Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu
Neven Pelicarić, mag. iur.: Kanonskopravni i povijesni aspekti kreacije nadbiskupa zagrebačkog...

Kanonskopravni i povijesni aspekti kreacije nadbiskupa zagrebačkog bl. Alojzija Stepinca kardinalom Svete rimske Crkve. Otkriće njegove naslovne crkve u Rimu


Neven Pelicarić, mag. iur., savjetnik Predsjednika Republike za vanjsku i europsku politiku, Pantovčak 241, 10000 Zagreb;;





Na osnovi dosad nepoznatog dokumenta pronađenog u vatikanskom arhivu Ureda za bogoslužna slavlja Vrhovnog svećenika, autor pronalazi da je tijekom konzistorija 12. siječnja 1953. papa Pio XII. (Pacelli) novoizabranom kardinalu Alojziju Stepincu dodijelio naslovnu crkvu te da je to bila Sancti Pauli in Arenula (San Paolo alla Regola). Razrađen je postupak utvrđivanja istinitosti i vjerodostojnosti pronađenog dokumenta. Objašnjeni su i mogući razlozi zbog kojih se dosad pitanje postojanja i identifikacije Stepinčeve naslovne crkve nije istraživalo, unatoč dobro poznatoj činjenici da po kanonskom pravu svakom novoizabranom kardinalu mora biti dodijeljena naslovna crkva u Rimu. Opisane su i okolnosti u kojima se predmetni konzistorij odvijao te neposredne negativne posljedice po diplomatske odnose Svete Stolice i Federativne Narodne Republike Jugoslavije.

Ključne riječi: Alojzije Stepinackardinalkonzistorijnaslovna crkva
Hrčak ID: 272072


Stranice: 587-618


Canon Law and Historical Aspects of the Creation of Zagreb Archbishop Aloysius Stepinac as Cardinal of the Holy Roman Church. The Discovery of His Titular Church in Rome



Neven Pelicarić, LL. M., Foreign and European Policy Advisor to the President of the Republic, Pantovčak 241, 10000 Zagreb;;






Following the decision of Pope Francis to open the Archives of the Pontificate of pope Pius XII (Pacelli) in March 2020, an opportunity arose to endeavor to solve the mystery of the unknown titular church that was to be assigned to the Archbishop and Metropolitan of Zagreb Blessed Aloysius Card. Stepinac in 1953. Canon Law explicitly states that the Roman Pontiff assigns each of the cardinals his own title or diaconia in Rome. That is a prerequisite for them to get incardinated into the clergy of Rome, thus gaining active electoral power in electing a future Pope, once gathered in a Conclave.
Notwithstanding the numerous studies and biographies that went into the depths of the life of Blessed Aloysius, and were crowned with the canonical process of his beatification – this particular aspect of his creation as a cardinal was never researched. The author was convinced that he must have been assigned a titular church in its time, but it remained unknown not only to the general public but to researches as well.
An easier and unimpeded access to the various Archives was enjoyed by the author even during the pandemic restrictions, due to the fact that at the time of research he was serving as Ambassador of his country to the Holy See. He was allowed to consult numerous Archives, including but not limited to the Apostolic Archive, the Archives of the Sacred College of Cardinals, the Congregation for Bishops, the Congregation for Doctrine of Faith, and the Archives of both Sections of the Secretariat of State – all initially to no avail.
However, in the Archive of the Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff, persistent research produced heretofore unknown, unsigned and undated document pertaining to the final preparations for the Consistory of 1953. The document indicated that, during said Consistory, held on 12 January 1953, Pope Pius XII indeed assigned newly created cardinal Aloysius Stepinac his titular church — SANCTI PAULI IN ARENULA (San Paolo alla Regola).
A procedure to verify the truthfulness and authenticity of this document has been developed. The scientific method also suggested beyond reasonable doubt that this titular church assignment complied with true and explicit wishes of Pius XII.
It is a well-established and commonly known fact that all newly created cardinals have to be assigned a titular church in Rome, and that the Vatican administration has carefully and consistently recorded these assignments for centuries. Explanations and potential reasons are therefore also provided as to why the question of the existence and identification of Stepinac’s titular church has not previously been researched.

KeywordsAloysius Stepinaccardinalconsistorytitular church
Hrčak ID: 272072

Pages: 587-618