Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu
Alan Uzelac: Javnobilježnička ovrha i zaštita potrošača

Javnobilježnička ovrha i zaštita potrošača: novi izazovi europeizacije građanskog postupka


Dr. sc. Alan Uzelac, redoviti profesor Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Trg Republike Hrvatske 14, Zagreb;; ORCID ID:

Ovrha na temelju vjerodostojne isprave pravni je institut koji se u proteklih nekoliko desetljeća transformirao od sasvim marginalnoga opcionalnog instrumenta ovršnog prava do praktičnog standarda u postupcima naplate nespornih novčanih tražbina koji brojčano predvodi u statistikama hrvatskih građanskih postupaka. Usporedno je taj oblik certifikacije nespornog duga većim dijelom izmješten iz sudova te predan u nadležnost javnih bilježnika. Međutim, preobrazba toga autohtonog instrumenta postjugoslavenskoga procesnog prava nastavlja se. U ovom radu analiziraju se interni i eksterni pritisci zbog kojih bi se javnobilježnička ovrha mogla, nakon što je doživjela svoj zenit, ponovno preobraziti i bitno ograničiti, a možda i napustiti kao instrument naplate duga u potrošačkim sporovima. Naime, recentna praksa Suda EU-a ne samo što načelno dovodi u pitanje nadležnost javnih bilježnika i njihovo pravo da donose rješenja koja bi bila ovršiva u širemu europskom prostoru, nego u nizu novih odluka upozorava i na to da bi javnobilježnička ovrha mogla u postupku na Sudu EU-a biti proglašena nesukladnom europskim propisima o zaštiti potrošača iz Direktive 93/13 o nepoštenim uvjetima u potrošačkim sporovima. Nakon komparativne analize odluka Suda EU-a i reakcija drugih država članica na slične izazove, autor se u zaključku bavi implikacijama novih izazova na najavljenu reformu ovršnog prava.

Ključne riječi
platni nalog; ovrha na temelju vjerodostojne isprave; javnobilježnička ovrha; zaštita potrošača; nepošteni uvjeti potrošačkih ugovora; građansko procesno pravo; europsko pravo; Sud Europske unije; europeizacija

HRZZ / IP / IP-2013-11-6988 / TCJust-UD - Preobrazba građanskog pravosuđa pod utjecajem globalnih i regionalnih integracijskih procesa. Jedinstvo i različitost

Hrčak ID: 216249


Stranice: 637-660



Notarial Enforcement Orders and Protection of Consumers: New Challenges of Europeization of Civil Procedure


Alan Uzelac, LL.D., Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, Trg Republike Hrvatske 14, Zagreb, Croatia;; ORCID ID:

Notarial enforcement orders are a specific, indigenous instrument of Croatian and post-Yugoslav civil procedure. Such orders, officially entitled “enforcement orders based on ‘trustworthy’ documents” (hereafter: EOTD) are issued in a hybrid ex parte procedure in which a payment order is amalgamated with the enforcement writ. In the past, EOTDs were within court jurisdiction. They were introduced in the 1970’s as an optional instrument in the Enforcement Act (EA), alongside the payment orders regulated in the Code of Civil Procedure (CCP). Until 1990s, EOTDs were a relatively marginal, seldom used instrument. However, since 1990s they were made mandatory for most cases of monetary debt enforcement. Since 2005 the issuing of EOTDs was transferred to the jurisdictions of public notaries as notarial enforcement orders, and the EOTDs became the most wide-spread form of civil procedure nationwide. Currently, about 700,000 EOTDs are made annually, compared to about 120,000 litigation proceedings in Croatian courts.
However, the initial transformation from a marginal to an omnipresent procedural tool may very well turn into the opposite direction. This paper describes the internal and external pressures on redefinition, reorganization, reduction and possible abandonment of notarial enforcement orders. The emphasis is, however, placed on the European dimension. After an announcement by the Croatian government of its plans to reform the EOTDs in order to address the concerns raised by CJEU decisions in the Pula parking and Zulfikarpašić cases, another set of CJEU decisions may affect the governmental plans. In this paper, the author specifically analyses the CJEU decision in the Polish case Profi Credit Polska (C-176/17), in which the Court found that the Polish payment order procedure is incompatible with European standards of consumer protection against unfair contract terms contained in EU Directive 93/13. This case is significant for Croatian notarial enforcement orders due to the fact that it raises for the first time the issue of compatibility of payment orders with the ex officio duty to shield consumers against unfair contract terms in a transition country, but also due to functional and procedural similarities of the Polish payment orders with the Croatian EOTDs. 
The result of the analysis indicates that, if a Croatian court were to request a preliminary ruling, the CJEU would easily find EOTDs equally incompatible with the European procedural guarantees of effective consumer protection. By reference to recent studies produced for the EC, the author discusses how other jurisdictions in the Member States deal with similar problems. In the concluding part, the paper presents potential implications for the current process of the EOTDs reform and presents issues and possible solutions which could balance out the need for an effective system of certification of uncontested debt with the European procedural standards of consumer protection.

payment order; enforcement based on ‘trustworthy’ documents; notarial enforcement orders; consumer protection; unfair terms of consumer contracts; civil procedure; European law; Court of Justice of the EU;Europeanization

HRZZ / IP / IP-2013-11-6988 / TCJust-UD - Preobrazba građanskog pravosuđa pod utjecajem globalnih i regionalnih integracijskih procesa. Jedinstvo i različitost

Hrčak ID: 216249


Pages: 637-660