data
Strategic Planning in Social Policy Social Work - 5. semester
3.0 36684
Lecturer in charge Consultations Location
prof. dr. sc. Gojko Bežovan

Tue 10:00

Nazorova 51, room 11
izv. prof. dr. sc. Jelena Matančević

Mon 11:00-13:00

Nazorova 51, room 5f
REQUIRED: G. Bežovan; Evaluacijske studije i stambeni programi; Kulturni radnik, 6 (1990), str. 131-142
RECOMMENDED: S. Mandič; Socijalni programi, društveni problemi i osnaživanje utjecaja javnosti; Revija za socijalnu politiku, 11(2) (2004), str
The course enables better understanding of the process of creating social policy - preparation of social programmes, decision-making and application of social programmes. The role of strategic planning in the planning of social programmes on the local and national level, and on the level of the organisation, are explained within the course. Students also learn about models of analysing social processes and environment which are relevant for social policy programmes, about the tools and concepts used in the strategic planning in public sector. Thus they enhance their understanding of the process of strategic planning and their own ability to write proposals of social programmes or social projects.

Course description
- Social policy traditions, various ideological and value-based foundations of social planning
- Concepts of social system, quality of life, social development and social planning
- Approaches to planning issue
- Legitimacy and strategy of social planning legitimacy
- The purpose of establishing national social policy
- Social planning strategies
- Identification of needs
- Models of need evaluation
- Social indicators and their analysis
- Analysis of the usage of social services
- Social needs
- Current documents from the area of social policy in Croatia and the importance of social planning
Exam dates
09. 07. 2024.
27. 08. 2024.
10. 09. 2024.