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Social Work in Virtual Environment
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Social Work in Virtual Environment
Study: Social Work - 8. semester
Code: 160072
ECTS: 3.0
Course coordinators: izv. prof. dr. sc. Lucija Vejmelka
Exam dates:
  • 09. 07. 2024.
  • 27. 08. 2024.
  • 10. 09. 2024.
Exam registration: Studomat
Basic data
Social Work in Virtual Environment Social Work - 8. semester
3.0 160072
Lecturer in charge Consultations Location
izv. prof. dr. sc. Lucija Vejmelka Nazorova 51, room Nazorova 51, soba 2a
REQUIRED: Vejmelka, L.; Strabić, N. Jazvo, M; Online aktivnosti i rizična ponašanja adolescenata u virtualnom okruženju.; Društvena istraživanja: journal for general social issues, 26 (2017), str. 159-78
REQUIRED: Reamer, F.G.; Social work in a digital age: Ethical and risk management challenges; Social Work 58, (2) (2013), str. 163-172
REQUIRED: Social work and social presence in an online world; Lamendola, W.; Journal of technology in the human services, 28 (2010), str. 108-119
REQUIRED: Mishna, F., Bogo, M., Root, J., Sawyer, J.L. Khoury-Kassabri, M..; I just crept in: The digital age and implications for social work practice.; Clinical Social Work, (2012), str. 277-286
REQUIRED: Mihajlov, M Vejmelka, L.; Internet addiction: A review of the first twenty years; Psychiatria Danubina (2017), str. 260-272
REQUIRED: Černja, I., Vejmelka, L. Rajter, M.; Internet addiction test: Croatian preliminary study; BMC Psychiatry (2019), str. 388
REQUIRED: Vidović, P. Vejmelka, L.; Korisnost i uloga virtualnog okruženja u pomažućoj praksi; Hrvatska Revija za Rehabilitacijska Istrazivanja (2018), str. 138-151
REQUIRED: Vejmelka, L. Jurinić, J.; Terminologija i konceptualizacija seksualnog iskorištavanja djece na internetu; Kriminologija socijalna integracija: časopis za kriminologiju, penologiju i poremećaje u ponašanju (2020), str. 95-114
RECOMMENDED: Istraživanje o iskustvima i ponašanjima djece na Internetu i na društvenoj mreži Facebook;
RECOMMENDED: Prevare i računalna sigurnost,;
RECOMMENDED: Centar za sigurniji internet;
RECOMMENDED: Association of Social Work Boards; Model regulatory standards for technology and social work practice.; (2015)
RECOMMENDED: NASW and ASWB standards for technology and social work practice; National Association of Social Workers Association of Social Work Boards. (2005)
Course objectives are to introduce students to the possibilities of contemporary social work through modern technologies, new risks in a virtual environment and specific ethical standards in the use of modern technologies in social work practice. Also, course objective is to familiarize students with the various possibilities of e-learning.
Also, the subject contributes to the development of critical thinking of students, ability to work independently and effectively work in a team, the ability of oral and written presentation of the results of work and respect for diversity and multiculturalism.
Exam dates
09. 07. 2024.
27. 08. 2024.
10. 09. 2024.