Cognitive Skills:
After successfully completing the course, students will be able to:
1. define and describe theoretical concepts of mental health and ecosystem theory in the context of the protection of mental health;
2. explain social i.e. medical model of care in the area of mental health and critically consider and explain changes in the approach to mental health in accordance with the development of human (civil) rights, the need for social inclusion, ethics of participation and antidiscriminatory practice of social work
3. interpret the institute of guardianship and describe the role of social welfare center and of social worker in the protection of rights and interests of persons with mental health problems;
4. recognise and interpret causes for social exclusion of persons with mental health problems;
5. distinguish between reflective and antidiscriminatory social work practice in the area of the protection of mental health and act in accordance with its principles;
6. analyse and distinguish between levels of achieved deinstitutionalisation and the process of support in the emancipation of the user for the life in the community;
7. plan and conduct advocation of rights and interests of the user in accordance with the principles of social inclusion and respect for human rights;
8. describe research methods and approach to evaluation of practice that includes the user's perspective.
Practical and Generic Skills:
After successfuly completing the course, students will be able to:
- act in accordance with basic values and ethics of social work
- apply the principles of reflective and antidiscriminatory practice in social work
- ability to consider individuals in the environment
- ability to collect and analyse information from different sources
- development of interpersonal skills (group work and cooperation)
- ability to integrate knowledge and skills for work in practice
Matching Assessments to Learning Outcomes:
1. Forms of testing knowledge
Forms of testing knowledge
Level of knowledge
1.1. Group assignment, presentation and group discussion
Level 4.
1.2. Written mid-term/examination
Levels 3. – 6.
1.3. Oral examination
Levels 2. – 5.
1.1. Group assignment
Group assignment involves study of prescribed literature, organisation of collected information and preparation of a presentation and group discussion focused on critical consideration and preparation of active participation of the entire group about the presentation topic (Level 4).
1.2. Written test of knowledge through a mid-term examination / examination
Mid-tem i.e. examination consists of three questions, out of which two are questions of an essay type in which the students have to explain and interpret certain part of the course contents, and one problem task related to consideration and critical review of a certain situation (Levels 3-6).
1.3. Final course grade
Final course grade is formed as a result achieved in written test of knowledge through mid-term examinations/examinations and result of group work. If the student is not satisfied with the result, he or she may take oral examination (Levels 2-5).