UNIC Mobility HUB


The UNIC approach is oriented towards creating a truly European collaborative structure that will enhance inter-university mobility, social inclusion and societal impact. It includes the building of technical and infrastructural foundations of a UNIC collaborative structure. One of the important infrastructural building blocks of the UNIC are UNIC Mobility Hubs.

The objective of establishing UNIC Mobility Hubs is building the UNIC University by developing UNIC’s physical presence at the partner universities. Target audience are all staff and students of UNIC partner Universities. 







UNIC Spring School on Entrepreneurship and Transformation: 
15. ožujka – 31. svibnja 2021.

Poziv na sudjelovanje

U organizaciji članova UNIC konzorcija - Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Sveučilišta Ruhr iz Bochuma (Njemačka) i Sveučilišta iz Oula (Finska) - održava se prva UNIC Spring School on Entrepreneurship and Transformation. 

Zainteresirani studenti mogu slušati predavanja iz slijedećih kolegija:    

•    The Economics of Digitalization  
•    Microeconomics of Competitiveness 
•    Business Statistics 
•    Doing Business in the European Union 
•    Digital Technology Usage in Entrepreneurship 
•    Building Business Through Creativity 
•    Exercising Entrepreneurship

Omogućeno je sudjelovanje 165 studenata preddiplomskih, diplomskih i doktorskih studija zainteresiranih za poduzetništvo i razmjenu ideja s kolegama s drugih sveučilišta.  

Za uspješan završetak škole studenti će dobiti odgovarajući broj ECTS bodova. 

Radi epidemiološke situacije izazvane COVID-19 predavanja će se održavati online.

Prijave traju do 28. veljače 2021.     

Za dodatne informacije:  unic-school@rub.de  

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