General info
Collected Papers of Zagreb Law Faculty (Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu) is a journal which publishes papers primarily from the fields of legal and social sciences. The Editorial Board accepts for consideration exclusively previously unpublished papers. Authors retain the copyright on the papers published in the journal, but grant the right of the publication, both in printed and in electronic form, to the journal. The paper accepted for publication or already published in Collected Papers may be published by the author(s) in other publications only with proper notice of its publication in Collected Papers.
Peer Review Process
Manuscripts are anonymously reviewed by two independent peer reviewers (double blind peer-review) and categorised as follows:
The Editorial Board will notify the authors on the results of review process as soon as the reports from reviewers are received.
If the article is rejected for publication in Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu the embargo period for the resubmission of revised article is 12 months.
Article length and language
Text and the footnotes should be written in the same font (Times New Roman) – size 12 the main text, size 10 for footnotes. Authors should use the following forms of quotation marks: “ ” and ‘ ’. The use of bold and underline formatting shall not be applied to the text, only italics, but they should not be used at the same time with quotation marks (NO - “quote”). Latin terms and abbreviations should be always written in italics (sui generis, infra, op. cit., ibid.). Footnote numbers should not be italicized and are to be written before comma, but after a full stop.
All the bibliographical data should be given both in footnotes as well as in the Bibliography at the end of text. Following rules of citation should be used:
First mention of the book – full data: Last name, initial of first name, title of the book (in italics), publisher, city, year, page(s) to which it is referenced; or,
for articles in collected works:
Last name, initial of first name, title of the article (in italics), in: last name, initial of first name of the editor(s) (ed.), title of the book (in italics), publisher, city, year, page(s) to which it is referenced (in the footnote only referenced pages should be written, in bibliography first and last page of the article); or,
for articles in journals:
Last name, initial of first name, title of the article (in italics), title of the journal, volume (number of volume is preceded by abbreviated vol.), issue (number of issue is preceded by abbreviated no.), year, page(s) to which it is referenced (in the footnote only referenced pages should be written, in bibliography first and last page of the article).
Repeated mentioning (for all forms): Last name of the author, op. cit. (indication of footnote where the title is first mentioned, used in the form fn. XY), page(s) to which it is referenced.
If there are several authors, their names are to be separated by semicolon (;).
In footnotes with repeated reference to an already mentioned title, if there are several authors, their last names should be written up to three authors; for four authors and more abbreviation et al. should be used after the first author.
Latin abbreviations are welcome when used appropriately (ibid., op. cit., loc. cit., et al., vol., etc.).
1. Books:
First mention:
Alinčić, M.; Hrabar, D.; Jakovac-Lozić, D.; Korać, A., Obiteljsko pravo, Narodne novine, Zagreb, 2007, p. 156.
Further on, except ibid. with another page or loc. cit. for subsequent footnotes:
Alinčić et al., op. cit. (fn. 10), p. 157.
2. Journals:
First mention:
Skorupan Wolff, V., Vađenje potonulih stvari u hrvatskom pravu de lege lata i de lege desiderata, Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu, vol. 60, no. 3-4, 2010, pp. 693 – 746.
Repeated mention:
Skorupan Wolff, op. cit. (fn. 10), p. 730.
If there were several titles mentioned for the first time by the same author in the same footnote:
Skorupan Wolff, Vađenje…, op. cit. (fn. 10), p. 730.
3. Internet sources:
Additional to the regular data (author, title, publisher, year), if available, there should be added Internet adress and the date of access:
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, (15 March 2010).
4. Legislation:
Titles of the Acts are not written in italics. Also, full name of the official gazette should be given, in local language and in brackets in English (if the article is written in English).
Art. 61 and 62 Ustava RH [Constitution of the Republic of Croatia], Narodne novine [Official Gazette], no. 85/2010.