Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu
Dr. sc. Sanja Ljubetić: Izazovi legalizacije građevina u lukama nautičkog turizma

Izazovi legalizacije građevina u lukama nautičkog turizma


Dr. sc. Sanja Ljubetić, pravni zastupnik, Adriatic Croatia International Club, Rudolfa Strohala 2, 51000 Rijeka;; ORCID ID:




U radu se analizira problematika i izazovi s kojima se susreću investitori u lukama nautičkog turizma prilikom pribave dozvola za postojeće građevine, koje slijedom povijesno neuređene pravne situacije nemaju potrebne dozvole. Posebna pozornost u radu posvećuje se problematici legalizacije građevina sukladno definiciji lučke suprastrukture sadržanoj u općim odredbama Zakona o pomorskom dobru i morskim lukama. Daje se pregled i ocjena normativnog uređenja te postupanja u praksi kao i prijedlozi usmjereni boljoj pravnoj uređenosti navedenog područja.


Ključne riječi: pomorsko dobrolučko područjeluke nautičkog turizmalegalizacija građevina 
Hrčak ID: 272077
Stranice: 767-795


Challenges of Legalization of Buildings in Nautical Tourism Ports


Sanja Ljubetić, Ph. D., Legal Representative, Adriatic Croatia International Club, Rudolfa Strohala 2, 51000 Rijeka;; ORCID ID:




The paper analyzes the problems and challenges faced by investors in nautical tourism ports when obtaining permits for existing buildings, which due to the historically unresolved legal situation do not have the necessary permits. An overview of the regulation of the institute of maritime domain and the legal status of buildings on the maritime domain is given. Special attention in the paper is paid to the issue of legalization of buildings in accordance with the definition of port superstructure in nautical tourism ports contained in the general provisions of the Act on Maritime Property and Seaports. Furthermore, the paper clarifies who can be considered an investor for the construction of buildings on the maritime domain, and presents the views in practice on the possible application of the Act on the Treatment of Illegally Constructed Buildings. An overview and assessment of the regulation and the legal and economic consequences of the existing regulation is presented. New directions in the development of legalization regulations for buildings on the maritime domain are considered. The paper ends with a conclusion summarizing the above points of research, as well as an assessment of the normative situation. Finally, proposals aimed at better legal regulation of the researched subject are given.


Keywords: maritime domainport areanautical tourism portslegalization of buildings 
Hrčak ID: 272077
Pages: 767-795