Urednik tematskog broja: prof. dr. sc. Budislav Vukas
Uvodna rijec (Budislav Vukas)
- Zlata Drnas: Tendencias latinoamericanas en materia de protección del medio marino (con especial mención a los paises del MERCOSUR)
- Tjaco T. van den Hout: One Hundred Years of International Dispute Resolution
- Vladimir Ibler: Jus cogens i pravo mora Joško Klisovic: The State (Dis)continuity of the SFRY and the Development of International Law
- Davorin Lapaš: Quelques réflexions concernant la question de la "constitutionnalité" dans le cadre de l'O.N.U.
- Tomas Mensah: The Competence of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Outside the Framework of the Convention on the Law of the Sea
- Mohamed Mouldi Marsit: L`Afrique et le Droit de la mer
- Maja Seršić: Nuclear Tests and International law
- Mirjam Škrk: Court of Conciliation and Arbitration within the OSCE and Its Prospects for the Future
- Kristian Turkalj: Razgranicenje teritorijalnog mora izmedu Hrvatske i Slovenije u sjevernom Jadranu (Piranski zaljev)
- Nina Vajić: Duljina sudskog postupka
- Budislav Vukas: The Croatian Model of Organisation and Operation of Minority Associations
- Rüdiger Wolfrum: Zwischenstaatliche Solidarität - ein völkerrechtliches Prinzip?
Posebni prilozi:
- Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union
- United Nations: Declaration Adopted at the Millennium Summit of the United Nations General Assembly
- World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance: Declaration and Programme of Action adopted on 8 September 2001 in Durban, South Africa
- Vladimir Ibler: međunarodno pravo mora i Hrvatska (Vesna Baric Punda)
- Rhodes Academy of Oceans Law and Policy, Fifth Session, Rhodos, Greece (Trpimir Šošic)
Fakultetska kronika (Stjepan Lice)
Pravna bibliografija (Ana Šaric-Radocaj, Marino Jureković)