Social Work and Mental Health
Katedra za teoriju i metodologiju socijalnog rada English
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Social Work and Mental Health
Study: Social Policy - 1. semester
Social Work - 1. semester
Code: 70150
ECTS: 5.0
Course coordinators: izv. prof. dr. sc. Marijana Kletečki Radović
Exam dates:
  • 10. 07. 2024.
  • 28. 08. 2024.
  • 11. 09. 2024.
Exam registration: Studomat
Basic data
Social Work and Mental Health Social Policy - 1. semester
Social Work - 1. semester
5.0 70150
Lecturer in charge Consultations Location
izv. prof. dr. sc. Marijana Kletečki Radović Nazorova 51, room Nazorova 51, soba Nazorova 51, soba 13
REQUIRED: Jokić-Begić, N., Kamenov, Ž. Lauri Korajlija, A.; Kvalitativno i kvantitativno ispitivanje sadržaja stigme prema psihičkim bolesnicima.; Socijalna psihijatrija, 33 (1), (2005), str. 10-19
REQUIRED: Kletečki Radović, M.; Teorija osnaživanja u socijalnom radu.; Ljetopis socijalnog rada, 15 (2), (2008), str. 215-242
REQUIRED: Jerry Tew; Social Perspectives in Mental Health (Poglavlje: Beresford, P., Social approaches to madness and distress); Jessica Kingsley Publishers (2005), str. 32-70
REQUIRED: Kletečki Radović, M. i Krušelj-Gača, N.; Uloga domova socijalne skrbi u individualnom planiranju za potrebe osoba s psihičkim teškoćama u Urbanc, K. (ur) Individualno planiranje u socijalnom radu.; Zagreb. Biblioteka socijalnog rada. (2015), str. 209-246
REQUIRED: Karačić, Š. i Krušelj-Gača, N.; Aspekti skrbništva iz perspektive socijalnog rada u Urbanc, K (ur) Individualno planiranje u socijalnom radu.; Zagreb. Biblioteka socijalnog rada. (2015), str. 281-297
RECOMMENDED: Viviene E. Cree, Ann Davis; Social Work: Voices from the inside (Poglavlje: Mental health social work); Routledge (2007), str. 60-82
RECOMMENDED: Obiteljski zakon (NN 103/15): Skrbništvo; (2016), str. Poglavlje: Skrbništvo
RECOMMENDED: Basset, T., Campbell, P. Andersen, J.; Service users/survivor involvement in Mental Health training and education: overcoming the barries.; Social work education, 25 (4), (2006), str. 393-402
RECOMMENDED: Zaviršek, D., Zorn, J. Videmšek, P.; Inovativne metode v socialnem delu. Opolnomočenje ljudi ki potrebujejo podporo za samostalno življenje.; Ljubljana Študentska založba. (2002)
RECOMMENDED: Lamovac, T.; Psihosocialna pomoč v duševni stiski.; Ljubljana: Visoka šola za socialno delo. (1998)
RECOMMENDED: Milas Klarić, I.; Pravni aspekti skrbništva za odrasle osobe - uloga centara za socijalnu skrb i mogućnosti individualnog planiranja u Urbacn, K. (ur) Individualno planiranje u socijalnom radu.; Zagreb. Biblioteka socijalnog rada. (2015), str. 249-267
Theoretical concepts of mental health; historical overview of institutionalisation in the field of mental health; critical review on the institutionalisation and the de-institutionalisation process;
Human rights and social inclusion in the field of mental health; strengthening and participation of users in the field of mental health; advocacy and self-advocacy of users; method of drafting the individual aid plan for the user. Legal regulation in the field of mental health. The role of the social worker in the field of mental health; including the user in the research and education in the field of mental health.
Exam dates
10. 07. 2024.
28. 08. 2024.
11. 09. 2024.